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    posted a message on Misa's Realistic Texture Pack - 1.20.1+ UPDATED ELSEWHERE!
    Misa's gonna update ??? *does a happy dance* Someone had said that it wasn't going to be updated anymore. I have looked at a bunch of different realistic hd packs but none of them can compare to Misa. Now that I know it'll be updated, I can handle default for a bit longer :)
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Lenovo tablet & keyboard case question
    Alright, I'm looking to pick up the following Lenovo tablet but had a couple of technical questions that I'm hoping someone much more knowledgeable than me with computers can answer.


    Nice little machine for a decent price. Now, the only keyboard they have that seems made for it is this one.


    Nice keyboard but what I'm looking for is a case with a keyboard in it. I found a couple of different keyboard cases but I have no idea if they will work with the Lenovo Ideatab or not.




    or even this


    They say they are compatible with tablets like the Surface or Galaxy Tab, etc , but does that mean it will work with other Android tablets ? Will the case give me access to the power button and other ports or will I have to take it out of the case every time I want to plug it in to something (computer, ac charger, etc) ?

    And will one made for an ipad work ? I don't think it would because it's for an IOS and the Lenovo is an Android, but again, I'm a complete luddite when it comes to technology.


    Any helpful answers or advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance !
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on Windows Tablets Question
    Does anyone have a Windows 8 tablet they can download MineCraft to and then try to log into their MineCraft PC server ? I know for me, and probably several other people who are moderators, ops or admins, it would be such a convenience to be able to check on our MC servers when unable to sit down at our desktop computers. This would be a great way to be able to help server members or resolve player issues when not home.
    Posted in: MCPE: Discussion
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    posted a message on Windows Tablets Question
    I am thinking of buying a tablet for a few things I like to do outside of MineCraft. Now I know that there's some tablets that use Windows 8. My question is - do those window tablets use the PE version of MineCraft or can I log into MineCraft on the windows tablet using my current PC account of MineCraft ?
    Posted in: MCPE: Discussion
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    posted a message on Hawkeye & Torches
    Oh, and how far back does /hk search go ? 3 weeks ? longer ? Sometimes I will inspect something but it says no results when it's obviously a player-made block.

    What plug in is /co for ?
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Hawkeye & Torches
    Is there a command in Hawkeye that will show me who placed a torch I'm looking at ? If not in Hawkeye, then is there some other command that will reveal that information ? I've tried every command I can think of to no avail :(
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Protecting Buttons
    This is probably a total newbie question but I can't figure it out. How do you "protect" a button so no one else can use it ? I built a portcullis as the entrance to part of my base but just anyone can come by and push it. raising the portcullis and gaining entry. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Custom Signature Help Needed
    Alright, I'm trying to create a custom signature but the online ones I've found (SignatureCraft, etc) won't let me customize it with my own picture. I created one in Print Shop 22 but it won't let me use it so that won't work.

    Can someone describe how, step by step, to create a custom signature for MineCraft Forums that include a picture saved on my desktop ? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on Nitro Glass For iPhone
    Nitro Glass looks pretty dang good. I was at Sprint the other day and the clerk had it on his phone, and to show me how good it is, he put his own phone on the counter and hit it damn hard with a metal stapler. I mean HARD. The phone jumped from the force and so did the people sitting down the counter from me, lol.

    Now I've heard a couple of reviews saying that it will sometimes mute or hang up on calls, and other times will keep the phone's screen from turning off since it feels the pressure of the nitro glass and it thinks it's your finger trying to use an app or whatever.

    Who has the nitro glass on their phone and how good is it ? Do those negative reviews actually have merit or are they just a couple of whiners ?

    Any advice or experience with nitro glass is greatly appreciated. Don't want to waste $50 on it if it's crap. Thanks.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Is there a good apple farm ?
    horses breed with golden carrots ??? I have a huge carrot patch ! Here, horsey horsey horsey ...
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Is there a good apple farm ?
    With the introduction of horses, the need for golden apples suddenly became an important part of the game. I do have a zombie pigman spawner/kill room, so I have plenty of golden nuggets but no apples. I made a big room with a bunch of oak trees growing in it but the chance to get an apple off them are slim to none.

    Is there a workable apple farm or want to get the trees to produce more apples ? Are oak trees the only way to get apples ? Any help or advice will be appreciated, thanks.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Same Account - Different Computer
    No worries there, it's a great server so I have the ip tattooed somewhere on my body ... but I digress ...
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Same Account - Different Computer
    Wow, great news and thanks all for the fast replies.

    One more question, triggered by Akynth's advice about my save file. Do I have to do that if I am only playing on someone else's multiplayer server ? I'm guessing no since all that stuff should be on that server (except for my texture pack). Yes, no or maybe ?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Same Account - Different Computer
    I may have to leave town for a week soon but being a true MineCraft addict, I mean supporter, I have to find a way to take the game with me. I have it currently on my desktop. Is there a way to download the game to my laptop and log in with the same account and play on the same multiplayer server ?

    If I have to buy a new copy of the game, I can do that easy enough, but then will I have to create a new account ?

    Let me know, thanks.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on I Need A 3x3 Spiral Door Tutorial
    My apologies, this is a testament on how many 3x3 door videos I've watched in the last 12 hours. Here's the one I built that uses a lever.

    For your advice to connect another button to the block with the button on it, would I just dig down a couple of blocks deeper (so the redstone doesn't effect any of the pistons or anything in the door itself) and lay a trail of redstone from the button block under the door mechanisims and then back up to the other side of the door with another button ?

    Also, with the video using the switch listed in this reply, I'm looking to have a button or pressure plate on the other side of the door but with a delay long enough to get through before it closes on me.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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