Goodbye texturing community...
- DiamondAir
- Curse Premium
Member for 12 years, 3 months, and 3 days
Last active Thu, Aug, 18 2022 09:11:20
- 1,405 Total Posts
- 128 Thanks
Dec 6, 2013DiamondAir posted a message on Change Your Minecraft Name? Possibly In The FuturePosted in: NewsQuote from sycoinc
I dont like the idea of name changes BUT seeing as they most likley will offer this I hope it is just a visual thing and not a total change.
Like for instance the main issue is BANS on servers. I hope mojang make it servers know the account name and you can choose the name displayed on servers different from your Account Name.. sort of how mmo character creation works
Make a character (with a valid non used username) and sign in a server with it BUT have the tracking from your account.
This way bans would still stick...
sure hope when its put in they dont mess up in whatever way they are doing it
One way to fix this would be to give every account their own unique account number, and even when a Username is changed, have the new one linked to the number, so when servers ban a username, it really bans the account number. -
Dec 5, 2013DiamondAir posted a message on Change Your Minecraft Name? Possibly In The FuturePosted in: NewsQuote from Sacheverell
Change Your Minecraft Name?
Every one of us picked our Minecraft user name when we signed up on for the first time (and every time thereafter). For most of us, knowing that whatever name was chosen is stuck with us forever is just a part of the game. Still, what if you gave yourself a silly or inappropriate name? What if you're just tired of the one you have? Currently, this means getting another copy of the game - but maybe not for long.
Jeb hinted that username changes might be a feature in the near future, something that Mollstam is looking into currently. While there is no set date - or even a hinted one - for the feature's arrival, it would seem that it's more a matter of "when" than "if" now.
Maybe I can use this opportunity to change my name to "MrFluffykins".
//" target="" data-ensure-absolute>http://www.minecraft...ssets/wiki.png" />Wiki Skin Overhaul
For years, the Minecraft Wiki has followed the same visual format as many wikis - it's a tried and true look, after all. For one user - namely, Ultradude25, an administrator on the wiki - this just wasn't good enough. Leading the effort to revamp the wiki's appearance, the community has given Minecraft's most popular wiki a complete make-over - head on over and check it out!
Minecraft Wiki will seem quite familiar to forum regulars - keep in mind however, that the visual re-design was done entirely by volunteers! It is, in many ways, another reminder of just how strong the Minecraft community is, and how far it reaches. It's hard to think of another gaming community with such strong dedication, passion and sense of unity. Congratulations to Ultradude25, and everyone who helped him out on this incredibly ambitious project!
YAY! More chances for impersonation, unless they make already taken ones un-usable. -
Jun 13, 2013DiamondAir posted a message on Snapshot 13w24a Ready For Testing!Posted in: News
- Removed Texture Pack support, added Resource Packs
Someone please explain this. This worries me as a texture artist :S -
May 3, 2013DiamondAir posted a message on The New Minecraft Launcher: What Does It Mean For Minecraft?I don;t know, I guess I'm one of those people who hates change solely because of nostalgiaPosted in: News
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Why Not Both?
*Insert meme here*
Very nice. I like your colour choice.
edit: *page get!* woot.
Sounds awesome. Looking forward to this update.
Now that's a pack that I would use.
Age: 14
Skype: gage.yozo
Knowledge of Minecraft: been playing since Beta 1.2
What you Can Offer: critisism.
I stream many games, like Need For Speed, CS Portable, and most of all, Minecraft. I try to stream once every week for at-least an hour, but most of the time longer! I long for some people to come on over and say hi and watch me play some of my favourite games, so I'd love for anyone to head over!
I'll also be in a Skype call with some friends most of the time, and if anyone wants to Skype while I stream, I'll ask for some viewer Skypes sometimes
The Stream is mature, however, and if you're easily offended, I do not recommend watching my stream. We will try to be as ethical as possible with rules and such, however.
Sometimes I'll have music requests open, so just ask if they are! Make sure you read the rules (!rules) before you go chatting away!
Come have some fun and watch me play some games, everyone's welcome!
Anywho, Back to Lurking.
I was about to say the same.
i love this so much. i want these o3o
I can't critique this. I love the colours. I love the style, and I love the detail. Jeez, it's dang-near flawless.
I really, really don't like packs that try to tile with light only in one corner. Hence why I like default so much; however, for a person that doesn't mind this, I think it's pretty awesome.
Post Count doesn't even influence Moderator acceptance. It doesn't matter. I agree with the above post. He has critique to work with, let him and wait for updates soon. No need to post here now, unless you plan on going to a Mod to get this moved.