
About Me
I've been playing MC since DEC 2011 (v 1.0). I play without mods, texture packs or any 'cheats' as they say. I have never even used fly.

I Currently have

-Large house in a mountain.

-50x50x2 Mob grinder.

-Train station.

-Automatic Wheat farm :||||:

-Automatic Sugar farm

-Skeleton XP farm :Skeleton:

-Basement storage with Lava door.

-Sheep Farm with All colors of sheep. :Sheep:

-All-glass brewing room with lava floor. :Glass: :Lava:

-Enchantment table w/ piston Hidden Bookshelves :bookshelf:

What i want:

-Underwater home.

-TNT cannon. :tnt:

-More developed train station.

-A Huge Library.

-Access to The Void

-To find any Snow Biome

-To complete my in-mountain castle.

-Cactus Farm

-Blaze grinder

-Huge eating hall/dining room.

-Diamond room. :DORE:

-Pet wolf