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    posted a message on RegiusRaids | Factions | Auctions | mcMMO | Custom Plugins |
    I love this server I have been playing on it for 3 months now I am in the faction purge please put me as a supporter
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on my minecraft pe server.
    You radddd dude you sound nice whitelise me dawesome997
    Quote from Dawesome2002

    You radddd dude you sound nice whitelise me dawesome997
    whitelist me
    Posted in: MCPE: Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on whitelist adding any one how wants to be added
    Please white list me you sound like a nice guy my minecraft name is dawesome997
    Posted in: MCPE: Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Battledome, Teacher, Cops N Robbers, Epic Jump Map and MORE!
    Quote from Shogaan

    Hey there Minecraft Forum. I believe this is actually my first official post.. Anyway, I recently(yesterday) Made a Minecraft PE Server that can be accessed through Blocklauncher(patching the server ip and whatnot) and on this server, there will be a variety of minigames such as battledome, teacher, cops n robbers, epic jump map, assassins creed parkour deathmatch, and more! So, yeah. Oh, and before anything else, here is the schedule(For the next 8 days by the way, because I am on vacation and once I return to my hometown I will be changing the server IP and everything ;D)

    Today- 3:00 PM-10:30 PM

    Tuesday- 5:00 PM-10:30 PM

    Wednesday- 3:00 PM-10:30 PM

    Thursday- 5:45 PM-10:30 PM

    Friday- 10:00 AM-7:30 PM

    Saturday is not a good day for me, sorry. Onto Sunday-->

    Sunday- 9:30 AM-8:00 PM

    By the way, I am also a youtuber, so there might be 10-15 minutes of intermission per day when I'm recording

    Sorry if it inconveniences you.

    And now, for the server IP:

    The port is 19132.

    Once again, Blocklauncher is needed to patch the IP!


    Go to Blocklauncher Pro, Tap the toolbar thingy at the top, and scroll down to "Redirect multiplayer connection to online".. Then, Patch the ip from there.

    Rules for the Server(s):


    1. No Griefing

    2. No Mods/Hacks(BAN!)

    3. Only Sprint Mod is Allowed(I don't think it works anymore lol)

    4. Do not ask to be OP. If you are trustable, then you will be deemed OP.

    Anyway. Hopefully I'll see someone on the server today. So, uh, yeah. Hello Forums, It's my first post and all, so I guess I'll be posting more in the future. And over the next 8 days, I will keep everyone up-to-date on my youtube channel.



    Please white list me i think your cool for this my user name is dawesome997
    Posted in: MCPE: Quick Sessions / Minigames
  • 0

    posted a message on I want to join a MineCraft Pocket Edition Realms server
    Please white list me i am a great miner my name is dawesome2002
    Quote from HerobrineIsGood

    please invite me I am a great miner my name is dawesome2002
    Posted in: MCPE: Realms
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    posted a message on Minecraft pocket Edition Realms
    Quote from Dawesome2002

    Please invite me my name is tyster999 and I am a great miner and I'm really curios and I will go collect lots of recorders and I will use nice language

    please invite me I am not a troll and I will use nice language I am friend to everyone except trolls

    Please invite me my name is tyster999 and I am a great miner and I'm really curios and I will go collect lots of recorders and I will use nice language

    how do u add and if u troll or kill out of PvP area I'll kick ok
    please invite me I am note a troll and I will use nice language I am friend to everyone except trolls
    Quote from TJHxxGF

    Ya you have to get a bit listed in order to go into a server. Sorry bro.
    please list me
    Posted in: MCPE: Realms
  • 0

    posted a message on MineCraft PE Realms Server
    Quote from Dawesome2002

    Please some one let me join my name is Dawesome2002 I am a great miner and fighting

    Please some one let me join my name is Dawesome2002 I am a great miner and fighting and I want to play and help
    Posted in: MCPE: Realms
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