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    posted a message on TNT Cannon for Transportation.
    I have seen people put animals in huge TNT cannons and shoot them to god knows where.

    Is it possible to shoot yourself? If you calculate correct you can probable even land on a rial block.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on How rare is this type of ore vein?
    Quote from hrhomer

    I just found this vein - gold, diamond, and coal all touching each other. I've only been playing for a few weeks, but I've never found anything quite like this. I once had an area where I could see obsidian, gold, redstone, coal, iron, and lapis at the same time, but it was a cavern, and the different veins were more spread out...

    Eh, at this point i don't find it too rare (for me). I have seen a gold/diamond configuration probably 2-3 times.

    What that said i have yet to see snow. Haha.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on How much coal have you got in one set?
    Jesus i would say my max was somewhere in the range of 25-30.

    I would love to see a pic of a vein with 50+. (mine all the blocks around it).
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Where is the best place to post this?
    Quote from DanielleStarr

    If you want to share screenshots and videos, I would suggest the Show Your Creation forums. If the topic is likely to be more video related, then put it in Videos. If it is more screenshot based, then put it in Screenshots :smile.gif:

    Great, thanks!
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on Are you monochromatic?
    Quote from Lothos

    With the 1.2 release coming and my impending SMP reset I'm refining my building plans on my SSP map more concerned with function and circuit layouts than appearance. I got to thinking about initial startup and material gathering and future appearances.

    When you guys start out do you refuse to build anything unless you have the material you want for appearances sake?

    Do you build some initial buildings and demolish them later?

    Do you expand keeping your initial structures?

    Do you abandon once you've harvested all the material you need to really start?

    I have a storage building, wheat tower, and sugar cane terrace all up and running and all completely cobblestone with some glass pane windows so far :smile.gif:

    1) I always do an initial build in cobblestone.
    2) Yes, and re-make the materials.
    3) I usually keep the original idea and shape of the building.
    4) It would be 'better' to wait till you have what you need but some people get tired of all the 'work' part and just ditch the effort. Its like real life, you should start now and you can always 'upgrade' later.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Where is the best place to post this?
    Quote from Bonkify

    screenshots are of your creations (which are mostly from creative) or stuff from survival that you found. its fine if you put them there.

    What i mean is i don't play creative mode (infinite blocks). Yes i make creations but only in survival mode.

    I almost want to make a blog or something for this.
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on Where is the best place to post this?
    Quote from Bonkify

    survival or screenshots even tho its mostly creative there and for the videos, well i would just put them in the video section anyway.

    Isn't survival and creative 2 different thing? Why would someone post creative things in survival form.

    Also i'd rather not split them up if that is in any way possible.
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on The Mystical void. I want one!

    i can find one in your map with the coords (ill need the seed)

    That would be great! I don't want to use programs/mods/hacks but i didn't say i wouldn't let someone do it for me :biggrin.gif:

    When i get home from the ol' 9-5 i will post them. I hit you up with some ++++
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Cave systems
    Quote from Hopsfrog

    Well this cave system is definitely on the level of absurdly massive.. I've found an abundance of obsidian but no diamond yet :sad.gif:

    Ok heres the thing....

    1) Bring a compass. Dig out and follow it to your base. (was suggested already).
    2) Bring items to make a map for when you reach surface. (or mark coords).
    3) More risky but you can bring items to make portal (WARNING: for getting home not back). You teleport to the nether. If your even semi close to your home it will connect to your main nether portal. Just walk out and back into your nether portal and your back home (at the outworld portal). This is the quickest way home without dying.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Where is the best place to post this?
    Hi All,

    So i want to showcase some pictures, videos AS WELL AS take advice from people about my work, what to build next etc etc. This is Survival mode, not creative.

    Pics, and videos section don't really fit too well and 'survival' is not really a showcase of work.

    Any suggestions?
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on What does your world HAVE to have?
    Quote from BlairBros

    An automatic cake factory :biggrin.gif:

    I love me some cake but i don't think the cake makes itself....Or does it :blink.gif:
    Quote from ClimbRider

    What about a music disc factory?

    Do tell...
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on The Mystical void. I want one!
    Quote from OSX2000

    Here are two of the 11 lakes I found. The dirt patch was one of them. So they're definitely still out there.

    Ok, i'll have to cross my fingers for dumb luck then. I really want access to the void but not by using a mapping program. If i find one ill post it.
    Quote from A Blind Moron

    Just looked again with Minutor. I counted exactly 5 holes.

    Okay, they DO still exist. But the chances of finding one without a mapping program is impossible.

    5 holes in the entire map?!?! I guess ill learn to live without it.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on The Mystical void. I want one!
    Quote from RobertMorbeck

    Well some kid on mah Server claimed to have found one, and I do think they are still out there, but are now a world generation ERROR rather than an imperfection in the code. Meaning if you find one, it's likely that its not the only super weird thing in that world.

    As for breaking bedrock in Survival, an old rumor claims that the bedrock block takes 12 hours nonstop to break. Have fun with that.

    Gotcha. I would set a macro to mine this long but not on a rumor.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Powered Minecard, whats the point?
    Quote from rodabon

    Don't put coal in the powered cart until you're in the empty cart seems to be the most obvious answer.

    Unless I've overlooked something, when you add coal the minecart goes in the opposite direction. Now that I think about it a loop of sorts at the beginning of track would work.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on The Mystical void. I want one!
    Quote from bluemagic123

    Actually, it is possible to go to the void in survival without cheating. Simply go to the end. There's more void than you'll ever want there. However, if all you want is a small patch of void, then I can't help you.

    Yea I was looking for a small access. Just a little gem to say I had one. Darn.

    Is there any possibility at all to break bedrock? (dam there has to be a way! )
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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