[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [size=xx-large]The Quick Fix Pack for Minecraft[/size] The Quick Fix is a new look on Minecraft. It was originally meant to be only a small touch up of the glass, but has grown into much more. I have mainly taken out what I didn't like and replaced it with new, fresher looking textures. It is still in development, and I will try to keep it as up-to-date as possible.
Before you ask, this IS safe to download.[/size]
What's Included:[/size]
New terrain!
New items set!
New gui!
New armors!
New Solar Things!
[size=xx-large] ...In With the New![/size]
The pack has more than a few things that are different. Here are some of the Highlights:
Emralds are the new Diamonds!
[size=xx-large]Now green![/size]
Portal Cake! [size=xx-large]This is not a lie![/size]
Pumpkin Spiders! [size=xx-large]The face of death![/size]
Stylin' Cowhide! [size=xx-large]Fight them beasties in some spotted cowhide! [/size]
Eat Nemo!
[size=xx-large]That's right, he won't escape now![/size]
Doors With a View!
[size=xx-large]With a window like these, you'll always know what's going on outside![/size]
Dat Glass!
[size=xx-large]Not eye blinding![/size]
Dat Sand! [size=xx-large]Looks smooth as a baby's bum![/size]
No Spilling Buckets! [size=xx-large]You are not a klutz after all![/size]
And More!
[size=xx-large]Screenies![/size] I know what you came for, for the shots! To see how it looks in-game. Well sir, you will not be disappointed!
[size=xx-large]Download![/size] You did not just look through all that for nothing!
Derp its been like 3 weeks man or 4, or even 5. Where the hell is my order.
Just go try and get a skin somewhere else. I would think that you would have the time to do it while we have break (Unless you're not in school still, then I wouldn't know) Because waiting this long is kinda sorta ridiculous to me as well.
It's just a skin. You only see it for a couple seconds when you open your inventory or if you play in 3rd person anyways.
Just go entertain yourself for a bit with some silly skins on some websites or make your own silly skin! I made a guy made out of cacti. Good fun.
And 'sides, Derp does this all on his free-time. He's not getting payed for this or anything so this is obviously not the most important thing on his mind right now.
Pretty Much, Yes.
And I'm starting to lose interest, fast. I've got a bunch of other things on my mind, so for right now, the Skin Shack is CLOSED until further notice.
Don't Freak out, I will be back soon.
P.S. Go QQ on another thread.
Derp its been like 3 weeks man or 4, or even 5. Where the hell is my order.
Sorry for the long wait, but I've been a little bit tied up. I have what you would know as a Real Life, and cant always get on my computer to do your bidding. So stop. I will do it, I promise, but I get busy sometimes. And this was Thanksgiving week.
And Yes, I Failed The Friday Update.
Kendra~♥ wrote :
> No, that's not likely. I would assume that he's not getting freetime. Or he
> died in a car accident.
> Yeah, I went there lol.
Glad to hear your enthusiasm for me being dead...
No guys, I had a busy week last week. And Before you all start QQing, I'm going to try and make it up this week.
So for this occasion,
I appreciate any and all feedback.
Beta (16x):
The creeper is my screenshot :s.
Moon and Sun
Furnace Gui
New Inventory
New Items
New Menu Buttons
The Quick Fix is a new look on Minecraft. It was originally meant to be only a small touch up of the glass, but has grown into much more. I have mainly taken out what I didn't like and replaced it with new, fresher looking textures. It is still in development, and I will try to keep it as up-to-date as possible.
Before you ask, this IS safe to download.[/size]
New terrain!
New items set!
New gui!
New armors!
New Solar Things!
The pack has more than a few things that are different. Here are some of the Highlights:
Emralds are the new Diamonds!
[size=xx-large]Now green![/size]
Portal Cake!
[size=xx-large]This is not a lie![/size]
Pumpkin Spiders!
[size=xx-large]The face of death![/size]
Stylin' Cowhide!
[size=xx-large]Fight them beasties in some spotted cowhide! [/size]
Eat Nemo!
[size=xx-large]That's right, he won't escape now![/size]
Doors With a View!
[size=xx-large]With a window like these, you'll always know what's going on outside![/size]
Dat Glass!
[size=xx-large]Not eye blinding![/size]
Dat Sand!
[size=xx-large]Looks smooth as a baby's bum![/size]
No Spilling Buckets!
[size=xx-large]You are not a klutz after all![/size]
And More!
I know what you came for, for the shots! To see how it looks in-game. Well sir, you will not be disappointed!
You did not just look through all that for nothing!
Mediafire Mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/?sm4p6eiipp0hf51
Place this in your texturepacks folder of Minecraft!
Comments? Problems? Constructive Criticism?
Feel free to talk!
Pretty Much, Yes.
And I'm starting to lose interest, fast. I've got a bunch of other things on my mind, so for right now, the Skin Shack is CLOSED until further notice.
Don't Freak out, I will be back soon.
P.S. Go QQ on another thread.
Sorry for the long wait, but I've been a little bit tied up. I have what you would know as a Real Life, and cant always get on my computer to do your bidding. So stop. I will do it, I promise, but I get busy sometimes. And this was Thanksgiving week.
And Yes, I Failed The Friday Update.
I'm Starting a Steam Group focused on making Gmod movies. If you would like to join, or want more information, paste this link into your browser bar.
> No, that's not likely. I would assume that he's not getting freetime. Or he
> died in a car accident.
> Yeah, I went there lol.
Glad to hear your enthusiasm for me being dead...
No guys, I had a busy week last week. And Before you all start QQing, I'm going to try and make it up this week.
So for this occasion,
But now we can plagiarize! YAY!!