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    posted a message on [1.6.4] [SSP/SMP/LAN] Lanterns and Spotlights v1.1.0 (from Unlit Torches and Lanterns)
    I have a suggestion:

    Why not be able to attach a lantern to a furnace minecart to make a more locomotive-esque cart?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on More Gamerules! [Over 300 supporters!]
    I'm willing to support this. It could make for another interesting generation of adventure maps, with a clean distinction from the earlier ones like Calmere Nightmare. (Still a good map mind you, but now really showing its age...) More fine-tuning would be possible, and that seems to make for cleaner maps.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on [1.6.X/1.5.2/Others]Pam's Mods - Feb 9th (I'm Back!)
    Possibly silly question:

    Do slime puddles need darkness to spread faster?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on StarQuest [Starships][Planets][Space][Ranks][Towns][Factions][PvP][Economy][Trading]
    Your IGN: Dj_777

    Where did you hear about the server: Forum front page.

    Do you understand and accept the rules: Yes.

    What's our policy on raging: Don't rage, build a bigger & badder ship. Then (If it suits you) get even.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Snapshot 14w04a Ready for Testing!
    I am not the first person to voice these thoughts (Or at least something like this...), but it is still true.

    Villagers should do something with their harvests. I propose that they put the harvests in a nearby chest. It would allow for auto-harvesting, but so do dispensers & hoppers...

    Also, why break iron farms & make them laggier? (Instead of systematically killing them, they are just going to be left around until enough accumulate to justify killing them...) Many servers require them to not have to use stone tools & leather armor. I've seen a (Vanilla mind you...) server where 3 Iron Foundries aren't supplying enough iron for their needs. This server has maybe 35-40 people at peak (Private server) and they do some automating. Automating requires hoppers, and lots of them. Now it's easier to get it from zombies FFS. Zombies shouldn't yield more iron for the effort required than villager guardians made of SOLID IRON. It makes no sense any more. Will Looting at least increase yields?! Make it worthwhile to kill them manually vs. automatically, then iron farms won't be such a 'problem' to servers... Not that they were a problem to begin with.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on Snapshot 14w02a Ready For Testing! YAY!
    The only qualm I have found so far is that there is no slab or stair variants for the new stone types. Otherwise, I am content with this snapshot.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on The BigTrees Mod
    See, there's the thing- I've *never* done all of those steps you've mentioned because I've always used the MCPatcher method of adding mods. So when you talk about making a 'mods folder', I'm afraid I'm a bit lost as to where that might go. As I said before -I'm a bit behind in the whole computer world; not that I couldn't figure it out given a proper step-by-step procedure or something, mind you. I guess I can just chill and stick on 1.6.2 until things pan out and the modding dust settles across the landscape...I'm not impatient or anything. I had just hoped I might get lucky as I only really use SPC, Big Trees and TMI. Thank you for your response, however- I'll pop by the Forge forum and see if I can make sense of the install process, and how to add mods to the environment. The hardest part, as Karob mentioned, will probably be using that new MC interface to run it all...but, I'm sure if I can find a post somewhere on the forums where it explains that, too. I'm learning how to use the search! :Is proud of self: ^.^ Peace. A.B.K.

    Oh wow... I always did it the manual way, MagicLauncher & MCPatcher just never appealed to me. Don't fear, it is now much simpler to mod manually. (Literally, I asked myself 'Am I missing some steps or something? Or is it just now made that simple?' *Launches Minecraft & immediately starts a new world* *Left speechless by a giant oil spout at spawn*) You see, I had been manually modding since 1.7.3 Beta, and it's just so... Simple now.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The BigTrees Mod
    According to your post, I am letting you know that I would like a non-forge version, please. Actually, I've yet to brave the world of Forge at all - I'm kind of illiterate in that thing and it scares me a bit - so, if it's not too much trouble, could you do a non-forge version yet? I've been with Big Trees for a LONG, LONG time now and it just wouldn't be the same MC if I didn't have your awesome creations waving in the proverbial block-like-breeze! Eventually, yes, I'll have to switch and use Forge, I'm sure. . . it seems that EVERYONE is going to Forge for their mods these days and it's getting more difficult to even find a mod that doesn't use the API. None the less, I would so appreciate it for 1.7.2 as I am not interested in 1.6.4 personally. Perhaps 1.8 (or 2.0, whichever comes up next) I'll switch to Forge if I can get someone to 'walk me through it' --setting it up and using it or whatever-- but, for the moment. . .yeah. . you get what I'm saying. Anyway- thank you immensely for your Mod and as one of your most loyal 'fans' I humbly request a 1.7.2 non-forge version if you could. Thanks! Keep up the great work! ~Belle~

    I understand your concern, as before 1.2.5 or so, Forge was a bit of a pain to install; however now it's a simple as "download file, run file, make a 'mods' folder, drag-and-drop, create new world, then config changing if necessary.' and like that you have Minecraft almost exactly* as you want it. You no longer have to bother with backing up the jar, opening the jar, deleting META-INF, dragging classes, and then seeing if it all goes horribly wrong before making a 'Mods' folder & then proceeding with dragging-and-dropping the mods.

    *Please note, MCP still isn't even updated to 1.7, so you will have to use 1.6.x for the time being.

    Also, it seems like Risu may be on haitus, so Forge may be the only real option out there unless FC or someone takes over/re-tools Modloader.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on rbdyck's Mods
    Quote from rbdyck

    Hold a stack of 64 empty glass bottles in your hand, and right-click the carboy.

    Did that, also tried with a stack of 13. It did nothing either way. The first time I thought that it may just be still unfinished, just with too little time remaining for the bar to show. The second & third times convinced me that it is done fermenting, it just is broken for me.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on rbdyck's Mods
    I cannot empty my carboy of wine. It has been fermenting for at least 24 hours IRL, as I've left it running overnight 3 times. The arrow is fully white, yet when I right-click on the carboy of wine, it does nothing.

    I'm using Forge #935 & Booze 1.6.4 1. Please help... I want to try the fruits of my labor until Steve is completely drunk...
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [Railcraft Addon] More Rock Crusher Metal Dusts v0.0.6d
    Quote from whahaha

    It doesn't disable forestry bronze, no.

    The only thing it does to bronze recipes is override the IC2 copper dust + tin dust = bronze dust recipe if IC2 is installed. This makes it so you can change the output quantity of the bronze dust recipe in the rcDusts config, bringing it in line with forestry or whatever your preferences are.

    It also defaults to 4 out, just like Forestry.

    Ah, the recipe still works, NEI just doesn't show it... Very peculiar.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [Railcraft Addon] More Rock Crusher Metal Dusts v0.0.6d
    Does this mod disable Forestry's Bronze recipe? If so, can I re-enable it somewhere?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.4] Team CoFH Mods - Thermal Expansion
    I find it funny that all Buildcraft is really used for anymore is the pump which other mods have done better, the floodgate, the quarry, and oil/fuel to power quarries or railcraft/forestry/MFR/AE/whatever-other-mods-use-MJs...

    I will admit, I am guilty of that too...
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.5.x] [Forge] [SMP] Lanterns 1.3.5
    Please bear in mind that 1.7.x Forge is still a long ways out...

    Here's where I get that info from... And he tweeted this about a day ago.

    You might be better off updating in the short term. If this was a bigger mod (Like Thaumcraft or BTW) & updating hadn't started, I'd agree completely with waiting; on a smaller mod, circumstances dictate.

    Basically, use your better judgement to determine whether to update or not.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Mutant Creatures - Spider Pig, Spider Pig [v1.4.9]
    Quote from masdoom

    help your mod make me crash (no offense)

    And... Um... Where exactly is your crash report?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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