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    posted a message on Account hacked...
    The funny thing is

    I actually know the real reason why the login servers were down
    and I know why everyone's accounts are getting hacked
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Problem With Mod
    Your version string says 1.2.3, has your version in .minecraft updated?
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Quote from Paril

    All programs require admin rights if you have them installed in Program Files.
    Aside from that, I embedded a manifest to request admin rights, because if not, UAC doesn't let the program access any files.

    It's open source: http://code.google.com/p/mcskin3d/

    We're always looking for new programmers - contact me on MSN or Skype if you're interested.


    Heh, as much as I'd love to help, I simply don't have the skill to work on something like this... However, if you're okay with helping me learn this stuff, I'd be glad to come work on it with you :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Skins
  • 0

    posted a message on Savage Realms - [1.7.x] [The BEST Server] [24/7 Lag-Free] [Towny] [Custom Bosses w/ over 250 abilities] [PvP World] [RPG/Dungeon
    IGN: Dnewhard
    Age: 16
    Questions?: Yes, do you mind adding my friend modernhalo to the whitelist? He can't access the forums right now for some reason.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Requires admin rights on my computer, for some odd reason.

    Windows 7 64 bit.

    May I have a look at the source, pretty please? <3
    Posted in: Skins
  • 1

    posted a message on WIP | ZombieRun | 1.0.0 | No Applying needed only for VIP 1 | 50 Slots | PvP | Towns | TreasureHunts | Spout and more
    Minecraft IGN: Dnewhard, 99RedLions

    State a few allowed rules:

    1: You are allowed to breathe while playing on this server

    2: You are also allowed to sneeze, and cough.

    (Hoping my past history with kahlil will let this through, ha)

    State a few dis allowed rules:
    1: You are not allowed to grief.

    2: You are not allowed to set a home in someone elses house, or building, unless the give it to you.

    Did you vote for the server? (HERE) : Yes. As 99RedLions

    Anything else: Mind adding my second account, 99RedLions, as well as my main account, Dnewhard?
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on Anybody else think Notch could be a little more... Professional?
    First off, he knows he has a MASSIVE modding community, and refuses to implement a modding API. I realize a lot of developers don't release a modding API, but honestly, in a lot of cases (Think UT2004/UT3), developers get more revenue by releasing map-making tools, modding APIs, etc etc, so on, and so on. If he didn't want to do it himself, then why not give the MC source code to the Minecraft Coder Pack team? Then, they could have a modding API built already, and mods would already be out for 1.0.0.

    Second, Bukkit. Why not give the source to them as well? I'm sure they would absolutely love that, they could have a craftbukkit build prematurely for each update, and multiplayer would not be almost completely down like it is after every update.

    It's not like he's losing any money from either of these things, the MCP team would have discretion and not release the source prematurely, nor would the Bukkit team. Honestly, it's these things I hate about Minecraft.

    Anyways, just my thoughts. Feel free to refute me, but please explain why.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.8.1]Mini Miner v0.1
    Quote from evboi

    Double tap 'o' should make you normal size

    Just making sure: Did you make it so that that only works when Minecraft has focus? I know a lot of people that don't pay attention to that :tongue.gif:
    LWJL only checks if, globally, the key is down hehe
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Looking for EXPERIENCED and TRUSTABLE moderators! (detail in post)
    May I say that I am very unimpressed with the turnout?
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on ChampionH's Server, No Whitelist, 20 Max, Vanilla
    Quote from ChampionH

    Server IP:
    Server IP 2 (If top one doesn't work for some reason.):

    All join! No whitelist, all I ask is no greefing! Max 20 players so join fast! Starting fresh!

    Neither IPs work.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on Crouch Toggle Mod - Need help!
    // Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8g. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
    // Jad home page: http://www.kpdus.com/jad.html
    // Decompiler options: packimports(3) braces deadcode 
    package net.minecraft.src;
    // Referenced classes of package net.minecraft.src:
    //            MovementInput, GameSettings, KeyBinding, EntityPlayer
    public class MovementInputFromOptions extends MovementInput
    	public boolean sneaking = false;
        public MovementInputFromOptions(GameSettings gamesettings)
            gameSettings = gamesettings;
        public void updatePlayerMoveState(EntityPlayer entityplayer)
            moveStrafe = 0.0F;
            moveForward = 0.0F;
            jump = gameSettings.keyBindJump.field_35965_e;
            sneak = gameSettings.keyBindSneak.field_35965_e;
            	if (sneaking = false)
            		sneaking = true;
            		sneaking = false;
            while (sneaking)
            	moveStrafe *= 0.29999999999999999D;
                moveForward *= 0.29999999999999999D;
        private GameSettings gameSettings;

    I'm trying to make crouch toggleable, this is in MovementFromOptions.java something or other, and it's not working out too well. When I compile I get no errors, but in a jar, it crashes when i try to go into a world, multiplayer or singleplayer. Can anyone help?
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Crouch Toggle Mod - Need help!
    // Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8g. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
    // Jad home page: http://www.kpdus.com/jad.html
    // Decompiler options: packimports(3) braces deadcode 
    package net.minecraft.src;
    // Referenced classes of package net.minecraft.src:
    //            MovementInput, GameSettings, KeyBinding, EntityPlayer
    public class MovementInputFromOptions extends MovementInput
    	public boolean sneaking = false;
        public MovementInputFromOptions(GameSettings gamesettings)
            gameSettings = gamesettings;
        public void updatePlayerMoveState(EntityPlayer entityplayer)
            moveStrafe = 0.0F;
            moveForward = 0.0F;
            jump = gameSettings.keyBindJump.field_35965_e;
            sneak = gameSettings.keyBindSneak.field_35965_e;
            	if (sneaking = false)
            		sneaking = true;
            		sneaking = false;
            while (sneaking)
            	moveStrafe *= 0.29999999999999999D;
                moveForward *= 0.29999999999999999D;
        private GameSettings gameSettings;

    Trying to make crouch toggleable, this is the first thing I have tried, and i havent been able to find a way to make it only register on key presses. Also, this code doesnt work, will someone explain why?
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Landmine fail
    Quote from iguana72

    So, I made this here landmine. And it works. Kinda.

    package net.minecraft.src;
    import java.util.Random;
    public class BlockLandMine extends Block
    	protected BlockLandMine(int i, int j)
    		super(i, j, Material.rock);
    		setBlockBounds(.1F, 0F, .1F, .9F, .1F, .9F);
    	public int idDropped(int i, Random random)
    		return this.blockID;
    	public int quantityDropped(Random random)
    		return 1;
    	public boolean isOpaqueCube()
    		return false;
    	public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World world, int i, int j, int k, Entity entity)
    		Explosion explosion = new Explosion(world, entity, i, j, k, 3F);
            explosion.isFlaming = true;

    When I step on it, it blows up and doesn't hurt me. When I throw something one it, and I'm close enough, it almost kills me. What's wrong?! D:

    onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World world, int i, int j, int k, Entity entity)

    I would assume that the player is not considered an entity? I've only just started coding minecraft mods, but I have prior coding experience, so you might want to do something like onPlayerCollidedWithBlock? I don't know if this would work, but if it does, tell me! :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Survival Servers in a nutshell
    Quote from BronyCraft

    *goes to server*

    Me: Hi everyone! *starts mining*

    *some guy backstabs me with diamond sword*


    Me: *ragequit*

    You seem bitter.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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