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    posted a message on where you live in minecraft
    My absolute favorite house in one in a mountain. I found a huge mountain and hollowed it out. I kept the outside as close to original as possible but the inside is a mansion!

    Its like a sleeper car, plain on the outside and business under the hood.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What did YOU do in your first world?
    Im still in mine :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What does your world HAVE to have?
    Quote from epiclinkfan101

    An animal farm, since I am paranoid in early game about the animal population running out if I kill anything without reproducing it.
    A farm, to make wheat for the animal farm.
    Water in front of my house.
    Logs on the corners of my house.
    A 5x5 mineshaft with a building over it going straight down until very near bedrock, where I will expand outwards with a set pattern of torches.
    A storage room (usually a basement) with more chests than I need.

    Let me tell you i learned the hard way. I killed all animals in my general area before i knew better. I had to walk SOOO far to lure more cows, pigs and sheep back to the area.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What does your world HAVE to have?
    Quote from RadicalOlly

    You need to sacrifice all your diamonds, gold and iron to the great fire gods then fire all your ender pearls to try to reach them in the oververse.

    This reminds me, i need a lava incinerator! :smile.gif:

    My boat port is as basic as they come, water leading from my house out to the 'ocean'. I can expand on this but i don't have many ideas for it.

    A calculator that blows up everything when you try to devide by 0

    Tut? :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What does your world HAVE to have?
    Quote from RadicalOlly

    A life sounds like a good idea...why don't you get one of them!

    If i throw enough eyes of ender can i find one?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What's your goal?
    I have short term goals and projects for myself. My long terms objective is to have something people will say WOWWW at once they see it.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What does your world HAVE to have?
    Quote from Jordy0364

    Whatever pointless and over complicated redstone creation I come up with

    I like redstone stuff as long as it fits into what i'm doing. I don't walk to the middle of the desert and create some random item though.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What does your world HAVE to have?
    Quote from Sir_Bob

    Nope,you can dye sheep. You get more wool per dye as well sometimes.

    No way... I'm trying it the second i get home. I would love a yellow cow haha!
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on when your bored in minecraft
    I get on my armor, grab a bunch of food and play the 'how long can i explore new caves, collect resources before i get scared and run home' game.

    Needless to say i'm usually sprinting home after i have like 10+ diamonds or 30+ gold.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Nether Portal spawns me elsewhere?
    Quote from videoflyguy

    It teleports me to another portal in the overworld, it is ground level as well

    Ok, i thin your question has been answered.

    With that being said, i use the portals for commuting. I have a portal in another house in my outworld (quite far away from my main). I go in, it takes me to the nether (main portal). I go right back in that main portal and it takes me to my main house. It takes 5 seconds rather then a 8 minute walk or 3 minute train ride (approx).
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What does your world HAVE to have?
    I completely forgot... I stared a Blaze farm but never finished it, so i think that's first on my list.

    Colored sheep, can i dye sheep? I thought wool can only be dyed after it was harvested?

    I need to venture out but i have not seen snow or a mushroom biome yet. Mind you i have sailed for quite some time and have decent length railway.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Nether Portal spawns me elsewhere?
    Mine puts me back in the same place, unless that is the out world portal is damaged as i am leaving.

    Is the ground level with the bottom brink on the portal?
    Does it teleport you back to another portal in outworld? or just a random area?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What does your world HAVE to have?
    So i'm trying to figure out what to build next. I like to play very 'by the book' so to say, never spawn things myself, i don't even fly. I like functional things that will help me collect items or advance in the game. Any ideas?

    I have the following:
    -50x50x2 mob Farm.
    -Automatic Wheat farm.
    -[Edit - Forgot i had it] - An XP farm connected to Skeleton spawn.
    -Subway system.
    -Water elevator (from bedrock to floor ~70)
    -Hidden Book shelves connected to pistons (for crafting table).
    -Sugar Cane farm.
    -Pig/Sheep/Chicken pen.
    -Port for launching a boat.
    -3x2 sticky piston door.

    Whats next?! I was thinking maybe a cactus farm?.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Help with mob farm!!!!
    The best, and most productive one i have seen is here http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Tutorials/Mob_Farm

    Its huge, it works and does not take too long.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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