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    posted a message on The Dna Project. My World, Welcome To It!
    Quote from Fusion14

    Your castle looks ugly from the outside though, might want to do something bout that.

    I Agree, but i am trying to keep it as close to the natural shape as possible (and the natural blocks).

    I'm the type of person who likes things that are 'ehh' from the outside but 'WOW' from the inside.
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on Minecraft 2.0
    Quote from Geof94_minecraft

    Dont laugh at it.Probably there will be.

    Imagine... and texture packs will actually bring you back to original graphics 'retro texture pack'.

    I really hope not ... :-/
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecraft 2.0
    Better graphics. Hahaha
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Netherhold location on 'glacier' map?
    Quote from banjopicker

    I have done that. For about two hours. In the immortal words of Mel Brooks from Spaceballs "we aint found s**t!"

    HAHA, love Spaceballs! (Time to comb the desert)

    I know, it took me about 3 hours to find my first. It wasn't exactly that far it was at a completely different elevation. Make sure you look up every now and again of you are a high elevation or down if you are at a low one. I've see people spawn literally steps away and other who are still in the search.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Netherhold location on 'glacier' map?
    Quote from rodabon

    ^I'm assuming DnaProdigy is doing this after he has used F3 to record his portals coordinates in case he gets lost. :wink.gif:

    I personally by choice refuse to use F3. I think it takes some of the risk and thus challenge out of the game

    I honestly didn't know the full extent of F3 until i joined the forums lol. While i may use it in further Nether exploration i used to just place cobblestone bricks in an upside down L shape to indicate direction.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on The Dna Project. My World, Welcome To It!
    Quote from Fusion14

    I already have a 8x8x? Under-Water Community center that I built in creative mode and then switched back to surviaval. It is a 3-story one too. :cool.gif:

    It might not have been legit, but man is it bad-ass.
    I did however aquire 64 diamond blocks legit. There was a multiple item glitch in 1.1 (which is patched now -o-) that I used to get all of those out of one diamond. YAY FOR GLITCHES THAT MOJANG DIDN"T NOTICE THE FIRST TIME! :iapprove:

    Nice, im not sure how big or small i want my underwater house to be, ill probably start small and then increase the size as i see fit. THat will most likely be my next project.

    Im really focused on the Harry Potter Dining hall, i have hollowed out most of the area (SOO MUCH TIME). I think i will have more pics of it soon.

    I remember seeing something about a diamond block replicator, i guess i messed the bandwagon though :sad.gif:
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on Netherhold location on 'glacier' map?
    Its a 'Nether Fortress'.

    And use a circular motion in the nether radiating out from your main portal to try and locate a fortress.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on My World Of Ideas
    I have a ton of ideas for you. Go to the link in my sig (my pic thread), you will see the things i have and what i'm working on. Hopefully it will inspire you :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Enderman Teleport Idea
    I think that they should only be able to teleport to places that they can see.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on can you pick up a monster spawner
    Yea, i tried with 'silk touch' and no beans :sad.gif:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Giant cave system
    Quote from DoubleDongle

    OP described just about every major cave system I've ever been in.

    Same, most people don't realize how big they are, sometimes reaching a 'dead end' that actually is 1 block away from an extension.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Endemen are rare they say?
    Rare? HA, here's a pic i took the other day.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What would you do
    My Mom: Where did my wedding ring go?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Mining Techniques
    What are you mining for specifically?

    There are TONSSS of threads i have seen about this in the past week.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on thank you
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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