I get this problem as well. One thing I've discovered is that it *only* happens when I'm digging. I can run around and jump off of things for hours, but after i dig out a few blocks i get disconnected with "Connection reset by peer".
Ok first off ten ****ing dollars to get into a server where people can ask for other people to be banned and get banned for no reason ****ing scam.
Second off why in ****ing hell are you paying 400 dollars a month for a server people pay half that a month for a car, seriously what a ****ing ripoff.
I've been on your server before on a buddys account it was a shitfest there was around 70 people on and one moderator some asshole burnt half the **** down.
You want to make a profit off of this? you would need about 40 users a month to register just to keep it going and more if you wanted to make a profit at that rate within 2 months you would need more slots or a new server.
Sorry to say but this community is infact a scam, it will not succeed 10 dollars to get into the server and have a good chance of being banned mistakenly,horrible . sorry to say but you are wasting a **** load of money, downgrade to a smaller server.
dude not to be an asshole, but come on. We have to PAY to go on the server. Thats a load of ********. there's about 100 servers or more, and most of them are really neat. Like Hangovers, and his is almost as big as yours. I really see no purpose to start charging people. If your getting overcharged by your hosting company, that's your fault. And if you do this for enjoyment, let some people join.
Thats what problem happens to me
I will get to yours when im done duckheads... which should be soon
follow the link at the top.
I guess i was the good cop then.
Just because you have a big server doesnt mean you have to be an asshole. And again, Its not our faults you get overcharged.
This site is completely virus free. I use it all the time.