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    posted a message on [1.7.3] Charlotte Mod (V8)
    Quote from captain0rex »
    Can someone post there Minecraft jar and there resources folder with the charolette working because i kept on trying to do that and i cant and if someone also has Dr Zharks mo cretures on there can u please post that i really want both of them becuase i keep getting a black screen!
    :Spider: :Pig: :Spider: :Pig: Does wat a spider pig does

    no. Just no. Posting your minecraft jar is a very quick way to get banned, that can lead to software piracy.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Snowmod Ported
    This would be perfect in my world, as i spawned in a snowy tundra. Awaiting an update.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [MOD] Ye olde minegunner / b1.2
    I really dont have an issue with reloading these guns. I like the challenge of having to reload them the way they are. The guns where made this way because thats what the creator of the mod wanted. obviously to be fully effective with these guns you are going to need to bring a bow and/or your sword to the fight too. To me, its all about resources, and the guns being as powerful as they are come across to me as more of an "oh sh*t" kinda life saving item, then something that can be so easily accessible as your bow.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [1.7.3] Charlotte Mod (V8)
    The same thing happens alot in other games that can be modded. Immaturity like this. Take a look at oblivion and the loads of adult mods there for that game. Requests like those above are entirely unavoidable and should really just be ignored all together.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [MOD] xCrAzYbOy Book of Recipes[Updated for beta 1.2_02!]
    Thank you for the update crazy. I added your support into my sig. Your mod made minecraft (even more) awesome.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [1.7.3] Charlotte Mod (V8)
    This looks amazing. I somehow missed this in the previous version of minecraft and have not used it yet. I anticipate the update for 1.2

    Thank you however, for the work.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [MOD] xCrAzYbOy Book of Recipes[Updated for beta 1.2_02!]
    Hey crazy, I've been using your mods since alpha and I must say thank you for the work. Im running beta 1.2 so right now i cant use them. I can't wait for the update for compatibility, thank you for your work.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [IMG] Hozz' 32x32 ITEM SPRITES (For Doku/mixed packs)
    Thank you for the help. I found them earlier today in the GERUDOKU pack.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [IMG] Hozz' 32x32 ITEM SPRITES (For Doku/mixed packs)
    Nice work hozz. This is really nicely made. But I'm having an issue with your watch and compass. The watch does not display time and the compass does not have a pointer....any help with this?

    edit: got it working with the HD texture fix.

    on another note, are those armors we see in your icons available to download anywhere?
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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