• 2

    posted a message on Moonlight Sensor!
    Hi! So, I got this moonlight sensor idea when i make a lights for the night!

    It is just same as the Daylight Sensor but it's in the night.

    Crafting Recipe:

    That's It! Please Support! Also click that Green arrow at the bottom right corner!
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 1

    posted a message on [16x][1.6.x]Crimsobrite- Colourful, RPG style textures![DISCONTINUED][WIP]
    Can I contribute? I can make a language pack that changes block/item names. Like: "Red Cactus"(Cactus) and "Copper Helmet/Chestplate/Leggings/Boots"(Chainmail Armor).

    Can I do that?

    (For other guys who like HD Resource Packs, there will be a 0.05% of me doing a 32x version :) )

    Thank you, PM me if you agree.
    Posted in: WIP Resource Pack
  • 1

    posted a message on [1.6.2] [WIP] Malay Language Pack!
    Hi guys! I have been started to make a malay language about a week ago. I have only do some of it because i have to go to school, which is roughly HALF-A-DAY! I go to elementry school (see this first: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Malaysia#School_grades i am 3rd grade) which is 6 hours and a half.
    I have to go Religion School, that is 2 hours. Ok, enough that. Let's just get to the language pack.


    Settings, commands etc.

    71.3% Complete


    00.000% Complete


    00.000% Complete


    The file will be called en_BM.lang (BM for Bahasa Malaysia), but the download is not avaible yet. Will probably next week.

    Posted in: Language Packs
  • 1

    posted a message on Minecraft 4K (Improved by CrunchyCat) DOWNLOAD NOW AVAILABLE
    You can change this into a .exe:
    " target="" data-ensure-absolute>" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen sandbox="allow-forms allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups">
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Herobrine: The Real Story.
    Every minecrafter in it's brain there are thinking about HEROBRINE?!
    Some people say it's a virus.
    Some people say it's fake.
    Some mojang employees says it's their ingame friend.
    And some people say it's notch's dead brother.

    But, that is just a creepypasta story. And creepypasta stories are not real. Creepypasta stories are scary stories that, well, not real. Like Herobrine. A creepypasta story about the scary someone in minecraft that is NOT REAL. That is just a mod that the story maker make. He accidently make a mob that looks like steve but with white eyes. And he also accidently make sand pyramids in the ocean. The 2x2 holes and trees with no leaves, that is just a bug in the mod. How about in MCPE? It is also a mod. But the MCX360, I am still figuring it out.

    Who agree me?
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 8

    posted a message on The Official Boreal Forest Suggestion! [13 Supporters!]
    Boreal Forest!

    Boreal Forests appeared long ago... I think boreal forests removed in Beta 1.9. Added Beta 1.8.
    So, when boreal forests was removed, i make this suggestion.

    Let's Start with a image.

    Ok, done see that? That's the boreal forest in real life.

    Boreal Forest Chart:

    Layer 1: Spruce Trees
    Layer 2: Grass, Grass Blocks and Flowers.
    Layer 3: Dirt and Stone

    I have build the boreal forest in my minecraft.


    2. Grass Color

    The grass color is same as the taiga,ice plains,ice mountains and Extreme Hills biome.

    3. Generated Structures in a Boreal Forest.

    So, there's 2 generated structures in the boreal forest.

    Structure 1: Longhouse Ruins.

    It's just an upside down pyramid made out of wood.
    At the center of the pyramid, you cut the wood it will bring you into a room that have 2 passage ways.
    1 way have a puzzle to open a room with a chest, The other room will lead us to a chest too but with traps.
    The trap picture will be posted later. (because I'm making the redstone, i'm a redstone noob. Don't be mad with it.)


    Structure 2: House Ruins.

    Just a normal small house, but ruined. A chest to, but some random junk is inside the chest.


    4. Chest founded materials. (both Longhouse and house ruins.)

    <Item Name> <Chance to Spawn> <Number in one chest>

    Bread 50.1% 1

    Enchanting Book 6.5% 1-2

    Iron Ingot 6.25% 1-4

    Wheat 50.1% 1-4

    Gunpowder 50.1% 1-4

    Redstone 50.1% 1-4

    Gold Ingot 6.25% 1-3

    Coal 12.5% 3-8

    Diamond 3.75% 1-2

    Lapis Lazuli 6.25% 4-9

    Pumpkin Seeds 12.6% 2-4

    Melon Seeds 12.6% 2-4

    Saddle 3.75% 1

    13 and cat disc 50.1% 1

    Bucket 50.1% 1-2

    Golden Apple 6.5% 1

    Name Tag 50.1% 1

    Horse Armor 12.6% 1

    Pickaxe 48.1% 1-2

    Hoe 48.1% 1-2

    Shovel 48.1% 1-2

    Sword 36.8% 1

    Hope you like it! bye!
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 1

    posted a message on [1.5.2][SURV] Micro-World: The Floating Block! [V1.1.2] [MCPE Port soon!]
    Survive in the cute and tiny piece of land floating in nowhere and complete the survival challenges.

    Survive and struggle in the small floating world and discover hidden secrets inside. Prove yourself by taking on many or all of the challenges of this fun map. Build a melon farm or a pumpkin farm, even kill the ender dragon as you explore and discover the secrets of this fun little map.

    Minecraft Maps post by NightSpawn!
    Upcoming Features:

    Version 1.2.1 [Biome Update]

    * You will spawn to the main island. [Plains Micro Island]
    +Added Taiga Micro Island
    +Added Jungle Micro Island
    +Added Desert Micro Island
    +Added Forest Micro Island
    +Added some dirt layers to the all islands.
    Fixed "Void Spawning" bug.

    Release Date: Unkown

    Micro-World PE
    Same as the 1.0 version of Micro-World
    + Add more dirt layers to the island.

    Total Downloads:
    :DORE: 100+ DONE
    :DORE: 150+ DONE
    :DORE: 200+ DONE
    :DORE: 250+ DONE
    :DORE: 300+ DONE
    :DORE: 400+ DONE
    :DORE: 450+ DONE[Thanks you all!]

    Current Downloads: 477 Downloads

    Update Log

    Version 1.1.2 [Nether Update!]

    +Add 12 String to chest
    -Removed Bed
    +Added Nether Micro Island

    Version 1.0 [The Quick Update!]

    -Removed House

    Version 0.1

    KNOWN BUG! -The Forest is a half taiga biome

    +Stornghold (no ender portal!)



    1) Build a Cobble Stone generator.
    2) Build a house.
    3) Expand the island.
    4) Make a melon farm.
    5) Make a pumpkin farm.
    6) Make a reed farm.
    7) Make a wheat farm.
    8) Make a giant red mushroom.
    9) Make a basement.
    10) Make 40 stone brick's.
    11) Make atleast 20 torches.
    12) Make an infinite water source.
    13) Build a furnace.
    14) Make a small lake.
    15) Make a platform 24 blocks away from the island, for mobs to spawn.
    16) Make 10 cactus green dye.
    17) Make 10 mushroom stew.
    18) Make 10 Jack 'o' lanterns.
    19) Make 10 bookcases
    20) Make 10 bread.
    21) Collect 10 Ender-pearls.
    22) Cook 10 fish.
    23) Craft 10 Black Wool.
    24) Craft 10 Gray Wool.
    25) Craft 10 Light Gray Wool.
    26) Craft 10 Lime Green Wool.
    27) Craft 10 Red Wool.
    28) Craft 10 Yellow Wool.
    29) Craft 10 Pink Wool.
    30) Craft 10 Green Wool.
    31) Craft 10 Orange Wool.
    32) Craft 10 Snow Golems.
    33) Craft 20 Paintings.
    34) Build the Ender Portal
    35) Kill the Ender Dragon
    36) Make a bridge to the nether micro island

    Old Downloads



    Signature! [Made with mybannermaker.com Hosted by imgur.com]

    Have Fun!

    CLICK IT!!!
    Posted in: Maps
  • 1

    posted a message on Mojang: Are They Even Listening?
    Quote from Pasta_power

    You do realize that infinite worlds are 100% impossible on a mobile device due to extreme memory limitations right?

    Yes, but the game Survivalcraft (a insane copy of Minecraft) have caves and infinite worlds.

    Can you belive that? Also, no lag.
    Posted in: MCPE: Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on [Parkour] [1.6.2] GrashalmTuts' Epic Hard Parkourmap (GEHP) [7000+ Downloads] [v1.2.0 Pre 3 - 01.09.2013]
    I have an idea for a new challange!

    Challange 7 - Forest Ruins
    I'm Arif320's Brother.

    Also, can you test my resource pack? my resource pack is called Simple Pixels (37% of the blocks. Font, fixing later)
    If you have any bugs with my texture pack, tell me.
    Posted in: Maps
  • 1

    posted a message on Is Minecraft Realms PE only for Premium Accounts?
    Ok. I don't have a premium account. Also, Im only 9 years old.
    But, I still have a minecraft.net Account. But, When i logged in, It said it did'nt know my email/password.
    So, I thought to myself. It is only for premium accounts?

    Please help me.
    Posted in: MCPE: Discussion
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