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    posted a message on Werd Bug Minecraft 1.1
    Now only if you could put diamond on the rail and clone that :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Can't find the stonghold in the Nether
    Heres what i did.

    I used a spiral-like search method. I started in the middle and rotated clockwise further and further away from the main point.

    Have some fun with it thought (get armored up), kill some pigman for gold, get some glowstone etc etc.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Lucky Moments in Survival
    Mine was dunb luck, i fell down a huge hole in the ground into water, about a block away from lava. On my way to get out i stumbled on some :Diamond: :Diamond:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on A Breakthrough in Flower Science
    Anyways, did someone verify this?

    I checked and they were just laying on the ground ready to be collected. Could it be your texture pack?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Your first time playing Minecraft
    1) Punch trees.
    2) Find coal
    3) Hide ann pray when the light went out.

    I tried not to like this game, i really tried. Now i cant get enough of it.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Need funds for a minecraft account or for donor status on a server?
    he wants me to download a ZIP file for the money, should i do it?

    :tongue.gif: :tongue.gif: :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on The Dna Project. My World, Welcome To It!
    I Started a mock up and also broke ground for my new build. Its going to be the dining hall from Harry Potter! (survival mode)

    I need help though, what materials should i use for the floor, tables and walls. Keep in mind i have to collect every block one by one.

    40 long
    28 wide
    15 high.

    Mock Up

    Breaking ground
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on A Breakthrough in Flower Science
    I checked and both flowers were broken off and just sitting there by the time i arrived :RFlower: :YFlower:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Minecarts
    Power rails = go fast.

    Use a redstone torch or switch to power them
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on y do endermen tp away after u hit them? scared maybe
    Wear a pumpkin for a helm. They wont teleport.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on The Dna Project. My World, Welcome To It!
    Hi All,

    I'm going to use this thread as a landing to show off my creations, take feedback and get ideas from people. Also, i am going to use it as a place to collect my thoughts and ideas so i have some some sort of structure in my work. Feel free to shoot me a +++ of you like!

    This is on Survival only. I play 100% legit, no mods, hacks, skins. I have never even used 'fly'.

    Lastly, how about a shameless plug or two :) (Check my Sig)

    What i have:
    -Large house in a mountain.
    -50x50x2 Mob grinder.
    -Train station.
    -Automatic Wheat farm :||||:
    -Automatic Sugar farm
    -Skeleton XP farm :Skeleton:
    -Basement storage with Lava door.
    -Sheep Farm with All colors of sheep. :Sheep:
    -All-glass brewing room with lava floor. :Glass: :Lava:
    -Enchantment table w/ piston Hidden Bookshelves :bookshelf:

    What i want:
    -Underwater home.
    -TNT cannon. :tnt:
    -A Huge Library (Beauty & The Beast Style).
    -More developed train station.
    -Access to The Void
    -To find any Snow Biome
    -To complete my in-mountain castle.
    -Cactus Farm
    -Blaze grinder
    -Huge eating hall/dining room.
    -Diamond room. :DORE:
    -Pet wolf

    I'm going to Edit this original post with updates and new (Finished) pics when i get them.

    The Main Entrance. I tried to keep the design as close to the natural spawn as possible.

    The Foyer

    Master Bedroom: I am trying to find and use every block in the game. Also, under the floor is reinforced with all Obsidian.

    Sheep Farm:
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on Problems in the nether
    So you can go to the nether but you just get killed? Or are you saying the zombies are preventing you from teleporting back somehow?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Rate my house
    Not bad, 6.

    It needs some sort of spark, plus I'm not a huge fan of wood buildings.

    Suggestions if I may:
    1) water flowing off the sides into a 1 block hole. (prevent further spreading.)
    2) More elaborate walkway, maybe some 'street lightes'
    3) some colors inside (preferably green) So it's easily viewable from outside through the windows.
    4) plants sticking of the house. One brick with rose or dandelion on it.
    5) replace some corner bricks with jackolanterns or glowstons.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on what mob do you think is the most useful?
    #1 Skeletons. I use arrows like crazy.
    #2 Sheep. I do tons of decorating with colored wool.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on starting a new survival world
    I have a very good peice of advice for you. If you really want to be a 'nomad' as they call it, don't make any form of a base whatsoever. Most people I've seen with the intentions you have wind up making a base and thinking oh I can make this better, bigger, cooler looking.

    Go 100% nomad or dont.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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