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    posted a message on Ships Mod - Build sailable ships out of blocks
    Alright, so in playing around a bit more with Ships there are two things that I am curious about. First I have in no way been able to fire any type of arrow or projectile onto or off of an active ship entity. All the projectiles will stop at the bounding box of the ship either internally or externally, this includes the regular bows to several types of modded projectile items. Second I noticed you had mentioned changing the ship realigning to grid so it could do so in any direction not just what it was launched at, similar to Archimedes or early mods. If this is doable it would be greatly appreciated since besides the obvious practical benefits, if you want to fire off of your ship you would need to 'dock' it which becomes immensely impractical on the fly with the current system. That said I am enjoying the mod immensely at the moment thank you for getting this out for 1.7.10.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on MineFantasy: B1.0 - Beta

    I think I can see the appeal in hardcore crafting... I do find it really difficult to actually play new worlds now, usually deleting them at day 1 or 2, and that's because starting off normally is usually done to death and a thing you just don't want to bother with. and cheating takes away the point on playing. But hardcore crafting (well not for me... but other new players). they get a new experience from starting, and it gives new worlds a decent chance to play now. Too bad not many mods do this, their more about just rushing everything and just ends up messy, (as you end up with higher and higher tiers before you even have a storage area set up)

    This is probably the best way to communicate the issue with vanilla and vanilla-esque mod progression. Minecraft as a game has been around for over half a decade and frankly most who have played it have done so to death. Lack of longevity is not a surprise considering that MC never had any clear design direction other than "build stuff, awful Quirky combat, low effort RETRO design, game breaking FUN bugs FEATURES!" Frankly the game has always felt like just a hobbled together collection of half finished concepts, a somewhat decent toy-box but not a cohesive satisfying RPG.

    This is exactly why so many mods that base their core progression off of the half baked vanilla system end up being cluttered with endless and usually superfluous 'tiers' like some of the more popular pseudo-creative mode mods out there. The core crafting, combat and building system is entirely too base and unrewarding, you are certainly right that it is a shame that more mods don't attempt at a more believable and enriching experience. This is why you see people being so adamant about a more fulfilling system that is not necessarily focused on intense realism so much as engaging believability, ultimately it leads to a much more satisfying and lasting gameplay.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Custom Ore Generation: First Revival
    Hey Noogenesis thanks for the work on this mod, it has become a complete necessity on mine and many others servers and SP worlds. Just wanted to add that I have done brief amount of testing and it seems that COG is running with Ted80's Realistic World Gen mod with no noticeable issues. I will take a bit more time to make sure that is completely accurate but just wanted to add that for anyone that was curious.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on MineFantasy: B1.0 - Beta
    Quote from zeshin_umi»
    the progression, the feeling of playing as a cave man type deal to it, and the more realistic progression to iron

    Quote from anzixbrutaka»
    I have to say, I LOVE the hardcore crafting option! I love how it's realistic, where to get true iron it must be carbonized, or to get alloys on the crucible. That was the only way I played to be honest...

    Quote from tehblooper»
    Yah the game would not be the same if you got rid of hardcore. I really love having to start in the stone age.

    Agreed! See AP, don't underestimate your fans desire to throw ourselves into the gauntlet and challenge with these more in depth systems.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on 1.7.10 Mods work on 1.8.1?
    For future reference as far as mods are concerned big number version changes 1.7.10 wont work with different versions ie 1.8.1. The second version number 1.7.2 will occasionally work with higher secondary number versions 1.7.10.

    The forum's built in search is finnicky so default to using Google, most MC related questions bring you back here anyway.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on EnviroMine (DISCONTINUED) - A little bit of realism New physics, Temperature, Hydration and more!
    Quote from renadi»
    water having the ability to support certain blocks would make sense from an enviromine standpoint, even if the main reason I want it is for another mod.

    but some blocks -should- float right?

    Certainly, it would make sense from a non-support standpoint that wood doesn't sink like a stone block. Obviously you can't construct a Cathedral on top of a raft in the ocean in real life but perfect in game support for systems like that are unreasonable. Simply making wood not sink in water would be more than enough.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on EnviroMine (DISCONTINUED) - A little bit of realism New physics, Temperature, Hydration and more!
    Quote from Mikhaila666»
    Might not be the look you want, but endstone is unaffected by physics, and glowstone actually adds extra support to blocks. I have a massive skyship that i used for the Spawn in a server i'm on, Had to use a lot of glowstone in the sails and hull to keep it all up high. You might need to build out of glowstone, cover the exterior with wood.

    Asking survival players to use exotic or valuable materials on what should be regular water craft even small rafts really torpedos their utility especially with a server using difficulty enhancing mods like Iguana Tweaks or Enviromine itself.
    Quote from thislooksfun»

    You can also customize what blocks are/aren't affected. Using something like the carpenter's blocks mod might be useful, as it adds a *ton* of extra blocks you can adjust.

    Right and this is the patch I would suggest if no official solution is possible however it presents a pretty glaring issue. Any easily enough crafted item that would be reasonable to ask boat makers to use is now also a cheaply created physics defying block that breaks the added physics balance on a survival setting/server. The ideal would be something like I stated earlier that could check for water source blocks next to it and disable physics on itself. I understand mod support is not the utmost priority but it would be greatly appreciated to tke a look.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on EnviroMine (DISCONTINUED) - A little bit of realism New physics, Temperature, Hydration and more!
    Quote from Mikhaila666»
    The main problem i see with fysiks fun is lag. You can see it a bit as the trees are trying to fall. And something didn't go right with the taller tree at the end. Plus the water updating would also be pretty lag intensive.

    With lots of players using using BOP, Highlands, Twilight forest, Natura and other mods with larger trees, I can see this causing a lot of problems Most people would just turn it off. Treecapitor and similar mods used to crash servers on a regular basis.

    I'd rather see people try to update that mod. I find physics with enviormine mostly fine right now.

    If you read my original post again you will see I was only asking for the functionality of the tree felling, not the mimicry of dealing with FF's additional content. While that is an interesting mod I agree that such expansive changes should be reserved for someone attempting to update it specifically. As far as the lag goes I have personally tested FF with mods such as Big Trees, BOP and Twilight forest without any lag penalty in the mod's native version, in fact I have noticed more dropped frames from mods like Timber! or Treecapitator due to the rapid state change. Finally if the mod author's were going to consider such an addition I am sure they would make it config ready like literally every other feature in Enviromine.

    On a separate note I am having a bit of a problem solving a feature based conflict between the physics in Enviromine and mods like Archimedes Ships or Cuchaz Ships mod. The issue is not that there is a game stopping incompatibility, simply that due to the way Enviromine's physics work you cannot successfully make a floating vessel of any kind without it sinking upon the ship re-syncing to the environment. The only way around it now is to either make wood or the whatever the ships bottom blocks are unaffected by physics which is obviously not desirable for breaking the balance of structures outside of water. I haven't figured out a really good solution to this problem yet that doesn't revolve around wood (or whatever you want as your ships hull) not being affected by physics while in or surrounded by water. Whether or not this is doable is left to the mod authors unless someone has a better solution that doesn't break the physics balance on land.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ivorius' Mods || Structures - Dungeons - Drugs - Statues - Flags - Boxes of Doom - & ++
    Quote from Ivorius»

    Really, they turned that off now? How unfortuitous...

    I can't legally distribute or give you a minecraft jar, be it outdated or not, but I think there are some tools handling versioning in that way. You might have to look a little longer if you want to try it out.

    MultiMC offers that functionality.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ships Mod - Build sailable ships out of blocks
    Excellent! Thanks Cuchaz, going to put this through the ringer as soon as possible!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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