• 1

    posted a message on [Modder] Taking Mod Requests!
    Hey guys!

    I'm a modder who is currently taking mod requests. You can see some of my work by clicking the link in my signature, which will bring you to a thread will all of my mods.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
  • 288

    posted a message on In-Game NBTEdit! Edit Mob Spawners & Attributes in game! FINALLY UPDATED!
    Coded by: Davidee
    Textures by: Pyro1997

    NOTE: In order to use it on Multiplayer, the server MUST have the mod installed.

    This mod allows opped users to edit nbt tags in game - modify both regular entities and tile entities without even closing your game!

    It works in both SinglePlayer and MultiPlayer, although you need to be Op to use the command (/nbtedit)

    Edit yourself with the command "/nbtedit me"!

    Keyboard/Mouse Shortcuts:
    Shift Focus: Up/Down Arrow Key
    Scroll: Scroll Wheel
    Edit Tag/Toggle Children: ENTER
    Copy: CTRL + C
    Paste: CTRL + V
    Cut: CTRL + X
    Save(while editing value): ENTER

    It is heavily based off copygirl's external tool NBTedit, with a
    similar interface.

    Images [/media]

    Older versions

    For windows, POST 1.6 :
    1. Download the Forge installer
    2. If desired, backup your saves.
    3. Run the Forge installer
    4. Paste the NBTEdit zip file into your mods folder.
    5. In order to play the Forge version, you need to change your profile on the new minecraft launcher to the "Forge" one

    For windows, PRE 1.6 :
    1. Go to your minecraft .jar (Go to run -> (type in) %appdata% -> .minecraft -> bin -> minecraft.jar
    2. If desired, backup your saves.
    3. Open the minecraft.jar and extract the Forge ModLoader files into there if you don't have them already
    4. Paste the NBTEdit zip file into your mods folder. You're good to go!
    NBT Help



    Quote from Davidee »
    0. USED TERMS[[[;/size];/size];/size]
    MOD - modification, plugin, a piece of software that interfaces with the Minecraft client to extend, add, change or remove original capabilities.MOJANG - Mojang ABOWNER - Davidee, Original author of the MOD. Under the copyright terms accepted when purchasing Minecraft (http://www.minecraft...pyright.jsp) the OWNER has full rights over their MOD despite use of MOJANG code.USER - End user of the mod, person installing the mod.1. LIABILITY THIS MOD IS PROVIDED 'AS IS' WITH NO WARRANTIES, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE. THE OWNER OF THIS MOD TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES INCURRED FROM THE USE OF THIS MOD. THIS MOD ALTERS FUNDAMENTAL PARTS OF THE MINECRAFT GAME, PARTS OF MINECRAFT MAY NOT WORK WITH THIS MOD INSTALLED. ALL DAMAGES CAUSED FROM THE USE OR MISUSE OF THIS MOD FALL ON THE USER.2. USEUse of this MOD to be installed, manually or automatically, is given to the USER without restriction.3. REDISTRIBUTIONThis MOD may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the OWNER solely. All mirrors of this mod must have advance written permission from the OWNER. ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.4. DERIVATIVE WORKS/MODIFICATIONThis mod is provided freely and may be decompiled and modified for private use, either with a decompiler or a bytecode editor. Public distribution of modified versions of this MOD require advance written permission of the OWNER and may be subject to certain terms.5. MODPACKSThis MOD can be freely put into a modpack (collection of minecraft mods) without the need for explicit permission by the OWNER if the given modpack is freely provided to the public OR private group. If the modpack creator does indeed profit from the modpack, explicit permission is required to place this MOD into the modpack.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 2

    posted a message on In-Game NBTEdit! Edit Mob Spawners & Attributes in game! FINALLY UPDATED!
    Just posted version, should allow users without the mod to connect to your server.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 2

    posted a message on In-Game NBTEdit! Edit Mob Spawners & Attributes in game! FINALLY UPDATED!
    Quote from charleyx115
    Are you able to make this available as a bukkit plugin?[I think the coding is different in bukkit and forge] Had a look around on bukkit and nothing else is as good as this. But its use in multiplayer is restricted as every player has to have it in order to have it on mp.

    In a week or so I should be able to compile a version for 1.7.2 and 1.7.10 that doesn't require all players to have it.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 13

    posted a message on Davidee's GUI Library - Create better GUIs! Updated!

    This is a library that allows modders to create more advanced GUIs through the use of Containers.

    While it is not as powerful as GuiAPI, creating a GUI is done in a vanilla-style way and thus is very easy to do. For modders interested in learning how to use this library, you can take a look at my other projects on GitHub.

    The library has functioning containers, scrollbars, textfields, buttons, sliders, labels, and more.

    The source code is available here.


    From MSC2

    From Painting Selection GUI


    Older Versions

    • Run the Forge installer (it's a jar file, so you might need to right click it -> Open with... -> Java Platform Binary)
    • Place this mod into your mods folder

    • This is a GUI Library - so if you install it on a server, it will crash
    • If you're a modder, you should download the source from the GitHub page and place into your mod's "minecraft/src" folder in eclipse - that's all you need to do
    • Modders, please do not distribute this with your mod
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Davidee's GUI Library - Create better GUIs! Updated!
    For those interested, this mod has been open-sourced, GPL license.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 29

    posted a message on Mob Spawn Controls 2! Back + Better than ever! Updated

    This mod is a rewrite of my Mob Spawn Controls mod. Like the previous version, it allows the user to control/edit the vanilla minecraft mob spawning via configuration files and/or an in-game GUI.


    Config Format

    Your Vanilla config may look like this

    # Mob Spawn Controls Configuration for "Vanilla"
    # Creature Type Configuration
    # Biome Groupings
    &Test=+Vanilla.DesertHills,+Vanilla.Desert,+Vanilla.Extreme Hills,+Vanilla.Extreme Hills Edge,+Vanilla.Beach
    # Spawn Settings

    ? denotes a variable:
    • ReadOnly - (true/false) If true, MSC2 will make no changes to this file
    • ItemWeight - (int) Default item weight for entity entries with no () given
    • MinCount - (int) Default Min Count for entity entries with no () given
    • MaxCount - (int) Default Max Count for entity entries with no () given
    ~creatureType are creature type groups
    • monster - Monster creature type (i.e. Zombie, Creeper)
    • creature - Friendly creature type (i.e. animals)
    • ambient - Background/Cave type (i.e. bat)
    • waterCreature - Water creature type (i.e. squid)
    • UNKNOWN - Mobs who cannot be classified go here
    & denotes a declaration of a biome group
    • The format is &GroupName=+Biome1,+Biome2,+GroupA,-BiomeInA
      • The "+" means ADD the biome, "-" means REMOVE the biome
      • You can can use Biomes by their name
      • You can use groups by their name as long as they have been declared before this one
    • Group names are case insensitive
      • Two groups cannot have the same case insensitive name
      • Group names can only contain letters and numbers
      • Group name cannot be "Master" (reserved for master settings)
    • You can also use * at the beginning of the group to denote ALL biomes
      • &All=*
      • &Snow=+Snow1,+Snow2
      • &NoSnow=+ALL,-Snow OR &NoSnow=*,-Snow

    Download Older Versions
    • Run the Forge installer (it's a jar file, so you might need to right click it ->Open with... -> Java Platform Binary)
    • Place the GuiLib.zip file into your mods folder
    • Place the MSC2.zip file (this mod) into your mods folder
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 3

    posted a message on In-Game NBTEdit! Edit Mob Spawners & Attributes in game! FINALLY UPDATED!
    Guess what guys? Finally updated, but the stupid forum and its stupid formatting broke, so the first post is broken at the moment. Not sure if it'll come back

    Anyways, 1.7.2 version is OUT, but I haven't done much testing - let me know if it/how it works (especially on servers)

    EDIT: Looks like I've fixed the formatting. Anyway, here's the changelog:
    • Updated to 1.7.2 (tons and tons of refactoring)
    • Enter key now will save changes when editing an NBT tag
    However, I haven't been able to test this on a server, so please do!

    EDIT2: Also, do let me know if you have any ideas/suggestions, still considering making NBTEdit 2.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 2

    posted a message on In-Game NBTEdit! Edit Mob Spawners & Attributes in game! FINALLY UPDATED!
    Quote from Cathulion

    What your referring to that only you install are called "Bukkit Plugins". These aren't player mods, more like server-side mods, that go in the server folder.

    Any "player mod" like this, everyone must install. Otherwise the server will invalidate them not having it and kick them.

    In theory, it -should- work as long as the player has Forge installed. They shouldn't need the mod (specified in the mod settings), but I'm not sure if it actually works.

    As for the update, hopefully in 3 weeks. Finals soon!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 5

    posted a message on [1.7.2][ModLoader][Forge] Toggle Sneak/Sprint - Better sneaking and sprinting! Updated
    Toggle Sneak/Sprint
    This is a client-side only mod that allows a player to toggle sneak and sprint. When ToggleSneak is active, the player can press the sneak button to turn sneaking on/off. A player can turn the ToggleSneak option on and off (Press to toggle or hold to sneak) by pressing the "Sneak Toggleable" key which defaults to "G", which can be changed in your Control Options.

    With this mod, you can stay still on a ladder while chatting in MP! That's right, you stay sneaking even while chatting! Stay sneaking while opening a chest!

    With the Toggle Sprint option on, simply holding the forward button makes you sprint! No need to double tap! This can be changed on and off via the keybinding, which defaults to "C" and can be changed in the Options Menu.

    • Download Forge
    • v1.7.2.0 for Minecraft & Forge 1.7.2: Here

    1. Download the Forge installer
    2. If desired, backup your saves.
    3. Run the Forge installer
    4. Paste the ToggleSneak/Sprint zip file into your mods folder.
    5. In order to play the Forge version, you need to change your profile on the new minecraft launcher to the "Forge" one
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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