Not sure if theres a fix for this, but the items in Mr Crayfish's Furniture mod do not play well with these -amazing- shaders. They appear to have Z-fighting going on with what may be the water shader for some reason. Pics are attached. Any help? It seems any other mod that adds 3d models is not affected.
Hey, excellent mod, I made the switch from RWG to this and honestly like it much more. Quick questions however:
Is there any way to control the frequency of village spawns and maybe control which biomes they can or can't spawn in? If not, are there plans for this?
Been using your service for almost a month now and I am overall happy with it. There were times where my server became unplayably laggy, but investigation revealed that it was some plugins asking way too much of the server, and not the servers fault. Said plugin has been removed and it is now lag free.
I am having one issue since last night, I can not access the McMyAdmin panel since last night and am wondering why? Any help is appreciated.
It also never, EVER works on my computer. The lag issues are phenomenal. It sucks to install, use, and endure. When I see a mod requires forge, I don't even bother installing. And it sucks, cause there are so many awesome mods out there that forge has ruined. I wish forge had never been created.
The way your computer fails to handle forge is not the mod authors, or anyone's problem. Just because you have issues with forge does not mean that mod authors are required to make non forge versions....which by the way is mostly impossible to do because risugamis mod loader is not nearly as versatile or powerful as forge and also does not have nearly the amount of flexibility that forge does.
If you are having frame rate issues, use optifine. If you are unable to install forge yourself, use multiMC.
Been using this texture pack since Doku was originally working on it...and I love how it has I come today with some mashups that I use for personal taste. I have put the roughcut Diamonds on the Reinforced Handles. I take no credit for the original pixel work of either parts..all I really did was combine the best of both.
Credits to infineo1291411 for the reinforced handles.
Credits to Diet Taco for Diamond Sword blade.
Credits to Aceofhrts97 for Diamond Axe Blade.
Credits to Jman37x for Shovel and Pickaxe blade.
Love this mod, use it alongside XtrabiomesXL in 1.5.1.
One thing I did come across which I'll test further is there was some pretty severe lag when I went into the promised land biome. I played it on single player, so I figure it was chunk loading that was taking abnormally long. I apologise in advance if this was already brought up, and when I have time today I'll test it further on a new single player map.
i think you should add wands to it, cant have a magic mod without wands. It looks like a cool mod, but it feels kinda lame casting spells using a scroll or a book :/. Instead of the recipe book, it should be a wand that does basically the same thing but you need a better wand for better spells. I hope you consider this
Actually, when I saw Ars magica did NOT use wands and instead puts a magica effect in your hand with a spell selected (think skyrim), I was sold instantly. As stated before, there are Stave's availabe. Also, if you REALLY want wands, Thaumcraft has those in fire, ice, lightning, and a digging variety.
Hey Prophecy, I am a huge fan of your pack but I don't understand CIT or how it works to be able to craft or switch around the weapon texture in the various tiers to change the appearance of my items. The pack has been wonderful regardless of this, I'd just like to know how to maximize the experience. I enjoy the new direction you are taking, as it will blend well with Thaumcraft and it's magi-tek/magi-punk atmosphere.
Well first things first, make sure mcpatcher is installed, if it is, if you take a look inside my pack there are two txt files with CIT in the name, these hold the names of every single item that is added via CIT
Picture guide
Some of the CIT are naturally occuring and do not need you to do anything special to them like some of these items; The enchanted books, potions, bricks, gunpowder and coal Now you will need an anvil as you need to rename the items using my CIT name txt.files for their names now you see if you in put this in: Excalipurfor the golden sword's name, you'll get this change, now for armor do you see this iron armor? now it's this , the chestplate and leggings were named this; Chestplate: Fluted Platemail and Leggings: Plated Greaves
Just a little update for anyone who's following along with my custom pack, the pack is receiving an overhaul with a new theme in mind
Diamond Stuff
Diamond will now receive a more crystalline colouring/patterning system , and after this gold and iron will also receive an overhaul of their own to better suit my new direction for the pack. So basically this pack will have a definite theme for it (Magi-Tek if anyone wants to know)
More on the shift of direction
I thought it to be a much better directive if I shift the pack into one central focus, and work with the theme in mind instead, now however any items that preexisted in my custom pack will stay the same except that they will receive an overall equivalent to their relevant tier, so gold items will receive the new shading and color palate and iron will vary depending on the item itself. This also means I will change the blocks, so over time in intervals I will update the pack with my current changes, until I have completely made it my own, now I have't updated my pack yet as I have not finished all of the diamond items, this is simply an update status for you to know about the changes that regards my pack in the later years
Have you increased the amount of RAM your minecraft client/launcher uses?
Not sure if theres a fix for this, but the items in Mr Crayfish's Furniture mod do not play well with these -amazing- shaders. They appear to have Z-fighting going on with what may be the water shader for some reason. Pics are attached. Any help? It seems any other mod that adds 3d models is not affected.
Hey, excellent mod, I made the switch from RWG to this and honestly like it much more. Quick questions however:
Is there any way to control the frequency of village spawns and maybe control which biomes they can or can't spawn in? If not, are there plans for this?
Either way, excellent work and thank you.
Don't count on the AI to ever be improved by Mojang.
I am having one issue since last night, I can not access the McMyAdmin panel since last night and am wondering why? Any help is appreciated.
The way your computer fails to handle forge is not the mod authors, or anyone's problem. Just because you have issues with forge does not mean that mod authors are required to make non forge versions....which by the way is mostly impossible to do because risugamis mod loader is not nearly as versatile or powerful as forge and also does not have nearly the amount of flexibility that forge does.
If you are having frame rate issues, use optifine. If you are unable to install forge yourself, use multiMC.
Image here:
You can download it here, just put it in the ctm folder of your texture pack.
Credits to infineo1291411 for the reinforced handles.
Credits to Diet Taco for Diamond Sword blade.
Credits to Aceofhrts97 for Diamond Axe Blade.
Credits to Jman37x for Shovel and Pickaxe blade.
One thing I did come across which I'll test further is there was some pretty severe lag when I went into the promised land biome. I played it on single player, so I figure it was chunk loading that was taking abnormally long. I apologise in advance if this was already brought up, and when I have time today I'll test it further on a new single player map.
Actually, when I saw Ars magica did NOT use wands and instead puts a magica effect in your hand with a spell selected (think skyrim), I was sold instantly. As stated before, there are Stave's availabe. Also, if you REALLY want wands, Thaumcraft has those in fire, ice, lightning, and a digging variety.