Wow ... alright well I spent a good half hour looking over your links and spoilers and pictures and have come to the conclusion that, just as my wife claims, I really do have bird seed in my head. I understood exactly zero lol. I am so bad with redstone. I mean I understand the simple current flow from point A to B but when it gets into the redstone torches and what's on and what's not on, etc, I get completely lost.
Here is the 7 minute spiral door tutorial that I built but I have no idea where to put this XOR thing or even what it really is or how it works.
Would you be able to look at the video and maybe give me some pointers on where it can be placed ? I imagine it will have to be underneath everything, which is best for me since this is the entrance to a large house and I'd rather have this XOR thing underground rather than try to make really thick walls to hide the redstone workings, if that makes sense.
I have gone blind over the last 2 days looking at video over video over video of 3x3 spiral door tutorials on YouTube. They are amazing but I can't find any that lets you open or close it from the other side. I want it to be the entrance to my house but the only way to close it is to flick the outside switch. That works but then how do I get out of my house lol ?
Some of the videos say that to operate it from the other side just wire the redstone around to a switch or button but it doesn't explain how. I've experimented a bit but can't figure it out.
Does anyone know of a tutorial that shows a way to open and close the door from both sides ? The only one I found has 3 pressure plates on each side, which is neat but it also means mobs can come into my house - not optimal. Those ones also have the center block missing which allow spiders to get in when the door's closed.
Please let me know if anyone knows of a good tutorial for this, I am tired of plain wooded or steel doors
Okay, thanks for the great opinions and advice. One last question on my part though (just thought of it) - how much room do you need on the sides of where the trunk will be to allow for leaves ? I mean, will a tree grow if it's in a 1x1x10 space with a glowie at the top ?
15 high ? Alright, yeah, I believe if I put glowstone on the ground by the saplings it will grow them like they are in full sunlight but not sure. Do you have to have lighting above them as well ? Or can the light be only above them and nothing on the ground ? I just don't know what the light level needs to be to grow a tree and where that light level is registered at.
I have a mountain top base and am making different levels inside the mountain for different functions - iron farm, spawner kill room, gardens, etc. My next level project is a tree farm but I'm not sure how high to make the room and where to put the lighting to make them grow the best. I'm putting grass down as a floor and will be putting in redstone lamps or just glowstone as lighting. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
So I've been thinking of picking up a tablet to mess around on and thought it would be fun to also get MCPE for it. However, I'm not sure which tablet would be best to run the game on it. Ipod or Android ?
It's in a house so they'd have to be powered all the time to keep critters from spawning while I'm out getting more chips and salsa. I tried the switch on the side but it's a large space so I need about 40 lights and that's too many switches to pretend they are designer chic lol. Having the switch on top where no one could see would work but it looked odd having a fence post come down two or three spots from the ceiling (to symbolize a hanging light) and not actually touching the light cuz the switch is in the way.
Thanks for the advice but it confirms it can't be done the way I want it done. I ended up making a crawl space under the floor lined with redstone so it would touch and light up more redstone lamps in the room below the crawl space as well (set in the floor of the crawl space which is the ceiling for the lower room).. And having the redstone lamps in the floor (and ceiling) makes a cool looking "tile" block.
I'm trying to make a type of hanging lamp that's a redstone lamp. It looks a lot nicer than a glowstone. What I would like is a redstone lamp hanging at the end of a few fence posts from the ceiling but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to get this done. I suspect it simply can't be done because the redstone current would have to travel unseen through at least 2 fence posts. Any other ideas on how this would work and have it look good ?
Does anyone know of an app that will let you place icons on your iphone screen wherever you want them ? Right now it seems they all have to be in a line. Let me know, thanks in advance !
I found a couple of local stores that have Wi-Fi extenders for around the $60 range so I'm gonna get one tomorrow and set it up. I really don't want to move my modem and router upstairs and then have to figure out how to run an Ethernet cable down to my computer so I hope that extender works for me, thanks for the advice, Ace. Baring that, I will be taking Karl's advice and just getting a 2nd router and putting it upstairs somewhere, but then again I have to figure out how to run a cable down to my first router. I heard that connecting the 2nd one to the first one wirelessly will really hit the lat hard.
My current router is in my basement and the signal would have to go through a couple of wood walls, a concrete wall and then a bunch of dirt to get up above ground to my patio. I've heard that concrete and dirt are a killer to signal strength. Is that true ?
The IT manager in my office said first step is to put my current router upstairs (above ground) and see if the signal improves for outside and if it does then figure out if I want to connect to my desktop computer wirelessly or if I want to drill a hole in the floor for an Ethernet cable.
Well, my local cable company has boosted their internet up to 50mbps so not sure if the latency will be effected or not. Should the 2nd router be connected by Ethernet to the first router or to a cable coaxial cable or can it be connected to the system wirelessly (which should allow me to stick it to any wall in my house where the wife won't yell at it looking ugly) ?
Now if I do opt for a new router that does have an extended range by itself, does anyone know what price range I'd be looking at ? The Netgear I have is about $110. I'm not opposed to spending a couple hundred bucks if it does what I need it to do. I have found several in the $200 range that says it has "Ultimate Range - WiFi coverage throughout your home" but it doesn't give me an actual distance. What does ultimate range mean ?
Hey one and all. I'm looking for a wireless router that has a range of 70-100 feet. Currently I have a Netgear 600 gigabit dual band router, which works great but I just built a patio down in my back yard so I need the signal to go through a couple of walls and then a concrete exterior wall then go about 50 feet to the back patio in my yard. Should I install a 2nd router upstairs where there's only a wood and siding exterior wall, or ... ? Honestly I have no idea what to do to get a good signal on my new patio. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the 7 minute spiral door tutorial that I built but I have no idea where to put this XOR thing or even what it really is or how it works.
Would you be able to look at the video and maybe give me some pointers on where it can be placed ? I imagine it will have to be underneath everything, which is best for me since this is the entrance to a large house and I'd rather have this XOR thing underground rather than try to make really thick walls to hide the redstone workings, if that makes sense.
Some of the videos say that to operate it from the other side just wire the redstone around to a switch or button but it doesn't explain how. I've experimented a bit but can't figure it out.
Does anyone know of a tutorial that shows a way to open and close the door from both sides ? The only one I found has 3 pressure plates on each side, which is neat but it also means mobs can come into my house - not optimal. Those ones also have the center block missing which allow spiders to get in when the door's closed.
Please let me know if anyone knows of a good tutorial for this, I am tired of plain wooded or steel doors
Thanks for the advice but it confirms it can't be done the way I want it done. I ended up making a crawl space under the floor lined with redstone so it would touch and light up more redstone lamps in the room below the crawl space as well (set in the floor of the crawl space which is the ceiling for the lower room).. And having the redstone lamps in the floor (and ceiling) makes a cool looking "tile" block.
Wish me luck !
Here's the link for one of the routers I saw that boast ultimate range. That line item is 7th on the bullet points in the description.
My current router is in my basement and the signal would have to go through a couple of wood walls, a concrete wall and then a bunch of dirt to get up above ground to my patio. I've heard that concrete and dirt are a killer to signal strength. Is that true ?
The IT manager in my office said first step is to put my current router upstairs (above ground) and see if the signal improves for outside and if it does then figure out if I want to connect to my desktop computer wirelessly or if I want to drill a hole in the floor for an Ethernet cable.
Now if I do opt for a new router that does have an extended range by itself, does anyone know what price range I'd be looking at ? The Netgear I have is about $110. I'm not opposed to spending a couple hundred bucks if it does what I need it to do. I have found several in the $200 range that says it has "Ultimate Range - WiFi coverage throughout your home" but it doesn't give me an actual distance. What does ultimate range mean ?
I actually play with the music off, and sometimes the sound too so I can listen to Adam Carolla's podcast.