Will you go on Teamspeak and read Skype messages often?: Yes
Skype: doctor_who201101
Did you read the rules?: Yes, Stargate
Describe what you are excited about after reading UltimateDoomer1's post or this thread and why you want to join The Superiors: I want to be apart of something bigger of myself once again, and this seems like the place to do it!
Describe yourself: I'm a low life sci-fi lover and a computer technician
How trustworthy are you? (1-10): 8
Write a little something about how trustworthy you are: Trust isn't something given, it's earned and I hope to do so!
Which Job do you want?: Engineer
Why do you want that job?: I love to build things and this seems like a great opportunity to do so while having no threat of building destruction!
1) What is your in game username: Hannibal_Smith Admin, incase you reconsider 2) Which time-zone are you in: UTC -5:00 3) What is your current age: 16 4) Do you speak fluent English: Yes, born and raised! 5) Are you familiar with plugins like World Edit, PermissionsEx, and WorldGuard: Yes I am, they don’t change that much and are very easy to understand 6) How long have you been playing minecraft: Since Old Classic was first released (3 years ago) 7) Would you vote for the server: Yes most definately 8) Why do you want to be a part of the staff:
I want to be moderator/admin because it was what I was born to do. I have been doing this for 3 years and never really found a place I would want to stay, or the server died out 2 months after joining. I’m looking for a place for me to bring my friends. A place for me to help people; learn more about anything they need help with. I hope you will add me to staff on your server because of these reasons. First a little opening couple of lines: I have been hosting servers since ~Alpha 1.6 for me and my friends. Then I joined my first server, Crafthub where I became mod within 6 months. Then got upgraded to forum moderator within 2 months later. Later they went down and I looked for another server. I went into private servers from there to the official release of minecraft. From there I went to KSG (Kill Streak Gaming) Minecraft Server. Where I became mod of it and went onto my first Admin position! Then a player went onto hosting it, and it died.
From there I went onto what is now called Superior Realms. I created their name and got another admin position and built some stuff for them, like their spawn and other important stuff, which I have since forgotten. Then I went to a Minecraft Forum Admin's server. After about 3 months of being on though it died.
My last current server I have been on, was Noggin's a Minecraft Forum moderator. He used the minecraft server for his college project. I was the VIP World Admin and helped redo the main spawn. I built everything by hand, if you want to see my builds go to his server.
My skills of a builder have sprung from Basicbilly over at Crafthub.
If you want to Contact me add me on Skype: ultimatedoomer1
Links/Server Ips
Crafthub: crafthub.net Minecraft: minecraft.net Superior Realms: m.sup-realm.com Noggin's Server: republic.reforgedgc.com
Now that the opening is out of the way. I have some other things that make me a prime choice over others. I know all plugins fairly well, but I can’t code. I can tell hackers and over non hackers. Since I use hacks, it is very easy to tell if the person is hacking. Also I can handle situations quite well! For example,
Noob: THAT GUY ING KILLED ME! Me: Calm down and explain what happened. Noob: KILL THAT ING GUY! HE ING RAPED ME IN MY OWN HOME!!!! Me: /mute Noob Stop Spamming 5 minutes 5 minutes later: Noob: He killed me! Me: Yes, it is a pvp server it is allowed. Are you done now? Noob: Yes, have a good day! Me: You too! 9) Have you ever been Banned on any servers:Yes twice, once of blaizecraft (private.blaizecraft.com) and another on a server I have once since forgotten. 10) Any past Experience on servers?: Yes, see the about me sections 11) Do you have a microphone: Yes and Skype, TS3, and Mumble 12) do you have teamspeak?: Yes 13) Contact method: Skype: ultimatedoomer1 14) How can we trust you?: I am trust worthy because I have worked with a Minecraft Forum Moderator, and he trusted me to run the server. “hi all. I can confirm that he worked for me as an admin for a couple months. This guy is a good builder and fun to work with and is worth hiring. I wish him the best.” Noggin, MC Forum Moderator.
If he trusts me why shouldn’t you? I am hoping to get back into the action, and enjoying minecraft from an administrators view rather than a player. Hope you pick me!
Extra NOTES! With me, you get a 5 person build team, and a custom bukkit plugin developer!
IGN: Hannibal_Smith Age:16 Time Zone*: UTC -5 How much time can you spend working with us in the faction:Lots of time, I have a set of 7 builders that would like to help you out! I got a couple on defense and a couple are great with building! What version did you start playing in:Infdev How long have you been playing Factions: Since they were first available! Why should you be accepted into the faction(at least 4 sentences, please): I think that I should be in the faction because I have a lot of experience. I started playing a long time ago, before factions. There was no land protection, so we had to fend for ourselves. I am also good at building, [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/5qJgNgi.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/7eUQdMv.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/F8mPc6E.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/AxsfFAf.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/MOqCZJB.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/pxhcFGo.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/0NtdTvO.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/jqWX8uN.png[/IMG] Also, with the help of my builders we can get your base, up and ready for action, ASAP. We are great at PVP and have been raiding people since Alpha 1.2.5. What area are you most experienced in (i.e. Swordfighting, Archery, Mining, Building, etc.):I am most experienced in Sword Fighting, as that is what was available back in the old days. Bows were a later addition, and i've never been able to use them. Skype*: ultimatedoomer1 I have more information, please contact me on skype for more!
Hello there, I am server Owner Hannibal_Smith. As of recently I have acquired a Minecraft server with the help of the Owner of the Group! As of that, I need staff, builders and a plugin manager for the new PVP Server.
1. Must be fairly intelligent 2. Must speak fluent English 3. Must have 6+ Months of staff experience (Must prove) 4. Must be on a lot, an offline staff member doesn't get any work done! 5. Must be 12+ MATURE! 6. Must have a microphone 7. Must be time flexible
Available Positions:
2 Admin Position 3 Moderator Positions 5 Builders
Application ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IGN: What time zone are you in: Current Age: Do you speak fluent English: Are you familiar with plugins like World Edit, Group Manager, and Factions (Admin, and Mods only): How long have you been playing minecraft: Would you advertise and vote for the server:
Why do you want to be part of staff (Must be a paragraph (5+ Sentences):
Pictures of work (use imgur and post links 2 Required(Builders, and Plugin Manager only) Have you been Banned on any servers (Background checks will be made): Any past experience: Do you have a microphone: Contact Method: Skype: Email: How can we trust you: Contact info for your last boss: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I hope everyone makes their best effort to get in! -Smith
1) What is your in game username: Hannibal_Smith 2) Which time-zone are you in: UTC -5:00 3) What is your current age: 16 4) Do you speak fluent English: Yes, born and raised! 5) Are you familiar with plugins like World Edit, PermissionsEx, and WorldGuard: Yes I am, they don’t change that much and are very easy to understand 6) How long have you been playing minecraft: Since Old Classic was first released (3 years ago) 7) Would you vote for the server: Yes most definately 8) Why do you want to be a part of the staff:
I want to be moderator/admin because it was what I was born to do. I have been doing this for 3 years and never really found a place I would want to stay, or the server died out 2 months after joining. I’m looking for a place for me to bring my friends. A place for me to help people; learn more about anything they need help with. I hope you will add me to staff on your server because of these reasons. First a little opening couple of lines: I have been hosting servers since ~Alpha 1.6 for me and my friends. Then I joined my first server, Crafthub where I became mod within 6 months. Then got upgraded to forum moderator within 2 months later. Later they went down and I looked for another server. I went into private servers from there to the official release of minecraft. From there I went to KSG (Kill Streak Gaming) Minecraft Server. Where I became mod of it and went onto my first Admin position! Then a player went onto hosting it, and it died.
From there I went onto what is now called Superior Realms. I created their name and got another admin position and built some stuff for them, like their spawn and other important stuff, which I have since forgotten. Then I went to a Minecraft Forum Admin's server. After about 3 months of being on though it died.
My last current server I have been on, was Noggin's a Minecraft Forum moderator. He used the minecraft server for his college project. I was the VIP World Admin and helped redo the main spawn. I built everything by hand, if you want to see my builds go to his server.
My skills of a builder have sprung from Basicbilly over at Crafthub.
If you want to Contact me add me on Skype: ultimatedoomer1
Links/Server Ips
Crafthub: crafthub.net Minecraft: minecraft.net Superior Realms: m.sup-realm.com Noggin's Server: republic.reforgedgc.com
Now that the opening is out of the way. I have some other things that make me a prime choice over others. I know all plugins fairly well, but I can’t code. I can tell hackers and over non hackers. Since I use hacks, it is very easy to tell if the person is hacking. Also I can handle situations quite well! For example,
Noob: THAT GUY ING KILLED ME! Me: Calm down and explain what happened. Noob: KILL THAT ING GUY! HE ING RAPED ME IN MY OWN HOME!!!! Me: /mute Noob Stop Spamming 5 minutes 5 minutes later: Noob: He killed me! Me: Yes, it is a pvp server it is allowed. Are you done now? Noob: Yes, have a good day! Me: You too! 9) Have you ever been Banned on any servers:Yes twice, once of blaizecraft (private.blaizecraft.com) and another on a server I have once since forgotten. 10) Any past Experience on servers?: Yes, see the about me sections 11) Do you have a microphone: Yes and Skype, TS3, and Mumble 12) do you have teamspeak?: Yes 13) Contact method: Skype: ultimatedoomer1 14) How can we trust you?: I am trust worthy because I have worked with a Minecraft Forum Moderator, and he trusted me to run the server. “hi all. I can confirm that he worked for me as an admin for a couple months. This guy is a good builder and fun to work with and is worth hiring. I wish him the best.” Noggin, MC Forum Moderator.
If he trusts me why shouldn’t you? I am hoping to get back into the action, and enjoying minecraft from an administrators view rather than a player. Hope you pick me!
Extra NOTES!
With me, you get a 5 person build team, and a custom bukkit plugin developer!
1) What is your in game username: Hannibal_Smith Co-Owner 2) Which time-zone are you in: UTC -5:00 3) What is your current age: 16 4) Do you speak fluent English: Yes, born and raised! 5) Are you familiar with plugins like World Edit, PermissionsEx, and WorldGuard: Yes I am, they don’t change that much and are very easy to understand 6) How long have you been playing minecraft: Since Old Classic was first released (3 years ago) 7) Would you vote for the server: Yes most definately 8) Why do you want to be a part of the staff:
I want to be moderator/admin because it was what I was born to do. I have been doing this for 3 years and never really found a place I would want to stay, or the server died out 2 months after joining. I’m looking for a place for me to bring my friends. A place for me to help people; learn more about anything they need help with. I hope you will add me to staff on your server because of these reasons. First a little opening couple of lines: I have been hosting servers since ~Alpha 1.6 for me and my friends. Then I joined my first server, Crafthub where I became mod within 6 months. Then got upgraded to forum moderator within 2 months later. Later they went down and I looked for another server. I went into private servers from there to the official release of minecraft. From there I went to KSG (Kill Streak Gaming) Minecraft Server. Where I became mod of it and went onto my first Admin position! Then a player went onto hosting it, and it died.
From there I went onto what is now called Superior Realms. I created their name and got another admin position and built some stuff for them, like their spawn and other important stuff, which I have since forgotten. Then I went to a Minecraft Forum Admin's server. After about 3 months of being on though it died.
My last current server I have been on, was Noggin's a Minecraft Forum moderator. He used the minecraft server for his college project. I was the VIP World Admin and helped redo the main spawn. I built everything by hand, if you want to see my builds go to his server.
My skills of a builder have sprung from Basicbilly over at Crafthub.
If you want to Contact me add me on Skype: ultimatedoomer1
Links/Server Ips
Crafthub: crafthub.net Minecraft: minecraft.net Superior Realms: m.sup-realm.com Noggin's Server: republic.reforgedgc.com
Now that the opening is out of the way. I have some other things that make me a prime choice over others. I know all plugins fairly well, but I can’t code. I can tell hackers and over non hackers. Since I use hacks, it is very easy to tell if the person is hacking. Also I can handle situations quite well! For example,
Noob: THAT GUY ING KILLED ME! Me: Calm down and explain what happened. Noob: KILL THAT ING GUY! HE ING RAPED ME IN MY OWN HOME!!!! Me: /mute Noob Stop Spamming 5 minutes 5 minutes later: Noob: He killed me! Me: Yes, it is a pvp server it is allowed. Are you done now? Noob: Yes, have a good day! Me: You too! 9) Have you ever been Banned on any servers:Yes twice, once of blaizecraft (private.blaizecraft.com) and another on a server I have once since forgotten. 10) Any past Experience on servers?: Yes, see the about me sections 11) Do you have a microphone: Yes and Skype, TS3, and Mumble 12) do you have teamspeak?: Yes 13) Contact method: Skype: ultimatedoomer1 14) How can we trust you?: I am trust worthy because I have worked with a Minecraft Forum Moderator, and he trusted me to run the server. “hi all. I can confirm that he worked for me as an admin for a couple months. This guy is a good builder and fun to work with and is worth hiring. I wish him the best.” Noggin, MC Forum Moderator.
If he trusts me why shouldn’t you? I am hoping to get back into the action, and enjoying minecraft from an administrators view rather than a player. Hope you pick me!
Extra NOTES!
With me, you get a 5 person build team, and a custom bukkit plugin developer!
IGN: Spartan_117 Age: 16 Why you want to join: Because private servers are in short supply these days Builder Class: Trap-Artist What will you bring: Hard work and dedication to the small group of people! Your Work (If you have some): When you add me on skype, I will show you some! Skype name: john_smith2013Can someone besides 2 people make apps? We would appreciate more than 2 people building XD
2) Which time-zone are you in: UTC -5:00
3) What is your current age: 16
4) Do you speak fluent English: Yes, born and raised!
5) Are you familiar with plugins like World Edit, PermissionsEx, and WorldGuard: Yes I am, they don’t change that much and are very easy to understand
6) How long have you been playing minecraft: Since Old Classic was first released (3 years ago)
7) Would you vote for the server: Yes most definately
8) Why do you want to be a part of the staff:
I want to be moderator/admin because it was what I was born to do. I have been doing this for 3 years and never really found a place I would want to stay, or the server died out 2 months after joining. I’m looking for a place for me to bring my friends. A place for me to help people; learn more about anything they need help with. I hope you will add me to staff on your server because of these reasons. First a little opening couple of lines:
I have been hosting servers since ~Alpha 1.6 for me and my friends. Then I joined my first server, Crafthub where I became mod within 6 months. Then got upgraded to forum moderator within 2 months later. Later they went down and I looked for another server. I went into private servers from there to the official release of minecraft. From there I went to KSG (Kill Streak Gaming) Minecraft Server. Where I became mod of it and went onto my first Admin position! Then a player went onto hosting it, and it died.
From there I went onto what is now called Superior Realms. I created their name and got another admin position and built some stuff for them, like their spawn and other important stuff, which I have since forgotten. Then I went to a Minecraft Forum Admin's server. After about 3 months of being on though it died.
My last current server I have been on, was Noggin's a Minecraft Forum moderator. He used the minecraft server for his college project. I was the VIP World Admin and helped redo the main spawn. I built everything by hand, if you want to see my builds go to his server.
My skills of a builder have sprung from Basicbilly over at Crafthub.
If you want to Contact me add me on Skype: ultimatedoomer1
Links/Server Ips
Crafthub: crafthub.net
Minecraft: minecraft.net
Superior Realms: m.sup-realm.com
Noggin's Server: republic.reforgedgc.com
Now that the opening is out of the way. I have some other things that make me a prime choice over others. I know all plugins fairly well, but I can’t code. I can tell hackers and over non hackers. Since I use hacks, it is very easy to tell if the person is hacking. Also I can handle situations quite well! For example,
Me: Calm down and explain what happened.
Me: /mute Noob Stop Spamming 5 minutes
5 minutes later:
Noob: He killed me!
Me: Yes, it is a pvp server it is allowed. Are you done now?
Noob: Yes, have a good day!
Me: You too!
9) Have you ever been Banned on any servers:Yes twice, once of blaizecraft (private.blaizecraft.com) and another on a server I have once since forgotten.
10) Any past Experience on servers?: Yes, see the about me sections
11) Do you have a microphone: Yes and Skype, TS3, and Mumble
12) do you have teamspeak?: Yes
13) Contact method: Skype: ultimatedoomer1
14) How can we trust you?:
I am trust worthy because I have worked with a Minecraft Forum Moderator, and he trusted me to run the server. “hi all. I can confirm that he worked for me as an admin for a couple months. This guy is a good builder and fun to work with and is worth hiring. I wish him the best.” Noggin, MC Forum Moderator.
If he trusts me why shouldn’t you? I am hoping to get back into the action, and enjoying minecraft from an administrators view rather than a player. Hope you pick me!
Extra NOTES!
With me, you get a 5 person build team, and a custom bukkit plugin developer!
Time Zone*: UTC -5
How much time can you spend working with us in the faction:Lots of time, I have a set of 7 builders that would like to help you out! I got a couple on defense and a couple are great with building!
What version did you start playing in:Infdev
How long have you been playing Factions: Since they were first available!
Why should you be accepted into the faction(at least 4 sentences, please): I think that I should be in the faction because I have a lot of experience. I started playing a long time ago, before factions. There was no land protection, so we had to fend for ourselves. I am also good at building, [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/5qJgNgi.png[/IMG]
Also, with the help of my builders we can get your base, up and ready for action, ASAP. We are great at PVP and have been raiding people since Alpha 1.2.5.
What area are you most experienced in (i.e. Swordfighting, Archery, Mining, Building, etc.):I am most experienced in Sword Fighting, as that is what was available back in the old days. Bows were a later addition, and i've never been able to use them.
Skype*: ultimatedoomer1
I have more information, please contact me on skype for more!
1. Must be fairly intelligent
2. Must speak fluent English
3. Must have 6+ Months of staff experience (Must prove)
4. Must be on a lot, an offline staff member doesn't get any work done!
5. Must be 12+ MATURE!
6. Must have a microphone
7. Must be time flexible
Available Positions:
2 Admin Position
3 Moderator Positions
5 Builders
What time zone are you in:
Current Age:
Do you speak fluent English:
Are you familiar with plugins like World Edit, Group Manager, and Factions (Admin, and Mods only):
How long have you been playing minecraft:
Would you advertise and vote for the server:
Why do you want to be part of staff (Must be a paragraph (5+ Sentences):
Pictures of work (use imgur and post links 2 Required(Builders, and Plugin Manager only)
Have you been Banned on any servers (Background checks will be made):
Any past experience:
Do you have a microphone:
Contact Method:
How can we trust you:
Contact info for your last boss:
I hope everyone makes their best effort to get in!
2) Which time-zone are you in: UTC -5:00
3) What is your current age: 16
4) Do you speak fluent English: Yes, born and raised!
5) Are you familiar with plugins like World Edit, PermissionsEx, and WorldGuard: Yes I am, they don’t change that much and are very easy to understand
6) How long have you been playing minecraft: Since Old Classic was first released (3 years ago)
7) Would you vote for the server: Yes most definately
8) Why do you want to be a part of the staff:
I want to be moderator/admin because it was what I was born to do. I have been doing this for 3 years and never really found a place I would want to stay, or the server died out 2 months after joining. I’m looking for a place for me to bring my friends. A place for me to help people; learn more about anything they need help with. I hope you will add me to staff on your server because of these reasons. First a little opening couple of lines:
I have been hosting servers since ~Alpha 1.6 for me and my friends. Then I joined my first server, Crafthub where I became mod within 6 months. Then got upgraded to forum moderator within 2 months later. Later they went down and I looked for another server. I went into private servers from there to the official release of minecraft. From there I went to KSG (Kill Streak Gaming) Minecraft Server. Where I became mod of it and went onto my first Admin position! Then a player went onto hosting it, and it died.
From there I went onto what is now called Superior Realms. I created their name and got another admin position and built some stuff for them, like their spawn and other important stuff, which I have since forgotten. Then I went to a Minecraft Forum Admin's server. After about 3 months of being on though it died.
My last current server I have been on, was Noggin's a Minecraft Forum moderator. He used the minecraft server for his college project. I was the VIP World Admin and helped redo the main spawn. I built everything by hand, if you want to see my builds go to his server.
My skills of a builder have sprung from Basicbilly over at Crafthub.
If you want to Contact me add me on Skype: ultimatedoomer1
Links/Server Ips
Crafthub: crafthub.net
Minecraft: minecraft.net
Superior Realms: m.sup-realm.com
Noggin's Server: republic.reforgedgc.com
Now that the opening is out of the way. I have some other things that make me a prime choice over others. I know all plugins fairly well, but I can’t code. I can tell hackers and over non hackers. Since I use hacks, it is very easy to tell if the person is hacking. Also I can handle situations quite well! For example,
Me: Calm down and explain what happened.
Me: /mute Noob Stop Spamming 5 minutes
5 minutes later:
Noob: He killed me!
Me: Yes, it is a pvp server it is allowed. Are you done now?
Noob: Yes, have a good day!
Me: You too!
9) Have you ever been Banned on any servers:Yes twice, once of blaizecraft (private.blaizecraft.com) and another on a server I have once since forgotten.
10) Any past Experience on servers?: Yes, see the about me sections
11) Do you have a microphone: Yes and Skype, TS3, and Mumble
12) do you have teamspeak?: Yes
13) Contact method: Skype: ultimatedoomer1
14) How can we trust you?:
I am trust worthy because I have worked with a Minecraft Forum Moderator, and he trusted me to run the server. “hi all. I can confirm that he worked for me as an admin for a couple months. This guy is a good builder and fun to work with and is worth hiring. I wish him the best.” Noggin, MC Forum Moderator.
If he trusts me why shouldn’t you? I am hoping to get back into the action, and enjoying minecraft from an administrators view rather than a player. Hope you pick me!
Extra NOTES!
With me, you get a 5 person build team, and a custom bukkit plugin developer!
2) Which time-zone are you in: UTC -5:00
3) What is your current age: 16
4) Do you speak fluent English: Yes, born and raised!
5) Are you familiar with plugins like World Edit, PermissionsEx, and WorldGuard: Yes I am, they don’t change that much and are very easy to understand
6) How long have you been playing minecraft: Since Old Classic was first released (3 years ago)
7) Would you vote for the server: Yes most definately
8) Why do you want to be a part of the staff:
I want to be moderator/admin because it was what I was born to do. I have been doing this for 3 years and never really found a place I would want to stay, or the server died out 2 months after joining. I’m looking for a place for me to bring my friends. A place for me to help people; learn more about anything they need help with. I hope you will add me to staff on your server because of these reasons. First a little opening couple of lines:
I have been hosting servers since ~Alpha 1.6 for me and my friends. Then I joined my first server, Crafthub where I became mod within 6 months. Then got upgraded to forum moderator within 2 months later. Later they went down and I looked for another server. I went into private servers from there to the official release of minecraft. From there I went to KSG (Kill Streak Gaming) Minecraft Server. Where I became mod of it and went onto my first Admin position! Then a player went onto hosting it, and it died.
From there I went onto what is now called Superior Realms. I created their name and got another admin position and built some stuff for them, like their spawn and other important stuff, which I have since forgotten. Then I went to a Minecraft Forum Admin's server. After about 3 months of being on though it died.
My last current server I have been on, was Noggin's a Minecraft Forum moderator. He used the minecraft server for his college project. I was the VIP World Admin and helped redo the main spawn. I built everything by hand, if you want to see my builds go to his server.
My skills of a builder have sprung from Basicbilly over at Crafthub.
If you want to Contact me add me on Skype: ultimatedoomer1
Links/Server Ips
Crafthub: crafthub.net
Minecraft: minecraft.net
Superior Realms: m.sup-realm.com
Noggin's Server: republic.reforgedgc.com
Now that the opening is out of the way. I have some other things that make me a prime choice over others. I know all plugins fairly well, but I can’t code. I can tell hackers and over non hackers. Since I use hacks, it is very easy to tell if the person is hacking. Also I can handle situations quite well! For example,
Me: Calm down and explain what happened.
Me: /mute Noob Stop Spamming 5 minutes
5 minutes later:
Noob: He killed me!
Me: Yes, it is a pvp server it is allowed. Are you done now?
Noob: Yes, have a good day!
Me: You too!
9) Have you ever been Banned on any servers:Yes twice, once of blaizecraft (private.blaizecraft.com) and another on a server I have once since forgotten.
10) Any past Experience on servers?: Yes, see the about me sections
11) Do you have a microphone: Yes and Skype, TS3, and Mumble
12) do you have teamspeak?: Yes
13) Contact method: Skype: ultimatedoomer1
14) How can we trust you?:
I am trust worthy because I have worked with a Minecraft Forum Moderator, and he trusted me to run the server. “hi all. I can confirm that he worked for me as an admin for a couple months. This guy is a good builder and fun to work with and is worth hiring. I wish him the best.” Noggin, MC Forum Moderator.
If he trusts me why shouldn’t you? I am hoping to get back into the action, and enjoying minecraft from an administrators view rather than a player. Hope you pick me!
Extra NOTES!
With me, you get a 5 person build team, and a custom bukkit plugin developer!
Age: 16
Why you want to join: Because private servers are in short supply these days
Builder Class: Trap-Artist
What will you bring: Hard work and dedication to the small group of people!
Your Work (If you have some): When you add me on skype, I will show you some!
Skype name: john_smith2013Can someone besides 2 people make apps? We would appreciate more than 2 people building XD