Is the texture I'm showing here supposed to be iron ore?
I ask because for some reason when I put some of this into the furnace with some coal and come back later, both this block and the coal is missing.
Not sure if maybe it's not iron ore and therefore just getting burnt up, or if it's maybe the 1.2.0_02 update that happened today, or maybe the Hey0 v123 multiplayer server that is causing it.
Not sure if you'll still read this, but this is an issue with multiplayer. It's a bug in multiplayer that just makes everything in a furnace disappear and reappear randomly. I haven't figured out what caused it, since it's not a constant glitch.
Well everybody who's request i have gotten done should have gotten a PM. The downloads and pics will be on the front page of this thread.
Happy Halloween!
P.S. Will get to dem other skins soon.
Sorry Guys, I had a party to go to yesterday. Will get them in today for sure. I got up to ummm postman's, will work on the anime ones sometime in the future...soon.
@Supalime Thanks for not being impatient.
@jokxerjoe hold them horses its coming
Can i test you out?
a Half zombie half pig/cow/sheep (pref pig) and body of a zombie/green undead?
test me?
i can do something special i guess...
it might not come till after the update though, New note: I need to get those akiwa stuff ones and then that and im done! just need to manipulate these pics.
im up to the clown, will try to get up to supalimes skin. Ill release the skins as one big bundle on halloween
XD So dont expect them till halloween. I might make a small exception for all the ones ive completed so far (up to the clown.)
EDIT: @mR.Postman your second image link is broken
if minecraft didn't reject every tileset higher than 64 x 64 that i put into it.
That was fixed in the last update.
Happy Halloween!
P.S. Will get to dem other skins soon.
@Supalime Thanks for not being impatient.
@jokxerjoe hold them horses its coming
test me?
i can do something special i guess...
it might not come till after the update though, New note: I need to get those akiwa stuff ones and then that and im done! just need to manipulate these pics.
You could have of course just used google images...
I found some pics.
I got 404'd
XD So dont expect them till halloween. I might make a small exception for all the ones ive completed so far (up to the clown.)
EDIT: @mR.Postman your second image link is broken
I was getting that one confused with realistic, so from here on it is a THEMED pack