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    posted a message on First Diamond Find? I failed...
    Same exact story. Vein was only 3 diamonds so i wasn't THATT pissed. :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Direction in Outworld vs Direciton in the Nether
    Quote from haschischtasche

    It really depends on what you want. At the moment I need huge amounts of sandstone and instead of walking to the desert where I get that amount (and back to empty my inventory every few minutes) I walk through a portal instead of walking the ~140 blocks to that desert. I personally want to be able to shortcut taking a **** with the use of nether portals and thus have a network that is extremely knotted at specific areas and easily expandable everywhere. Some portal connections (especially 1way fast travel ones) in that world would not work if I moved a portal two blocks to the side so I have to be as accurate as possible in creating portals.

    I believe your solution will work out for a bunch of people (as longs as they don't run into problems they'd never ran into with creating both portals manually), however it suffers from the limitations. As I said in the other post, the nether portals would have to be at least 65 blocks apart for it to be idiot proof, which leads to the limitation of having the overworld portals roughly 520 blocks (and sometimes far less and sometimes far more) apart.

    Very true, atm my usage is just to get into the general vicinity. I'm sure when i develop my network more extensively in the future.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Direction in Outworld vs Direciton in the Nether
    Wouldn't the easiest thing to do here be:
    1) Destroy all portals besides your 2 main (1 Overworld and 1 Nether).
    2) Determine the direction you would like to travel in the Overworld (F value).
    3) Go the the nether and create one portal every (how ever many spaces you want) apart.
    4) Go through each one at a time and find your relative location.

    IMO the location of the portal made in the overworld does not have to be perfect, as long as it puts you closer to where you want to go.

    For example i have another house some distance away (Where their are a ton of trees and cows). I just want to get closer to there. Obviously the closer the better but trying to be exact may take more time then actually walking the extra 30 seconds to your final destination.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Direction in Outworld vs Direciton in the Nether
    Quote from rodabon

    Yes, make them in the nether and go through them to spawn a portal in the overworld at that relative location.

    Dnaprodigy: I would suggest building your nether portals at a high Y axis value to avoid your fast travel portals being generated in overworld caves, chasms, or dungeons (unless you desire that). It will still likely happen in ocean biomes however.

    Thanks for the tip! I think level 85 would be good, sort of random but thats where lava stops i think in the overworld.
    Quote from Lothos

    ideally I'd like portals in the overworld 1k + apart possibly with the corresponding nether portals within as close a distance as possible.

    To be an effective travel hub as well you'd need to have almost a cross pattern layout in the nether to go in corresponding directions in the overworld. In my case I'd like to have several different players bases connected to the same single location in the nether.

    IF my math is right (ratio being 1:8) your nether spacing should be one every 125 blocks.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Direction in Outworld vs Direciton in the Nether
    Ok, i will probably work on it this weekend. Im excited to see what like 20 portals will look like all lined up in a row! :obsidian: :obsidian: :obsidian:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Direction in Outworld vs Direciton in the Nether
    Quote from SillyCheese

    Yes, the direction is the same. Just remember that 1 step in the nether is equal to 4 in the overworld.

    Thanks, and isn't the ratio 1:8?
    Quote from Chavvy416

    I think it does, I'd suggest you read up in the wiki, that might enlighten you :3

    I Did. In hindsight Ctrl+f and 'direction' in the page would have yielded the result.

    That's why they call it hindsight though :rolleyes:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Direction in Outworld vs Direciton in the Nether
    I want to make a series of nether portals for transportation. In my out-world most of the new land to be discovered is on one direction (other directions are mostly ocean).

    If i am facing one direction (let's say F:0), i get to the nether and Face the same direction (F:0) will it correspond properly?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on MOB SPAWNERS/ GRINDERS
    Mob grinder http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Mob_grinder

    Minecraft wiki is your friend.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on do slimes pawn on glowstone or jack o lanterns
    Quote from blakee97

    idk no slimes are spawning yet and i dont wanna place torces because that takes up a spawning block

    Lets make this very simple. First you need to find a slime chunk. Read here http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Slime under the 'spawning' section.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on The Mystical void. I want one!
    I love you all and appreciate the comments but srsly..

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on The Mystical void. I want one!
    Quote from DnaProdigy


    And i don't want to be beating a dead horse here....

    But what about TNT. And i mean i make a mechanism whereby their are multiple TNT's (at least 50), ignite at the same time. The TNT's would be aligned single file vertically. They begin to follow gravity and fall to bedrock. Will 50+ TNT's exploding on bedrock at the same time blast one?

    I know i can make the mechanism, i am just wondering more about the blast power of multiple TNT's

    Ok i have officially given up. Heres what i found on Wiki.

    It is a common myth that bedrock can be destroyed by a sufficient quantity of TNT. Examinations of the Minecraft code have shown that multiple explosions do not add damage to blocks; any block that is not destroyed by one TNT immediately adjacent to it will not be destroyed by additional TNT. While bedrock does have a finite damage resistance (18,000,000), there is no explosive in the game which has that much force.

    Notch confirmed on the 11th of February 2011, during a Machinima Live stream,[1] that it is indestructible, or so solid that the amount of TNT it would to take to destroy it would more than certainly crash your computer, therefore the save file would show no evidence of the explosion ever happening.

    It is not possible to break bedrock with a pickaxe in 12.5 hours (or in any other time). Bedrock has "hardness" of -1. A negative hardness is handled separately in the code, and causes any damage done to the block by the player's "hits" to be zero, and thus the accumulated damage will always stay at 0.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Are You A Wuss? (What Will You Do?)
    By fight them...do you mean shoot them all with a bow? Cuz that's my vote.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Strange sound
    Person with one post wants us to DL a zip file. hmmmmm....
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on The Mystical void. I want one!

    And i don't want to be beating a dead horse here....

    But what about TNT. And i mean i make a mechanism whereby their are multiple TNT's (at least 50), ignite at the same time. The TNT's would be aligned single file vertically. They begin to follow gravity and fall to bedrock. Will 50+ TNT's exploding on bedrock at the same time blast one?

    I know i can make the mechanism, i am just wondering more about the blast power of multiple TNT's
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Paranoia
    This is why i play with the volume lowwwww haha
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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