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    posted a message on Picture On Skin
    Okay, I've never really played around with SkinDex but it looks like there's no way to add in a picture or anything onto the skin. I'm thinking of maybe a patch for the back, like a jacket or vest picture, but there's no way it will look like anything by just filling in the little squares with different colors.

    Anyone know of any way to add in pictures to a skin ?
    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on Wither Skeletons
    Alright, I'm ready to construct my first beacon and need some tips or advice on how to get wither skulls. I found a nether fortress and got into a good spot with many passages leading off from a main hallway. I put slabs up around this intersection so the tall wither skellies can't reach me and am ready with a Smite IV, Loot II sword.

    And I wait ... and wait ... and ... where the heck are they anyway ?

    So, any tips or advice on how to find the wither skeletons faster or easier than sitting here finally finishing War & Peace ?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Gunpowder
    I have a blaze spawner kill room (thank you Ethos !) so xps aren't a factor but I could use bone for bonemeal. Sounds like I just make a big dark room and wait for the natural spawns. I think I'll put in water dispensers and have spawned critters float down to a "collection spot" where I can toss in potion of harming and kill 100 at once like I do with my blaze spawner.

    And yeah, it's easy to kill a creeper with an iron sword, but I was looking for dozens of creepers all at once. Iron sword or not, you're not going to normally live through that :P
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Gunpowder
    Gunpowder - we all know what it is and how vital it is, especially for splash potions. Question is, how do we get it ? According to the wiki, it only drops from creepers, witches and ghasts. Perhaps 3 of the deadliest critters out there. Since there's no creeper or ghast spawners to build a kill room around, and witch huts are so difficult to secure since it requires a huge area be lighted up (or flooded), it's tricky to get.

    Anyone have some good ways to get ahold of gunpowder ?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Minecraft is down?
    Yep, been down here for over an hour :(
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Villager / Iron Golem Distance
    Turns out I was wrong about that height memory. I raised the ceiling to 4 blocks of space under it and immediately started getting golems to spawn up there. I wonder if this will increase my net iron gathering.

    Now to make a lava moat outside the cobble fence around my iron farm property. Those dang zombie kids build up fast. I checked it today after 3 or 4 days and there must have been over a hundred.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Villager / Iron Golem Distance
    Thanks for the advice but I have the building and surrounding area set up and looking good already. If need be, I just wade up the water chute and punch one of the golems. He jumps back (probably in surprise a human hand can actually hurt a massive 10' tall solid iron behemoth) which lets the other golem fall into the lava while I float safely away, back to the chest which will be their final resting place.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Villager / Iron Golem Distance
    Hm, thought at one point I had seen one spawn up there a long time ago but it could be there was 4 on that model or no roof. I know I've had two get stuck together at the lava hole but they probably both spawned in the bottom room, come to think of it.

    I have a glass ceiling so I guess I'll have to cook more glass then it looks like lol.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Villager / Iron Golem Distance
    Oh no, just two floors, 3 high in the top and 4 high in the bottom level, then the 3 deep chute with lava and water. I considered a single 18x18x3 room a single spawning cell. Doing it that way I get two golems spawn at the same time sometimes.

    I know it's small and simple as far as most iron farms go but I can get a full stack of iron blocks (not ingots) if I afk over night. IMHO if you are using more iron than that, you have a problem lol
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Villager / Iron Golem Distance
    Well, I have the classic docm iron farm but slightly modified so there are two spawning cells on top of each other (floor of top is ceiling of bottom) and then a people pod on each side with 4 villagers each (16 villagers for the 48 doors attached to the spawn area walls). The golems drop only 3 blocks under the bottom one (lava is held up by signs in the 2x2 hole so their heads cook while their feet are in water), then the iron washes 7 blocks away into a hopper and chest. It would be easy to extend the drop another 5 blocks before the lava and water. I'll have to try that and see how it goes. Thanks, man.Ah, this might all be a moot point. Word around the campfire is that 1.8 will not bugger iron farms after all. Hope that's true.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Villager / Iron Golem Distance
    Alright, I heard that with 1.8, we will no longer be able to have villagers spawn iron golems, wash them into a tube with lava around their heads to kill them and have them drop iron ingots. Instead we will have to manually hit them to get the iron out of them.

    Okay, so I have a couple of questions about changing my iron farm.

    1) How far can we be from the villagers to have them still spawn iron golems ?

    2) How far do the golems have to be from the villagers before the villagers will spawn more golems ?

    I'm thinking of having a point to stand in to keep the villagers spawning golems, then having the golems washed to a collection point where I can go and destroy 100 of them at a time (probably with timed crushing and a potion of harming like I do with blazes and spiders). Thanks for any advice and answers :)
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Pigmen & Rail Lines
    I just need to make sure that half slabs or glass blocks won't hurt when I ride under them. Why can't we have half glass slaps or glass steps ? Come on, Mojang !
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Pigmen & Rail Lines
    I have several rail lines going from one portal or build to another in the nether. Since pigmen can spawn in any light level, is there a way to make them so zombie pigmen don't spawn on them all the time ?

    Someone suggested glass blocks on the 2nd block up (it's a simple 1 wide, 2 high tunnel) because players can't suffocate or be damaged by going through the glass blocks. I've also heard half slabs on the ceiling, making the tunnel 1 1/2 blocks high. Which is the best way, or is there another even better way ?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Zombie Villagers Question
    Thanks :) light at the end of the tunnel for my iron farm lol
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Zombie Villagers Question
    I'm playing on a ultra hard core vanilla server. I found a village but before I could secure any villagers in their homes and safe from zombies, they were turned and then burned up in the sun. I have a couple of questions that I'm hoping someone more knowledgeable can answer.

    1) What's the chance, if any, of villagers moving back into the village - as in spawning there or whatever ?

    2) I found a zombie spawner not far underground - what's the chances of it spawning a zombie villager so I can cure it ?

    Let me know, thanks :)
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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