The Party walks into the Zombie Crypt. Moans and mist fill the air. Dalton, Castiel, and Shiro walk into the first room. Three Zombies crawl out from the ground.
Okay. So, we need atleast 3 more people and we can go on the first dungeon, which is the Zombie Crypt. In the Zombie Crypt we will be facing Zombies, Zombie Lords, and Necromancers. This is the first dungeon, but I'm not going easy on you guys.
This game is called Dungeon Sweeper. It is a simplistic game, with little numbers! This game runs on the Creative System, which means the more creative your attacks are, the more damage it does. Below are the rules.
RULES: -No God Modding -After you create your Character, you can't change it! This makes it a bit more fun. -If your character dies, game over for them! After the dungeon is cleared, you need to make a new character. -No clone characters. If my character died, I couldn't change his name and make him again. -No more then ten people in one group. -Put 78 in the Other Part of the Application
GROUPS: The first group, The Dungeon Sweepers, is the main group. The first people to join have a spot. After every dungeon, the group will rotate out. One group goes on a mission at a time. So, Group A is on a mission, if they come back, then Group B goes on a Mission. If there is only ten people or less, then The Dungeon Sweepers will just keep going on missions.
CHARACTERS: When making a character, be creative! After you make a character, you can't change it until they die! All characters have 50 health. No more, no less. They can have any weapons or magic you want them to. For example;
Alfred -Fireslash (Steel Sword imbued with Fire Magic) -Shield of Jagged Metal (Steel Shield with Pointy Bits) -Fire Wall (Uses magic to make a wall of fire)
Alfred has a magic sword, a magical ability, and a cool shield. Here is a bad example of a character;
Bob -Sword -Shield -Magic Beam
See? Not really creative is it? Try to make it creative and fun! This isn't a serious RP, so make it funny if you wish! To prove that you read this, put 90 in the other part of your application.
DUNGEON STUFF Inside a dungeon, stuff will happen! Duh! You will fight monsters and that kinda stuff. The turn order goes Players then Enemies. Status Conditions can be given, such as Poison (5 Damage for 3 Turns), Stuck (Immobile for 3 Turns), Cursed (Magic does .5 damage for 3 turns) or Wimpy (Weapon Attack do .5 damage for 3 turns). This is an example of a character in a dungeon.
Dalton (++++++++++)=50 HEALTH Each + represents five health. If a + is red, that means five damage is gone.
So this (++++++++++)=40 HEALTH. If your health bar looks like this:
(++++++++++) Your character is DEAD. I decide how much damage everything does, and I will play the enemies.
CHARACTER APP. Name: Slot 1: Slot 2: Slot 3: Other:
Example Character App: Name: Dalton Slot 1: Sword of the Dragon (A Sword forged with Dragon Bones) Slot 2: Fire Charge (Enchants a group member or himself to attack with fire magic next turn) Slot 3: Dragon Rush (Enchants a group member or himself to attack for double damage next turn)
This game is called Dungeon Sweeper. It is a simplistic game, with little numbers! This game runs on the Creative System, which means the more creative your attacks are, the more damage it does. Below are the rules.
-No God Modding
-After you create your Character, you can't change it! This makes it a bit more fun.
-If your character dies, game over for them! After the dungeon is cleared, you need to make a new character.
-No clone characters. If my character died, I couldn't change his name and make him again.
-No more then ten people in one group.
-Put 78 in the Other Part of the Application
The first group, The Dungeon Sweepers, is the main group. The first people to join have a spot. After every dungeon, the group will rotate out. One group goes on a mission at a time. So, Group A is on a mission, if they come back, then Group B goes on a Mission. If there is only ten people or less, then The Dungeon Sweepers will just keep going on missions.
When making a character, be creative! After you make a character, you can't change it until they die! All characters have 50 health. No more, no less. They can have any weapons or magic you want them to. For example;
-Fireslash (Steel Sword imbued with Fire Magic)
-Shield of Jagged Metal (Steel Shield with Pointy Bits)
-Fire Wall (Uses magic to make a wall of fire)
Alfred has a magic sword, a magical ability, and a cool shield. Here is a bad example of a character;
-Magic Beam
See? Not really creative is it? Try to make it creative and fun! This isn't a serious RP, so make it funny if you wish! To prove that you read this, put 90 in the other part of your application.
Inside a dungeon, stuff will happen! Duh! You will fight monsters and that kinda stuff. The turn order goes Players then Enemies. Status Conditions can be given, such as Poison (5 Damage for 3 Turns), Stuck (Immobile for 3 Turns), Cursed (Magic does .5 damage for 3 turns) or Wimpy (Weapon Attack do .5 damage for 3 turns).
Slot 1:
Slot 2:
Slot 3:
Example Character App:
Name: Dalton
Slot 1: Sword of the Dragon (A Sword forged with Dragon Bones)
Slot 2: Fire Charge (Enchants a group member or himself to attack with fire magic next turn)
Slot 3: Dragon Rush (Enchants a group member or himself to attack for double damage next turn)
I hate sky. That is all, he is just annoying and stupid. Seriously, GOLD DOESN'T LOOK LIKE BUTTER. And what did squids ever do to him? They are passive creatures who just swim around. Stampylonghead is MUCH better.
The Party walks into the Zombie Crypt. Moans and mist fill the air. Dalton, Castiel, and Shiro walk into the first room. Three Zombies crawl out from the ground.
Zombie 1 (++++)
Zombie 2 (++++)
Zombie 3 (++++)
-No God Modding
-After you create your Character, you can't change it! This makes it a bit more fun.
-If your character dies, game over for them! After the dungeon is cleared, you need to make a new character.
-No clone characters. If my character died, I couldn't change his name and make him again.
-No more then ten people in one group.
-Put 78 in the Other Part of the Application
The first group, The Dungeon Sweepers, is the main group. The first people to join have a spot. After every dungeon, the group will rotate out. One group goes on a mission at a time. So, Group A is on a mission, if they come back, then Group B goes on a Mission. If there is only ten people or less, then The Dungeon Sweepers will just keep going on missions.
When making a character, be creative! After you make a character, you can't change it until they die! All characters have 50 health. No more, no less. They can have any weapons or magic you want them to. For example;
-Fireslash (Steel Sword imbued with Fire Magic)
-Shield of Jagged Metal (Steel Shield with Pointy Bits)
-Fire Wall (Uses magic to make a wall of fire)
Alfred has a magic sword, a magical ability, and a cool shield. Here is a bad example of a character;
-Magic Beam
See? Not really creative is it? Try to make it creative and fun! This isn't a serious RP, so make it funny if you wish! To prove that you read this, put 90 in the other part of your application.
Inside a dungeon, stuff will happen! Duh! You will fight monsters and that kinda stuff. The turn order goes Players then Enemies. Status Conditions can be given, such as Poison (5 Damage for 3 Turns), Stuck (Immobile for 3 Turns), Cursed (Magic does .5 damage for 3 turns) or Wimpy (Weapon Attack do .5 damage for 3 turns).
This is an example of a character in a dungeon.
Dalton (++++++++++)=50 HEALTH Each + represents five health. If a + is red, that means five damage is gone.
So this (++++++++++)=40 HEALTH. If your health bar looks like this:
(++++++++++) Your character is DEAD. I decide how much damage everything does, and I will play the enemies.
Slot 1:
Slot 2:
Slot 3:
Example Character App:
Name: Dalton
Slot 1: Sword of the Dragon (A Sword forged with Dragon Bones)
Slot 2: Fire Charge (Enchants a group member or himself to attack with fire magic next turn)
Slot 3: Dragon Rush (Enchants a group member or himself to attack for double damage next turn)
Dalton (++++++++++)=50 HEALTH Each + represents five health. If a + is red, that means five damage is gone.
So this (++++++++++)=40 HEALTH. If your health bar looks like this:
(++++++++++) Your character is DEAD. I decide how much damage everything does, and I will play the enemies.
-No God Modding
-After you create your Character, you can't change it! This makes it a bit more fun.
-If your character dies, game over for them! After the dungeon is cleared, you need to make a new character.
-No clone characters. If my character died, I couldn't change his name and make him again.
-No more then ten people in one group.
-Put 78 in the Other Part of the Application
The first group, The Dungeon Sweepers, is the main group. The first people to join have a spot. After every dungeon, the group will rotate out. One group goes on a mission at a time. So, Group A is on a mission, if they come back, then Group B goes on a Mission. If there is only ten people or less, then The Dungeon Sweepers will just keep going on missions.
When making a character, be creative! After you make a character, you can't change it until they die! All characters have 50 health. No more, no less. They can have any weapons or magic you want them to. For example;
-Fireslash (Steel Sword imbued with Fire Magic)
-Shield of Jagged Metal (Steel Shield with Pointy Bits)
-Fire Wall (Uses magic to make a wall of fire)
Alfred has a magic sword, a magical ability, and a cool shield. Here is a bad example of a character;
-Magic Beam
See? Not really creative is it? Try to make it creative and fun! This isn't a serious RP, so make it funny if you wish! To prove that you read this, put 90 in the other part of your application.
Inside a dungeon, stuff will happen! Duh! You will fight monsters and that kinda stuff. The turn order goes Players then Enemies. Status Conditions can be given, such as Poison (5 Damage for 3 Turns), Stuck (Immobile for 3 Turns), Cursed (Magic does .5 damage for 3 turns) or Wimpy (Weapon Attack do .5 damage for 3 turns).
Slot 1:
Slot 2:
Slot 3:
Example Character App:
Name: Dalton
Slot 1: Sword of the Dragon (A Sword forged with Dragon Bones)
Slot 2: Fire Charge (Enchants a group member or himself to attack with fire magic next turn)
Slot 3: Dragon Rush (Enchants a group member or himself to attack for double damage next turn)
Screw you Sky.