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    posted a message on The "Not So Seecret Saturday" Mod for Alpha 1.1.2_01 - Exploring an alternative Minecraft development path [1.1.11_111-1]

    Fixed the download links. I've been very busy with work the past few months, and discords asinine changes to file hosting snuck up on me before I could get everything properly transferred to the website.

    Files are now (and will always be) hosted on the official NSSS website.

    Ultimately I'd prefer to get most of the important stuff off of the discord - the wiki has been coming along and I hope to get the forums workable some time soon. The end goal is to have the discord function like the glorified IRC channel it's supposed to be - with a bridge to IRC protocol and everything. For now, though, gotta keep limping...

    And yes, this mod is not dead. I'm back in the saddle working on 1.1.12, and once it's out future updates should not have such long gaps between them anymore.

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    posted a message on The "Not So Seecret Saturday" Mod for Alpha 1.1.2_01 - Exploring an alternative Minecraft development path [1.1.11_111-1]

    1.1.11_111-1 is out, which fixes some critical bugs and improves performance a good deal - 1.1.12 is still on the way, it's just taking its sweet time.

    It's also available in the betacraft launcher though some people have reported some issues.

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    posted a message on The "Not So Seecret Saturday" Mod for Alpha 1.1.2_01 - Exploring an alternative Minecraft development path [1.1.11_111-1]
    Quote from LazyNathaniel»

    is there plans for steamdeck support? id love to play on the go

    I believe someone has already managed to get NSSS running on the steamdeck, however there were some issues with custom directories - these will eventually get a fix, and hopefully an official tutorial will be forthcoming!

    Quote from Xebrax124»

    I just lost a bunch of loot and spawners because I got caught in a glitched area (see alanix_24). Mobs look like they are spinning really quickly but they still walk normally for me

    I've been tearing my hair out over the glitched areas for the past 4 years and once I can find a fix it will be out ASAP. The spinning mobs is interesting though - do you have any footage of this, or could you provide some?

    Quote from Owen_wolf_boi»

    I think this is a new bug there are little circles from items they cast a broken shadow

    This is a known problem with certain GPUs and possibly can be fixed by reinstalling drivers - if not a more robust fix will be implemented if it can be found.

    Quote from Xebrax124»

    Couple stuff I thought were interesting:

    - Clouds don't appear through leaves

    - There's no way to increase your stamina (it would be interesting if something like gold armor increased health instead of defense so that I could run farther

    - Can't sprint on stairs

    - Large amounts of items on the ground (mainly saplings) don't stack and it would be nice if I didn't bug out every time I was in my tree farm

    - Gray/black dye crafting doesn't work

    - Sometimes I can't make wumbo chests

    - Occasionally in creative if I place down a crafting table I glitch into it and crash

    - Getting discs is really hard since creepers sometimes target skeletons even after I hit them (and I don't think I can put them in a boat)

    - Sometimes I can't get out of boats so I have to break them

    - Bread is worthless

    - Still don't know what copper does besides lamps

    - Furnaces don't drop their items when broken

    - Some chunks won't update their blocks or lighting until I reload them

    - Is it all leaf blocks, or just while they are being broken? The latter being an issue that even mojang weren't able to fix until fairly recently!

    - Drinking milk instantly restores all stamina, if that's what you're looking for

    - Will be looking to fix this for next release
    - I'll look into this as a quality of life improvement

    - That's on me forgetting to make the dye crafting recipes shapeless, will be fixed for next release

    - Are you unable to build them even when placing in water/snow?
    - Can you post a crash report when this occurs?

    - It ain't supposed to be easy! That said, some mob tweaks for the next update may streamline the process if you're brave.

    - Will look into a fix

    - Interesting opinion - many people in the discord consider it OP now that it can be crafting without using a workbench and is thus essentially the most stackable food

    - ATM nothing functional, though this will change in coming updates (you can craft cogs for decoration ATM)

    - Will fix - this got broken when the beta container system was backported for the sake of server-sided inventories IIRC

    - Also looking for a fix!

    NSSS development got very very delayed as I've been dealing with COVID and the fallout from Appendicitis. I'm slowly returning to a state where I am able to work on it again, and hopefully I'll be able to have 1.1.12 out before the heat-death of the universe. Thank you all for the feedback!

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The "Not So Seecret Saturday" Mod for Alpha 1.1.2_01 - Exploring an alternative Minecraft development path [1.1.11_111-1]

    1.1.11_111 is out! A little seecret friday, as a treat. This will be the final patch to 1.1.11, as I am now devoting all my development time to 1.1.12, which will bring weather, seasons, new soundscapes, and more. I also hope to finally put together some trailers for NSSS, which I will be sure to toss into the OP

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The "Not So Seecret Saturday" Mod for Alpha 1.1.2_01 - Exploring an alternative Minecraft development path [1.1.11_111-1]

    And 1.1.11_110 is also live! I hope to get _111 done within a week or so.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The "Not So Seecret Saturday" Mod for Alpha 1.1.2_01 - Exploring an alternative Minecraft development path [1.1.11_111-1]

    1.1.11_101 is live! This contains a bunch of bug fixes and adds cape support, among other things. I have two more patches planned for 1.1.11 and then I plan on going full-steam-ahead on 1.1.12, which will bring Seasons and Weather to NSSS. I want NSSS' weather system to be localized and noise-based, instead of the system we got in Beta 1.5 where the entire world experiences the same weather at the same time. I really want to system to feel interesting and justify its existence, rather than just being a nuisance like it is in modern MC.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The "Not So Seecret Saturday" Mod for Alpha 1.1.2_01 - Exploring an alternative Minecraft development path [1.1.11_111-1]

    A small server patch has been released to fix two bugs, and a larger patch is in development which will, among other things, bring improved skin support (including capes and thin player models) to NSSS. In addition, it will also bring some integrations with some perks I have been setting up for patrons, as I have now set up a Patreon:


    A few perks of being a patron include:

    custom username color

    custom capes

    custom particle effects

    playtesting of in-development NSSS versions

    sneak peeks of upcoming content

    and paying my electricity bill!

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The "Not So Seecret Saturday" Mod for Alpha 1.1.2_01 - Exploring an alternative Minecraft development path [1.1.11_111-1]
    Quote from Rainb0wskeppy»

    You should add the ability to spawn in items in creative mode without using /give

    This is what it might look like:

    Press B to open the creative mode build menu.

    Quote from aaronfranke»

    Would it be possible to incorporate a BGR patch for Apple Silicon devices into a future release of NSSS? Currently trying to play old Minecraft versions (including NSSS) on Apple Silicon Macs causes the red and blue color channels to be swapped.

    I'll see to adding the fix posted by TheMasterCaver ASAP!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The "Not So Seecret Saturday" Mod for Alpha 1.1.2_01 - Exploring an alternative Minecraft development path [1.1.11_111-1]

    My goodness, this is fantastic information, thank you so much for this! I'll see about those cave optimizations stat.

    As for the far render distance being capped at 13 chunks: I just fixed this in the newest update, with the new cap being ~32 chunks in all directions for the highest possible distance setting, and far correctly using 16. As I still haven't multithreaded chunk loading and rendering, the highest render distances aren't good for much other than screenshots at the moment (unless your gpu costs roughly as much as your house), but I'm hoping to make large improvements in those areas.

    Your brightness/gamma setting suggestions have piqued my interest, and I'll definitely toy with a similar system.

    Thanks for your insight!

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The "Not So Seecret Saturday" Mod for Alpha 1.1.2_01 - Exploring an alternative Minecraft development path [1.1.11_111-1]

    1.1.11_100 is out! Sorry for forgetting to update the OP, I've cleaned it up a lot since the patch notes are now being posted to the blog.

    Quote from vector9260»

    [...] There was also a chunk rendering issue where several chunks were still interactable but refused to render, and a world generation issue where caves cut off at chunk boundaries occasionally. (Also, dyes don't seem to be accessible in creative, I'd like all in-game items to be accessible in the Creative.) I really like the mod though.

    This should hopefully have been fixed with the recent update, as I have incorporated Optimine into NSSS from source code that Scaevolus gave me a few years back. The cave generation issue is a simple fix IIRC but I can't remember where I saw how to correct it at the moment. Also, I have added all the missing items and blocks to the creative inventory now, thanks for pointing that out and I'm glad you like the mod!

    I'm against adding a brightness slider to vanilla NSSS, but F3 light level sounds doable.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The "Not So Seecret Saturday" Mod for Alpha 1.1.2_01 - Exploring an alternative Minecraft development path [1.1.11_111-1]

    1.1.11_10 is out! The OP is a mess right now, I'll be fixing it later.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The "Not So Seecret Saturday" Mod for Alpha 1.1.2_01 - Exploring an alternative Minecraft development path [1.1.11_111-1]

    Thanks for the amazing feedback! I'll answer some of your critiques.

    Quote from SuperGeniusZeb »

    - Ambient noises are neat, though I think perhaps they could use a bit more variation.

    This is planned! I'll be adding some more soundscapes in an upcoming update.

    Quote from SuperGeniusZeb »

    - Inventory management is annoying. I'm so used to all the dragging and shift-clicking shortcuts of modern vanilla.

    - Moving porkchops in and out of a furnace is particularly annoying.

    Shift-clicking currently exists in NSSS (since a1.1.11), the dragging shortcuts I may implement at some point in the future.

    Quote from SuperGeniusZeb »

    - An inventory bug causes me to keep crafting dark gray dye when I'm making torches using shift-click and I use up my last sticks.

    I'll likely be slightly changing the crafting recipe for grey dye to correct this issue.

    Quote from SuperGeniusZeb »

    - I miss vanilla's recipe book. Trying to guess recipes is a pain. I managed to figure out how to craft gears, but...

    - I can't figure out the recipe for redstone lamps. I've tried glass around a torch, glass around a redstone torch, a torch above redstone with glass around it, glass around redstone, wool around a torch, glass surrounded by 4 torches, and various other patterns, but I just can't seem to crack it.

    A wiki is sorely needed, I agree, and I'll be working to put one together in the near future.

    Quote from SuperGeniusZeb »

    - Is there any reason why dying wool isn't a shapeless recipe? Do shapeless recipes not exist in this version? If not, you should add them. I was confused for a while on how to dye wool.

    Simple - after I spent hours porting the shapeless recipe system from b1.7.3 into a1.1.11, I forgot to add all the shapeless recipes, lol. This will be fixed soon.

    Quote from SuperGeniusZeb »

    - Redstone activating doors does not act like you'd expect. Some doors have inverted powering behavior, which gets really frustrating when you have double doors. I think that's a pre-existing Alpha bug, but it's still really annoying.

    This is the expected behavior for doors in Alpha. It was changed in release 1.0.0 IIRC, and requires only marginal alterations to redstone double-door circuits to account for this. The best I can say is to get used to it \:P

    Quote from SuperGeniusZeb »

    - As fun as the retro mineral blocks (iron, gold, copper) are at first, it doesn't take long before you realize just how goofy they tend to look in builds... at least when stacked on top of each other. The side textures really don't lend themselves to building most of the time. I really want to build with copper blocks in vanilla; in NSSS, I just put my copper blocks in a chest because I don't know what to do with them. Iron blocks are at least tolerable, thanks to the milder gradient compared to the other two.

    As for this and the rest of the texture change suggestions, I am not exactly comfortable with changing the art design of existing textures - the most I have done so far (and probably the furthest I'll go) is changing the fast leaf texture to have a more detailed background (thanks to nox-cgt on discord). I could look into adding variations on the resource blocks that may be more aesthetically pleasing, like how modern minecraft handles polished and carved sandstone.

    Quote from SuperGeniusZeb »

    - Do gears do anything yet? They don't seem to have any interactions with redstone, as far as I can tell.

    Gears are currently nonfunctional, and exist as placeholders until I can figure out how to effectively implement their logic. I will have them function in a separate system from redstone.

    Quote from SuperGeniusZeb »

    - Not sure how I feel about the new creeper behavior. I get that having them blow up earlier makes you less likely to insta-die from one that sneaks up behind you, but it also means that it's nearly impossible to melee kill them. Granted, bows are machine guns in this version, but I'm not so sure I like fighting creepers in this version. I think I prefer modern vanilla where they walk up to you and stop moving as they begin to detonate. It feels more fair.

    This is a bug! Transferring over the b1.7.3 netcode to NSSS broke the explosion logic for creepers in singleplayer, and while I've already patched it slightly there are still obvious problems. I'm working to restore their functionality to how they were in vanilla a1.1.2_01, which I think was the right level of danger.

    Quote from SuperGeniusZeb »

    - Having iron armor completely stop arrows is interesting. It removes all threat from skeletons, but it does take a toll on your armor. I think skeletons are a bit too easy now. I found myself standing in the middle of a skeleton dungeon, sorting my inventory while skeleton arrows bounced off me. That feels a bit OP. I think skeletons need to have a melee attack so they aren't worse than zombies once you get iron armor.

    Full Iron armor completely blocking arrows was something that sounded neat in theory, and sadly I didn't have enough time to playtest and iterate on this feature before I had to release. Expect a nerf.

    Quote from SuperGeniusZeb »

    - Ability to set render distance father than "Far". This is 2021; I think I can handle a larger render distance for an Alpha fork.

    Absolutely. I've been working a lot on optimizing NSSS, and it currently flies at ~1300 FPS on my current machine - expect larger render distances soon.

    Quote from SuperGeniusZeb »

    - Change the toggle perspective button to C, or at least make it rebindable. F5 is far from ergonomic.

    - Front-facing 3rd-person perspective, mainly for the sake of YouTubers, haha.

    - Bringing back over-the-shoulder 3rd-person like Infdev had could be pretty cool, too, and certainly more practical than normal 3rd-person.

    I will be making it rebindable alongside most, if not all, other controls. I'll also try and work in the second-person view and the over-the-shoulder view as well, though I'm not certain of how yet. I have already seen youtubers literally using reversed versions of their own skins to emulate the second-person camera, lol.

    Quote from SuperGeniusZeb »

    - Rotate the top/bottom textures of bookshelves by 90 degrees so you can combine them in floors with normal planks to create a criss-cross pattern.

    Color me intrigued...

    Quote from SuperGeniusZeb »

    - Backport redstone blocks so I can compact my redstone storage... and also so there can be a red mineral block to go with all the others.

    I suppose that's not too much to ask - though, have you considered wumbo chests?

    Quote from SuperGeniusZeb »

    - Backport the vanilla feature where a pig on fire drops cooked porkchops. It would make flint and steel a lot more useful, and it would provide an alternative to the very boring process of moving porkchops in and out of furnaces one at a time.

    Sounds fine.

    Quote from SuperGeniusZeb »

    - Backport flower pots, to make bricks more useful and add a way to bring flowers into houses without having to place dirt or grass.

    Perhaps, though they would likely use a different model/texture.

    Quote from SuperGeniusZeb »

    - Backport horizontal logs, because it makes wooden cross-beams so much cooler.

    Also a fine idea.

    Quote from SuperGeniusZeb »

    - Add hoppers, but give them have a blockier, fewer-cuboid appearance to fit in better with the fat chests (and save FPS). Also, maybe they should be made out of copper, just to give that resource more functionality.

    - Also, hoppers should drop items if they're not pointing into anything. This could allow the block to double as a replacement for droppers in some way, and make it easier to integrate with water streams.

    I'm not particularly keen on hopper blocks because it makes the automation of certain tasks far too easy - and I don't want to let players automate all of the fun out of the game. I am toying with the idea of using minecarts as a means to automatically move items between inventories vis-a-vis modern hopper minecarts, but with expended functionality. Also, I generally would prefer to buff an existing feature to better fill a niche rather than just add a new independent feature just for this niche - something that bugs me a lot with mojang's development approach to modern minecraft.

    Quote from SuperGeniusZeb »

    Speaking of which, items should move faster in water like in the later vanilla versions. I'm not even talking 1.13 physics (though that would be cool), just please make them move faster.

    Items currently move plenty fast if you place ice under the water streams! And come 1.1.12 ice will be much more obtainable in non-snowy worlds, as I am planning on adding seasons and weather in that update.

    Quote from SuperGeniusZeb »

    - Add hay bales (and make them reduce fall damage like vanilla), because water bucket MLGs don't seem to work in this version, and it would be good to give wheat some usefulness outside of food, since porkchops are usually much easier to obtain. Also, make your hay bale texture not have any red bands, so it will look better as a thatch roof.

    The negation of fall damage missing due to the lack of MLG-water-buckets is already made up for with the utility use of gold armor - I do feel like NSSS should be more challenging than modern MC has become, and the ability to instantly erase your mistakes by right-clicking fast enough (despite the skill required!) isn't exactly something I want. I will consider the decoration block, however.

    Quote from SuperGeniusZeb »

    - Have you seen what Better Than Adventure did with its moss blocks, by making them essentially look like a grass cube? I kinda like that. Maybe it would make sense for NSSS to have the same feature. Alternatively, maybe giving moss a different color from grass would be good for expanding the building palette. Bright green grass doesn't exactly fit every aesthetic. I also really like how BTA's moss blocks add some splotches of color to the caves.

    I am looking to add a few more building blocks to NSSS, but I am wary of providing too many options - limitation breeds creativity, which is very evident through the amazing builds some players on the official NSSS server have made with the limited block selection currently available. You will see some more options in the near future, however.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The "Not So Seecret Saturday" Mod for Alpha 1.1.2_01 - Exploring an alternative Minecraft development path [1.1.11_111-1]

    1.1.11 is live! Check the OP for patch notes - now with more pictures!

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The "Not So Seecret Saturday" Mod for Alpha 1.1.2_01 - Exploring an alternative Minecraft development path [1.1.11_111-1]

    I'll be redoing the OP at some point in the coming weeks once 1.1.11 is released, it's a two year old mess at this point.

    There will also be a launcher update to fix some of the less-than-satisfying aspects of it and potentially allow the use of the isometric map viewer.

    Apologies if this thread might be neglected, I tend to get much more frequent/direct feedback through the discord server, which I recommend for anyone who wants immediate interaction with me and other people who use this mod.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The "Not So Seecret Saturday" Mod for Alpha 1.1.2_01 - Exploring an alternative Minecraft development path [1.1.11_111-1]

    1.1.10_01 has been released to fix a game-breaking crash relating to stairs.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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