Sounds like when you deleted the save, it didn't actually delete the whole thing, but only the DIM-1 sub-folder, where the nether data is stored. Then, when you made a new world with the same name, it wants to put the save data in a folder with the same name as the world name -- but there's already a folder with that name and some save data in it (from your old world, that didn't get deleted properly), so when the game goes to read the save data from the folder, instead of finding a brand new world, it finds most of your old one, and doesn't know any better than to use what it finds there.
Sounds like Im A lucky *******. Not I have diamond horse Armor, Potions and Diamonds. Wow, Ill never win the lotory but at least Ill have potions
I rage deleted my world after gettung my blown away by a creeper, Renamed the new one the same thing, and got the same world I deleted,. Same things I built, Chests had all the items, Tamned animals were still there. The thing is ,i was going to delete and restart anyway because Im about 100 miles away from the nearest nether fortress. I go into the nether portal that is still there, and Its all reset. I begin right next to a nether fortress. My Luck is ing crazy.
Huh...I was thinking it might be because of the status of being "Undead" and maybe that being a mechanic to make the wither beatable, But normal skeletons dont do that. Hmm...
You mean they walk slower? That's a bug that's been around since 1.3, and Mojang hasn't done anything about it, despite the fact it's on the front page of the bug tracker's "popular issues" section.
Really? Why are zombies the only mob that does that? Oi...But no, We really need a slightly different leather armor texture, dont bother fixing the ing bugs >>
I know its just because of the way that everything is technically multiplayer in 1.3, But seriously? All Peradeath does to you is Ban you? Im sorry, Im not sure how much I dig that. BUT...It can be fixed by simply changing the text to "You Are Dead On This World" Or something.
Thank you, You have all been helpfull! Ill have to travel far though, Since I already been to the nary by jungles. Oh well ,i should have some beans Put away in a chest anyway. I just wanted to be sure that I'd have all the features.
Will I need to start a new world after the next update is out to get jungles to spawn coco plants, Or can I just go out and find a new jungle that hasent generated yet to find coco plants?
I just want to know so I dont spend 5 hours making a castle then have to start a new one to get the new features.
Everyone knows the farlands are gone now since 1.8, but at what point does the "Endless ocean" Kick in? I know it must be brought, But is it a million, 10 million...?
Yeah, Playing the demo of Minecraft on the x-box, an Im wondering; Could there ever be a offical mode on the PC version that makes things like they were before 1.8? Dont get me wrong, I love both...But I do miss the old way sometimes Just a "Classic Survival" On the world creation screen...Maybea "Hardcore Classic Survival" as Well? What do you think?
I know there are already like, 11 different foods in minecraft, But come on, who Would like it if you could cook those chicken eggs...They should give you like, 1 food point.
Yeah, I just started a new world, and noticed my tamed wolfs walking in an odd pattern, then i Realize, there avoiding the tall grass around in the "plains" biom im in (Which has alot of tall grass) has anyone else noticed this in 1.1? If so, It must have to do with their new path finding.
They will go through the tall grass, But kinda in the same way that they will follow you off a cliff.
Sounds like Im A lucky *******. Not I have diamond horse Armor, Potions and Diamonds. Wow, Ill never win the lotory but at least Ill have potions
Huh...I was thinking it might be because of the status of being "Undead" and maybe that being a mechanic to make the wither beatable, But normal skeletons dont do that. Hmm...
Really? Why are zombies the only mob that does that? Oi...But no, We really need a slightly different leather armor texture, dont bother fixing the ing bugs >>
I only ask because I cant find an answer in the wiki.
Thats not a solution if I like to play hardcore,Its small, But Im just saying I would Prefur "you are dead"
Thats all.
Wait, Are you playing 1,3 prerelase?
In 1.3 Its ALL multiplayer. You just choose when you start it up weather you want it Open to people or not, So the banned thing still holds true
What do you think?
I just want to know so I dont spend 5 hours making a castle then have to start a new one to get the new features.
3million from the spawn eh? Too bad really though, I hate oceans in minecraft XD
Thank you-
They will go through the tall grass, But kinda in the same way that they will follow you off a cliff.