Your all depressing me. Basically what your saying is it's impossible to access the lower void anymore. That is unless I destroy bedrock which, to my knowledge, is impossible.
That's exactly what my bookshelves look like. It's not showing up at all, it isn't a level issue. I've tried replacing the table a few times already.
Weird, def seems like a glitch which i have no idea how to remedy. All i can suggest is trying to craft another table. Or even move out of your vicinity (chunk) and try again.
If its not enchanting at all that does not mean the bookshelves aren't working, it means there is a problem. (bookshelves will just allow you to enchant at higher levels.)
1) Are you trying to enchant to a level higher then you have? (your level is a green bar bwlow health and food).
2) Did you try mining the table and move it?
Also, the bookshelf arrangement should look lie this.
They are planning on boosting the powered cart soon, making it have more pushing power, more speed, and the ability to use more fuels than just coal. For now though, powered rails are the way to go.
Ok cool.
In terms of personal transportation, do you know of a way to get in an empty cart in front of your powered cart?
Anyone care letting me know the practical purpose of a powered mine-cart (furnace + Mine-cart).
I tried putting an empty one in front of it, powering it up and then running after it to jump in. No Beans. Isn't using powered rails much more practical?
I always have to have a drop, basically a hole from the top of your house to the bottom (with 2 blocks of water at the bottom). It allows you to move around faster.
I live in an outpost storage facility out in front of a massive obsidian tower and excavation project.
That excavation site (inverted pyramid look) is insane. Did you literally have to dig every block out for that? Jeez i dug out a 50x50x2 and was tired, yours looks like 100 x 100 and god knows how deep.
i still havent found one! and i ran straight for about half an hour.... :sad.gif:
Do you keep your volume on? Have you heard any?
Id say it depends on your playing time, if you have a few hours into the location and still haven't seen one cut your losses and start a new world. The portal is useless without endermen.
A strip mine 30 x 30, converted into a massive downwards staircase 153 x 153.
A large storage facility with about 400 double chests with an auto-mated wheat farm, cake making facility, chicken farm, cow farm, sheep farm, cactus farm, sugar farm and birch tree far.
A massive Cathedral.
A massive obsidian tower about 14 x 14 from level 6 to level 128.
An oversized windmill.
A large automated rail network.
A large stone/cobblestone road network.
A completed Norman City from the Millenaire mod.
Why does it HAVE to have all that? Because I wanted it. So there!
Two questions for you.
1) I have a wheat farm. I plant seeds, Wheat grows, i pull a lever, water comes out and pusses it to a collection point. Is it possible to make is more 'automated'?
2)Does a windmill have a function, besides looking cool?
You definitly need a slime farm. Can be quite a challenge to find the buggers.
High security barrier sounds like the way to go. I am thinking piston drawbridge over lava moat, walls either self repairing or obsidian.
My mob farm collects allot of slimes, i would like a more efficient slime farm though but im not sure how to locate them. Note: As a standard i don't use any mods, software or anything. I don't even use fly.
Dirt block i understand. Lilly pad, eehhhh not so much.
So your saying it is not in survival mode?
Whats the best way to find it? Should i just burrow down to bedrock
Fire Potion + Swimming = Fire boat :smile.gif:
Weird, def seems like a glitch which i have no idea how to remedy. All i can suggest is trying to craft another table. Or even move out of your vicinity (chunk) and try again.
1) Are you trying to enchant to a level higher then you have? (your level is a green bar bwlow health and food).
2) Did you try mining the table and move it?
Also, the bookshelf arrangement should look lie this.
Ok cool.
In terms of personal transportation, do you know of a way to get in an empty cart in front of your powered cart?
I tried putting an empty one in front of it, powering it up and then running after it to jump in. No Beans. Isn't using powered rails much more practical?
That excavation site (inverted pyramid look) is insane. Did you literally have to dig every block out for that? Jeez i dug out a 50x50x2 and was tired, yours looks like 100 x 100 and god knows how deep.
Do you keep your volume on? Have you heard any?
Id say it depends on your playing time, if you have a few hours into the location and still haven't seen one cut your losses and start a new world. The portal is useless without endermen.
Two questions for you.
1) I have a wheat farm. I plant seeds, Wheat grows, i pull a lever, water comes out and pusses it to a collection point. Is it possible to make is more 'automated'?
2)Does a windmill have a function, besides looking cool?
My mob farm collects allot of slimes, i would like a more efficient slime farm though but im not sure how to locate them. Note: As a standard i don't use any mods, software or anything. I don't even use fly.