Two Aliens, Leedle and Zeedle are in a UFO orbiting Earth.Quote from Geologist
Hopefully one day we'll become progressive enough to move past harming each other.
Leedle: Time to celebrate, this is the first planet we discovered inhabited by unintelligent life forms.
Zeedle: How can you say that?
Leedle: Because the current dominant species in the planet, made weapons.
Zeedle: And?
Leedle: They pointed it at themselves.
1. How did the Universe begin?
The Big Bang, most likely.
2. Where did Morals come from?
They were a human invention in order to bring some sort of civilization into society. If you lived in a society where murder was A-OK, you'd have different morals today.
3. Why do we have a conscious?
Because we evolved to have one. We're social creatures, and it comes in handy. As for the actual neurons and synapses that determine it, we have very large, complicated brains that do a lot of complicated things that have somehow resulted in use having a consciousness. I think, therefore I am.
4. Where do you go when you die?
Taking this from a purely atheist perspective, your brain shuts down, all bodily functions cease, and some guy you've never met is paid by your relatives to pump fluid into your lifeless corpse. Then you get buried. As for what actually happens from your perspective: Have you ever passed out? When you do, you don't remember the time you spent passed out, you remember waking up and then you might hazily remember the act of passing out. Death I assume would be like that, but without the waking up part.
5. Why are we here?
Because we got really, really lucky planet-position-wise, and then there were just the right events and animals before us to allow for our particular species to form.
6. Where does Religion, Art, and Music come from?
Human inventions. When does it say in the bible "And then God created art and music"? We find art and music relaxing and enjoyable, and religion can give a person a purpose in life.
7. Is it okay to commit murders, rape, homosexuality, going to stripbars, looking at pornography, and other forms of rebellion if you think there is no God to guide you?
No, no, yes, and the other two depend on your age and personal morals. As for the last part, how the heck would homosexuality be a form of rebellion? It's not like the person who's gay can help it.
8. How did everything come from nothing?
Nobody knows. Odds are we just got really lucky. How did a God come from nothing? And if God existed before nothing, where did God come from?
9. If we came from monkeys how come there are monkeys still living today?
Evolution and natural selection don't have an explicit purpose; their job isn't to make sure everyone has a good time, it's just a result of animals trying to survive and reproduce. Maybe one monkey ran out of food in its little tree and went down to the ground. Then a couple others noticed that that monkey seemed to be doing all right and came down to live with it. They guy busy, and you've got a new generation of monkeys who will specifically live on land. Eventually these differences were so many that we became humans. Meanwhile, a couple of the monkeys who were still fine in trees stayed there.
10. How did the eye form?
Generally, being able to see predators and potential food sources are a good thing. So over time, some very early species developed an eye through dumb luck, and now here we are today. Look around and you'll notice a whole lot of animals have eyes that look a lot like ours.