Since I didn't get any help the first time, let's try again.
I found that EnderIO has a consistent burning sound with it's Stirling generator block. I want THAT burn.ogg that plays when the Stirling generator is in operation, to play consistently and nonstop with Minecraft's vanilla fire.
How would I go about doing this? Preferably without the four to five second play loop that cuts off the .ogg and plays it again from the beginning.
So I've added my own custom fire sound because I don't much care for vanilla Minecraft's fire sound, but I don't know how to make said sound play in one continuous loop. It plays in the same way as the original, plays the sound for a few seconds then stops, leaving this unnatural dead silence for another few seconds, then picks back up again.
What I'm looking for is to make it constantly play, a constant sound of cracking fire. How would I go about changing this? Can I?
Any plans for smaller drones that can be set into defensive positions where they move to attack mobs within range, then move back to the position assigned to them? Or for patrol paths to keep a safe perimeter around your base?
Damn, no help at all huh? I can't find anything on working with sounds specifically, wiki's kinda useless ain't it?
Does it come in 1.7.10 flavor?
Since I didn't get any help the first time, let's try again.
I found that EnderIO has a consistent burning sound with it's Stirling generator block. I want THAT burn.ogg that plays when the Stirling generator is in operation, to play consistently and nonstop with Minecraft's vanilla fire.
How would I go about doing this? Preferably without the four to five second play loop that cuts off the .ogg and plays it again from the beginning.
So I've added my own custom fire sound because I don't much care for vanilla Minecraft's fire sound, but I don't know how to make said sound play in one continuous loop. It plays in the same way as the original, plays the sound for a few seconds then stops, leaving this unnatural dead silence for another few seconds, then picks back up again.
What I'm looking for is to make it constantly play, a constant sound of cracking fire. How would I go about changing this? Can I?
If it helps any, I'm doing this on 1.7.10.
Well that's a shame.
A shame all the work on this is only being done on 1.10.2. There's so many things that need to be addressed in the 1.7.10 version.
So is development or bug fixes going to continue for 1.7.10? Or are you dropping support for it and just pushing it over to a newer version?
Another legacy mod down. Sad to see the modding community on the decline, but it had a pretty damn good run.
This mod is three years old now. Amazing how the time flies.
Has the 1.7.10 version been abandoned?
Porting is a waste of time in my opinion. Finish the mod for the version it's been worked on for the past year.
So, I can't collect salt water. Using buckets or bottles on water in an ocean biome simply gives me regular water. I have 2.6.1 installed.
Also, I do have salt water set to true in my config.
So is that it for 1.7.10 development then? Is all work going to just be porting and updating for newer versions?
Any plans for smaller drones that can be set into defensive positions where they move to attack mobs within range, then move back to the position assigned to them? Or for patrol paths to keep a safe perimeter around your base?
Perhaps he meant 'nuggets'?
Just had to mention this mod is amazing and I still don't know what to do with half of it, but that's what makes it great.