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    posted a message on Biome Upgrade
    Any ideas on fixing it I'm trying to split it into 3 parts at the moment maybe that'll help.

    EDIT: Okay I better make it 6
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Ice Craft
    Just some suggestions for ice.

    Pykrete Armor

    First a Ice Pick allows you to get ice.

    Ice arrows makes dirt,stone and sand turns to ice glass, Ice Glass to Ice,Lava to cobble,Water to Ice.They also stun enemies for 3 seconds.

    Made by cooling in cooler ignore the crafting recipe.

    Ice Ball used in sun light to create fire must point it at block for 5 seconds to ignite 3 uses.


    For making ice tools and ice armor regenerate uses
    Can also make water buckets into ice
    Opposite of a furnace
    Powered by froziore pieces,ice,ice glass,snow,snowballs,ice balls and other cold materials.

    Here are the new foods. I ONLY want this in if food decay is made. Cold food stackable but not eaten while stacked.
    Frozen Apple, Heals 1 Health

    Cooked Apple, Heals 4 Health

    Frozen Bread , Heals 1 Health

    Frozen Cake,Heals .5 Healh can be picked up after placed

    Frozen Pork, Heals 1 Health

    Ice Disc
    Plays Ocean Sounds

    Ice Cubes, stackable to 4

    Ice Skates, MUCH faster on ice.

    Cold TNT,Required to make IST. Made by putting tnt in a cooler isn't usuable when in this state.

    Ice Shard, you get it from breaking ice glass with a ice pick.An ingredient in IST

    IST, Ice Shrapnel TNT. Shoots 8-12 Ice shards in every direction dealing 3 damage.

    Ice Axe, Climb any block.

    Ice Chest has room for 15 items but has 1 item available to cool. Cools much slower than a cooler.

    Lemons gotten from lemon trees.

    Lemonade Heals 3 Health

    Cold Lemonade Heals 4.5 Health


    Lit Up Ice slightly less glow than glowstone. Drops snowstone dust =P Ice+Glowstone dust

    Snowstone Dust

    Ice Torches, Stronger than torches by 1 light level and doesn't melt ice.
    Stick+Lit up Ice

    Froziore, must be frozen to make it Froziore Pieces same rarity as coal in water and near ice ice pick to harvest
    Used as frosting for cakes, cooling coolers and for a really light blue dye.

    Froziore Pieces

    Snow Board,Slower than snowsled

    Snow Sled, faster than snowboard can only go one way once inside until stopped

    Really Light Blue Wool, made from froziore pieces

    Ice Cream, heals 4.5 SnowballsX3+Milk+Sugar+Bowl

    Pykrete, doesn't turn to water when broken.

    Once you have the bucket of Pykrete put it in the cooler and then you get this.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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