I'm offering my help to assist you on this mod if you are willing to do this. I know a few other mainstream modders also expressed interest. I have a lot of experience with mods on 1.10.2 and 1.11.2 and I'm very active in the modding community. If you want to talk about this feel free to leave me a message.
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Member for 10 years
Last active Mon, Jul, 11 2022 11:30:55
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McJty posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]Posted in: Minecraft Mods -
Extreme_Heat posted a message on Pixel Format Not Accelerated - Windows 10Posted in: Java Edition Support
Is this 4Chan or Technical support?
You gave poor, ineffective information and I gave a viable workaround to attempt. That's what a support community does, they help each other. webrosc was not at all helpful , and attempting to start a flame war is inexcusable.
Yes, I don't have a high post count because I haven't needed the support. However this issue is larger than one would think and a perfunctory search via Google would show that.
It's disarming to hear you passing off information from the people that have been helping here for years "ineffective." None of us are paid, nor are we obligated to helping users yet even so we take time into actually solving the issues that people may have.
As you are disputing the solution brought forward, you are implying that you are knowledgeable with the circumstances involved with the issue and are confident in the premise of the issue, that your solution will apply to the end user. When you encounter an issue you are given an opportunity to try and formulate a fix, but you are forgetting an important part -- that being the cause of the issue. Thinking you have a solution to something without knowing the cause will come back to you once someone has an issue that cannot be resolved by your "fix".
You bring to your defense that you used Google to gather a perfunctory conclusion that the issue was nothing more than a rendering issue that affects a user when fullscreen mode is active. When I search up "pixel format not accelerated" I get sent to the Minecraft Hopper page entailing that a driver issue is the cause, and also lists "Graphics drivers are outdated" and "Invalid memory allocation" (I'll come back to these later) as causes to the issue the OP (acronym used on forums for "original post[er]") was encountering. When you look things up you generally don't look for a cause, you look for a solution -- those solutions may not apply to everyone and you will never know unless you find the cause. In this case, the exception is being thrown by LWJGL (you can note the stack trace) due to it not being able to initiate OpenGL.
I intend to keep this simple, but I'll try to explain the issue as thoroughly as I can.
Minecraft is written in Java, which runs on the Java Virtual Machine. When you're writing Java code, you don't target the host machine but instead that virtual machine. That VM grants Java code the ability to run in any operating system so long that someone has written a VM implementation for that OS. At the same time, this prohibits Minecraft from having low-level access to components like the system's video card and thus there needs to be an intermediary that can run natively on an operating system, in this case that being LWJGL which acts as a wrapper allowing Minecraft to interface with OpenGL. So when Minecraft attempts to launch the game, it needs to load LWJGL so it can initiate OpenGL. When this call fails, you get the error as shown above and referred to as "Pixel format not accelerated" which is thrown by LWJGL as a wrapper to the native exception (sometimes LWJGL doesn't catch the exception, resulting in access violation errors). It's not the most descriptive of errors, but at the same time it wasn't written with the intention to make it descriptive. If you're getting along with this, you can see that there's a large gap of possibilities for what went wrong.
For the most part, the inability to initiate OpenGL is due to one's graphics drivers not supporting a proper implementation of OpenGL. It's common enough that Intel has an article stating that "Graphics drivers that come with Microsoft Windows* or that are downloaded from Windows Update typically do not support OpenGL" -- this is due to Intel choosing to not add OpenGL support in some of the drivers they push with Windows Update. That's why people are forwarded to getting drivers from their hardware manufacturers instead of the drivers given by Windows Update (not in all cases!). The same can also be said for AMD, who have taken part in the same issue. Recently, Microsoft released Windows 10 (yay) which just as any OS upgrade has worked, remove graphics drivers and default to the generic graphics drivers provided by Microsoft for Windows 10, however these drivers don't hardware acceleration and also not OpenGL. They basically are there to provide basic graphics functionality so Windows can function, nothing fancy. To reiterate as cestislife explained to you, Windows normally takes care of updating your drivers but in addition to what I just explained, Windows may not be able to find a proper driver at all, or the user hasn't restarted their computer to finish installing Windows Updates that contain a driver update. Read more. I find it a bit dubious that you're claiming to get PFNA errors anywhere but the initial game load, so please send the error log as well as the launcher logs and I'll look into it.
Now, you dismissed webrosc's correct advise to request a DxDiag report under the premises that DirectX is not used by Minecraft (the launcher does!). As while this is correct, it makes no difference as it gets the job done and has all the information we need. We don't need a 3rd party tool to get system information when tools like dxdiag.exe and msinfo32.exe are provided by Microsoft for this exact purpose -- getting system information concisely for debugging problems.
If you've gotten me so far, if you go back to what cestislife told you -- to reiterate the majority of users encountering this error are due to them not having drivers that support proper a proper OpenGL implementation. See the link you were given and it should explain to you how to go about helping people update their drivers.
My apologies if this may sound a bit provocative, I'm posting this not only as a response to your claim that "the advice we're giving is not helpful" but also as a reference for others that may come across this post.
If you have any further questions about the technical background on the issue, you should ask on the gamedev StackExchange here (or the off-topic section here even?) instead of replying here.
Mr_TJP posted a message on [Forge Multipart] ProjectRed - v4.7.0pre12.95 - 02/08/2016Posted in: Minecraft ModsProject Red is all about tech. If you love redstone, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it. It allows you to do so many things, and in a lot cleaner and more compact environment then doing them with normal redstone would allow. The two main things added by Project Red are Wires and Logic Gates. Wires work sort of like redstone dust, except they can be transmitted for up to 256 blocks, and go up and under blocks as well as around corners. Logic gates allow you to fit what would otherwise take a huge building of redstone craziness and squeeze it into a tiny logic gate, that can be placed on any solid block on any side.
This mod gives you the tools you need to push redstone to its true potential.
If you like what I do,
Also, follow me on twitter, where I will soon start posting updates and screenshots about things I am working on.
ProjectRed is a massive mod. It has been split up into several modules that you see below.
For details on what each module does, simply go to the site linked below.
Some mods only work if other mods are installed:
MrTJPCore is required for anything to work.
ProjectRed Base is required for any other modules to work.
ProjectRed Integration is required for Fabrication.
Forge Relocation is required for ProjectRed Mechanical.
Again, all the details are found here.
Project Red
Forge Relocation
DISCLAIMER: Forge Relocation IS NOT associated with forge itself. DO NOT report bugs to them!!: Forge Relocation IS NOT associated with forge itself. DISCLAIMER: Forge Relocation IS NOT associated with forge itself. DO NOT report bugs to them!! report bugs to them!!: Forge Relocation IS NOT associated with forge itself. DISCLAIMER: Forge Relocation IS NOT associated with forge itself. DO NOT report bugs to them!!: Forge Relocation IS NOT associated with forge itself. DISCLAIMER: Forge Relocation IS NOT associated with forge itself. DO NOT report bugs to them!! report bugs to them!! report bugs to them!!
Forge Relocation is a library designed to assist mod author in creating blocks to move other blocks. It is used by ProjectRed's Frame Motors to manage the movement of frames. It is open source and has a powerful, easy-to-use API. Because of this, the Mechanical package requires you to install Forge Relocation.
Source: https://github.com/MrTJP/ForgeRelocation
The Forge Relocation FMP Plugin is a simple mod that shows how the API can be used to allow proper movement of a block that otherwise would not move correctly. FMP blocks are a good example of this. Because of the way they work, moving FMP tile entities without this plugin would cause unexpected behavior. This plugin is created to show how a mod author can fix it. It also adds the ability to stick parts inside of frame blocks so they will move along with the frame itself.
Mod Packs
You may use any of my mods in map packs as long as they are nonprofit and legal. DO NOT message me about mod packs, I will ignore them.
- Eloraam, of course, for the most professional and intuitive mod ever created.
- ChickenBones, for his brilliant library of tools, and for coding the best parts of PR
- Simon816 and kenzierocks, for their frequent contributions on Github- All my patrons on Patreon
- Everyone who contributes, by coding or donations. -
Xeratiq posted a message on How do i use world edit to make a wall 50% sandstone and 50% glowstone?//command 1%glowstone,1%sandstonePosted in: Legacy Support
I say 1% because it's not a % of 100, it's a percentage in comparative ratio (in this case, 1:1, or splitting it evenly, 50% each).
//Command would be whatever you're using to create it (//set, //overlay, //replace, etc) - To post a comment, please login.
An update was posted on his Twitter around a week ago.
1.10.2 is coming along
Any way (or chance to get a way) to change the time blocks take to cool off?
Currently I spend 20-30 seconds per Casting Basin to get a single block of Iron/Gold/Copper (IC2).
Aprox 10-12 seconds pouring, which is fine - although wouldn't hurt to be configurable.
But it also uses 10-20 seconds to cool off and is ready to be taken from the basin, which is a lot of time.
Block / Cool Time
Iron / 20 seconds
Gold / 10 seconds
Copper (IC2) / 10 seconds
Tin (IC2) / 4 seconds
Lead (IC2) / 5 seconds
A total of upto 30 seconds to get a block is a lot of waiting, especially when you have a shitton of ores after a long mining session (bags helps with that), or a mining machine like Quarrys or Digital Miner (Mekanism). (Just made 150 Iron Blocks on 4 Casting Basins)
Wouldn't hurt to be able to configure the times, or the time variables, to increase/decrease pouring/cooling time, or point towards it in case I missed it.
Tinkers' Construct 1.10-2.3.3a
Mantle 1.10.2-0.10.4