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    posted a message on Will minecraft end on 2025

    Minecraft will only end when people stop playing it. Pure and simple.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Mojang is adding too much to minecraft

    You can always go back a version if you don't like whats being added. I for one don't care if they change the textures because there are always resource packs and custom textures.

    I think I am going to camp 1.12 for a while until I see which way the modding is going to go. That's the only reason I play minecraft.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Unpopular Opinions Discussion

    1. Keep track of your spending, people.

    I think people should keep track of their prices when they are shopping. Whether it's paper and pencil or your smart phone. I suggest smart phone because there are many apps that you can use to calculate pricing on the go. Some of them will let you key in the expected sales tax. OR be smart and figure that in yourself. Because at the end of the day it will help control your spending, UTTERLY DESTROY RETAIL PSYCHOLOGY, and make sure everything is spot on when you go to check out. No surprises. That way there isn't a pile up in the checkout line when someone decides they spent too much, or don't have as much money as they think they do.

    I presuppose this is an unpopular opinion because of the scoffs and twisted faces I get when I suggest this simple technique. I learned this back when I was stuck on food stamps and needed to get as much out of the card as possible before DFCS.. assumes things. I found it was great for actual money as well.

    2. I think people who blast their brights at night for no reason (you shouldn't have your brights on when you are behind someone) should be fined at least 10,000 dollars and automatically be at fault for any accidents they cause. From my perspective, I cant see *anything* when I get blasted. It causes a white haze over the road in front of me via my windshield and often times I have to rely on the same blinding headlights to get my bearings opposed to oncoming traffic. I can *guess* where my truck is going but if I clip someone's car it's going to be a big deal.

    I think flashing your lights is fine, as its the only way you have to communicate with other driver since hardly anyone has a cb in their car anymore.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on So there's good news, and then REALLY concerning news...

    After some thought, and debate with myself, I think developers do deserve money for their works. But not like this. Is it kosher to use patreon to receive money for your mods?

    Of course if I make my mod it will be free.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on So there's good news, and then REALLY concerning news...

    @ Lehjr

    If mojang abandons the "java version" it will most certainly fall into other hands (which can be its own can of worms either way).

    @ Geneo

    I was certainly not convinced by a certain screed that brought me here, but both sides have strong cases. If they must absolutely have the mobile / console versions above the "java version" I would hope they keep it around for people to play and take the authentication servers out of the equation, handling player names, skins, and what not in a different way. Whether or not they update it after this point is entirely their case.

    Let's be honest. I never expected an official update to have more than vanity additions or nerfs anyway. I think the best thing we got recently was the observer which has been kind of useful alongside certain mods. Second fo llamas of course.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on So there's good news, and then REALLY concerning news...

    I got a chuckle out of "greedy pc players".

    Simply, if they rename minecraft I wouldn't care one bit. I don't even look at the name in the first place so it's fine. I have a hard time believing this will effect the game in anyway. It's not going anywhere. As for minecoin, so what? People getting paid for their content? Ohnoes. The only thing is people who no longer make "java version" mods unless they get paid (psst you can already do that its called patreon). So no more mod updates? Okey dokey. Not a likely risk but it doesn't bother me either.

    If java version does "end" you can still play it with mods. So put on your burlap cloak and play with and improve what you will be left with. It doesn't have to be a bad time.

    - Greedy PC Player

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Any ideas what to do when bored?

    If i've got nothing better to do, squats. Squats should be the number one time filler when all other options are indisposed. I somehow found lots of things to do. Study herbalism, go to work on an off day and silently judge people while drinking something from starbucks, try to stuff spanish into my brain, watch spiders eat things, watch ants eat things, count how many people get air while speeding over the hill in my neighborhood, try to distinguish what model a police car is from its siren, guess what calibur a gun is when someone is shooting, sorry got dark there for a second, get on minecraft and try to see how much dawnstone I can make before the system breaks down and I have to take everything apart to fix it, sit on the couch and drink beer while watching mr ed, play with everycircuit on my phone and get mad when a certain component is not on the app yet.

    I could probably go on for hours. I probably should. But I won't.

    I guess having a job helps, because if you work, every hour wasted on nothing is abject heresy.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on What is your favorite thing to do when not playing minecraft?

    I guess eating biscuits would be my favorite thing aside from sleep. Since my day usually breaks up into job, minecraft, sleep, biscuits.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Game Theroy or Film Theory?

    I rarely watch tv or movies so I only bother to watch game theory. Its good in small doses but I am choosy when it comes to picking what I watch from him anyway.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on "Terracotta"

    Well terracotta is still a type of clay. But as far as i'm concerned, you make things with terracotta, you *play* with clay. As an added bonus I found its a lot easier to search terra cotta than it is to search clay.

    I have to use both hands to type clay. I type "terr" with my left hand and there it is. Hope that helps.

    I might suggest that clinging to the idea of certainty is not a very good idea since things tend to change a lot.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on ProjectE - Equivalent Exchange 2 (EE2) for modern Minecraft versions

    I still think "such and such is overpowered" is an opinion, and nothing else. The most fair thing you can do in this case is to make "loss" an option that can be toggled in the mod options, and an option that can be locked server side. This way people who... can find other things to do with their new sea of provisions can have one option and the people who want it to be a challenge can have the other option. This was my issue with the last time this mod was discontinued (If i recall correctly my suggestion was to get rid of or nerf the collectors) Well the bigger issue was that my ideas were ignored then too.

    I also think its a bit unfair to take other mods into consideration (like the cobblestone farm mentioned earlier) when they themselves are optional.

    All I can do is ask as I understand that it may be a bit more difficult to set this up in the mod. But with a refreshed interest in minecraft I may take to the code to make certain addons for mods that start leaning more towards the challenge side of things (or make my own full bodied mod that will work with other mods).

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on ProjectE - Equivalent Exchange 2 (EE2) for modern Minecraft versions
    Quote from CrispLake»

    When it comes for 1.12?

    In theory there is supposed to be a release in the near future. Im guessing 1.12 is being a pain to mod.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on ProjectE - Equivalent Exchange 2 (EE2) for modern Minecraft versions

    I love seeing this back in action. I missed ee2. Looking forward to the 1.12 version.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Home schooled?
    I was homeschooled during the last few years of school.

    And for some reason I did a lot better than I did in actual school. Couldn't be because my day wasn't ruined by puerile wildlife every day.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Just one of those random questions..
    No because I have better (and vastly more important) things to do than play with weapons of war for no reason.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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