Which programs will you use: photoshop or if you want me to edit videos then i have the enitre adobe sweet so i can use premiere and affter effects
Do you expect to finish your work on time: yes
If you postpone your project, How much time will it take: that all depends on the project and how large it is so thats a hard one to answer, but i almost lways finish on time.
What times will you be on most: i live on the west coast and get off of work around 4-5 so i can be on after that for a few hours a night
Why do you want this position:to help better my skills and for the fun:)
Skype: (Can PM) my skype is ScorchEden and yes i can pm
What do you specialize in? (GIF Banners, Server Logos) i specialize in everything you just listed
Proof of previous work? (imgur links preferred)
Graphic Designer Application
●Name Ty
●Age 19
●Timezone mountain time
●IGN (In name game) ScorchEden
●Skype (You may PM me) ScorchEden
Do you charge? I don't have money to put down right now so this is crucial. : no i dont charge
Other people are trying to apply, why should I choose you rather than them? i have a few years experience and i am proficient in adobe after effects, photoshop, and premiere and i also draw with my graphics pad.
Can you send a picture of your work? IT MUST BE YOUR WORK!
How would you rate your work (1/10)? Be honest. i honestly believe my work to be anywhere between 7-10 depending on how much of a time frame i am given.
unfortunatly my old computer died on me and with it all my project save files so while i work on new projects all i have to show is some artwork ive been drawing.... which is only one photo....seeing as lke i said before.....was all lost on my old computer
hey everyone, i have been working with adobe after effects, premiere, and photoshop for some time now and i am here to tell you that if you need a designer for your server website then look no further. i either offer for cheap or even free depending on the work. so dont be afraid to ask. you can reply on here or pm me at my skype: ScorchEden (or [email protected]). thanks and i hope to see you all soon.
~Age: 18
~What do you want to be?: i would love to be a gaming talker or a youtube talker. im in the navy and all i do all day is work or play video games so id love to be part of something fun:) and plus i love minecraft.
~Gender: Male
~Skype: ScorchEden([email protected])
~Maturity Level (scale from 1-10): 9
hey everyone i am no longer looking on here for staff, if you would like to apply or play come onto the server and ask or if im not there then leave an app at the staff office (in-game)
Hey everyone we are a new server with a great staff that is in desperate need of payers! a bukkit server with factions but we try to keep it as vanilla as possible. Right now we never get more than 6-7 poeple on at a time and thats a bummer. so come max out our 25 slot server and join in the fun. (btw join the overlord faction, its mine) we are hosting server events like a faction war that pit 2 factions against eachother in a arena to fight to the death, winning faction in this ladder tournament gets a prize! (join the server and sign up on the enjin sight to join the copetition) to do this we need more player and factions! so come on down to and explore! take a look at our amazing spawn and submit requests and applications to the admin office (in-game). Hope to see you all there! also see pics of the server (updated every once and a while) at http://scorcheden.imgur.com/
Position applying for: moderator Age: 17 ign: slamasquid Past Experience: none A little about yourself: a nice person who is good with peop;e (if builder) picture of work: why i should choose you over the rest: (if admin) player 1 is saying that player 2 is cheating, but player 2 denies it, what do you do?: (if mod) player 1 is excessively abusing chat and is being a neusince, what do you do?: mute them from the chat
join at this ip who wants to join and apply join at this ip
Position applying for: All (Only Old enough for Builder)
Age: 15
ign: Cameron2621
Past Experience: Owner, Mod, Overseer, Plugin-Manager, and Builder
A little about yourself: I like to play on modded servers or themed servers with plugins. I like to mess around with plugins and set them up for people. Enjoy making Permissions files with PEX
(if builder) picture of work:
why i should choose you over the rest: I have Exp. I know what I'm Doing. I want to help servers grow. Even if I'm not accepted I would love to play/help the server out. I know how to deal with people without making it a big deal. I know how to use most plugins and if I can't I can always figure it out via trial/error or watching videos.
(if admin) player 1 is saying that player 2 is cheating, but player 2 denies it, what do you do?: If Player 1 continues saying that player 2 is cheating aka spamming chat then mute him. Investigate Player 2, make sure he is not cheating, and if he is then a ban. If he was cheating then un-mute player 1 and give a warning for spamming chat.
(if mod) player 1 is excessively abusing chat and is being a neusince, what do you do? Depending on what he is spamming then: Advertising- Ban, Cursing over and over- Temp-Ban, Just plain out spamming something-Mute
Age: 37 IGN: Y0tsuba Position applying for: Builder/admin/Redstoner Past EXP: Owned a successful Let's Play server for 2years. Reason you should choose me: Every server needs a woman's touch Question 1:I would check the log/anti cheat plugin info to see if any evidence of cheating before any action was taken. If I did not have access to these then I would inform someone who did.. Question 2: Kick them/mute them for 10 mins with a warning about breaking rules, or jail them if server has a jail... Report them to higher rank if continued. About Me: English born Japanese lady. Despite my age, I'm an incredibly fun loving girl who likes a laugh. Just looking for a server to join as I just lost my new server world to a corrupt file save after 2 weeks of building spawn, so I'm giving up making one on my own and would gladly give my time to help someone else. Also with the time difference between us it would help the server have more staff available within the 24 hours.
Age: 15 IGN: Jordan4762 Skype: Xion4762 Past experience: I have owned and set up my own server by myself, have done plugins for a big youtuber's server (Under NDA), have been admins on other servers (mainly to help with plugins, on a few just normal admin though) Position applying for: Plugin manager Reason you should choose me: I am extremely mature, am very good with plugins (I know most and can learn all the others), and know minecraft very thoroughly.
Please consider choosing me. If it works out, you have a mature, experienced plugin manager. If it doesn't, you gain a new player. There is no loss. Please add me on skype so we can discuss this further.
Thanks for your consideration!
would love to have you on, ill get you the ip as well
Hey everyone, i have just recetly started a 12 person server and im looking for all the help i can get. of course i am looking for the usual positions like Admin(17-18+), Mod(16-17+), and builders(15+).,...also if you are good with plugins then that would be fantastic! fill out the application and ill get back to you.
Position applying for:
Past Experience:
A little about yourself:
(if builder) picture of work:
why i should choose you over the rest:
(if admin) player 1 is saying that player 2 is cheating, but player 2 denies it, what do you do?:
(if mod) player 1 is excessively abusing chat and is being a neusince, what do you do?:
I work alot with adobe after effects/photoshop/ and premiere so i know what im doing when im making videos for you!(or banners and logos) if you would like to have somethinng done then leave a message!
Name:Ty Case
Minecraft IGN: ScorchEden
Which programs will you use: photoshop or if you want me to edit videos then i have the enitre adobe sweet so i can use premiere and affter effects
Do you expect to finish your work on time: yes
If you postpone your project, How much time will it take: that all depends on the project and how large it is so thats a hard one to answer, but i almost lways finish on time.
What times will you be on most: i live on the west coast and get off of work around 4-5 so i can be on after that for a few hours a night
Why do you want this position:to help better my skills and for the fun:)
Example of previous designs: http://i.imgur.com/tDLX3qQ.png http://i.imgur.com/n4Jvx3U.png http://i.imgur.com/NQIrfx6.gifv
Skype: (Can PM) my skype is ScorchEden and yes i can pm
What do you specialize in? (GIF Banners, Server Logos) i specialize in everything you just listed
Proof of previous work? (imgur links preferred)
imgur lings: http://i.imgur.com/NQIrfx6.gif http://i.imgur.com/n4Jvx3U.png (<--- i also have a graphics pad so i am getting used to drawing with it as well) http://i.imgur.com/tDLX3qQ.png (<----- just a small youtube channel icon i did)
developers for what exactly
●Name Ty
●Age 19
●Timezone mountain time
●IGN (In name game) ScorchEden
●Skype (You may PM me) ScorchEden
Do you charge? I don't have money to put down right now so this is crucial. : no i dont charge
Other people are trying to apply, why should I choose you rather than them? i have a few years experience and i am proficient in adobe after effects, photoshop, and premiere and i also draw with my graphics pad.
Can you send a picture of your work? IT MUST BE YOUR WORK!
How would you rate your work (1/10)? Be honest. i honestly believe my work to be anywhere between 7-10 depending on how much of a time frame i am given.
unfortunatly my old computer died on me and with it all my project save files so while i work on new projects all i have to show is some artwork ive been drawing.... which is only one photo....seeing as lke i said before.....was all lost on my old computer
hey everyone, i have been working with adobe after effects, premiere, and photoshop for some time now and i am here to tell you that if you need a designer for your server website then look no further. i either offer for cheap or even free depending on the work. so dont be afraid to ask. you can reply on here or pm me at my skype: ScorchEden (or [email protected]). thanks and i hope to see you all soon.
~What do you want to be?: i would love to be a gaming talker or a youtube talker. im in the navy and all i do all day is work or play video games so id love to be part of something fun:) and plus i love minecraft.
~Gender: Male
~Skype: ScorchEden([email protected])
~Maturity Level (scale from 1-10): 9
Position applying for:
Past Experience:
A little about yourself:
(if builder) picture of work:
why i should choose you over the rest:
(if admin) player 1 is saying that player 2 is cheating, but player 2 denies it, what do you do?:
(if mod) player 1 is excessively abusing chat and is being a neusince, what do you do?: