What country are you in?USA
What is your first language?English
Skype (or other form of contact):xTheWiseOne
When did you start playing minecraft? (version)1.2.5
What experience do you have in moderating/operating a server?well I recently got laid off from this towny server because the owner couldn't pay for it anymore but I was a Co-Owner and worked on most plugins.
What plugins are you familiar/proficient in?Towny,Essentials,PermissionsEx,Votifier,Vault,Iconomy,MobArena,VoteRoullette,Chairs,McBans,Worldedit,WorldGuard
How much time can you dedicate to the server?as much as you need
Why do you think I should accept you over John Doe above and below you?because I got experience and I got the skills to back it
I have been working on a friends server for several months as a Co-Owner, I have legitiment proof I am still Co-Owner. I am looking for something to do since well everything is really finished. I know how to setup towny,PermissionEx, multiverse/portal,chestshop, mcbans, enjinminecraft plugin, McMMO, and some other good stuff
and even if they use /home or any command to teleport back to survival the creative inventory will stay with creative and the survival inventory will stay with the survival
What country are you in?USA
What is your first language?English
Skype (or other form of contact):xTheWiseOne
When did you start playing minecraft? (version)1.2.5
What experience do you have in moderating/operating a server?well I recently got laid off from this towny server because the owner couldn't pay for it anymore but I was a Co-Owner and worked on most plugins.
What plugins are you familiar/proficient in?Towny,Essentials,PermissionsEx,Votifier,Vault,Iconomy,MobArena,VoteRoullette,Chairs,McBans,Worldedit,WorldGuard
How much time can you dedicate to the server?as much as you need
Why do you think I should accept you over John Doe above and below you?because I got experience and I got the skills to back it
Reason For Denial:
Reason For Denial:
and recently we've had some set backs
I am specifically looking for an admin
one who knows both how to configure program and has time to work on this server
here is the application
I mostly listen to metal. if you have that in common with me you have a great chance at getting the position
into metal perferably megadeth or Judas Priest
add me david1243
now for some reason players who aren't opped are unable to use commands.
none of the commands I wanted to know what might be wrong with here is a plugin list
if you need a picture of the control panel I will send it
o and essentials and vault both realize that PEX is a group based plugin
listen anyone who doesn't have skype can you please download it and send me your username
for skype
we are one of the few pixelmon servers that actually have pixelmon
this server is an anti grief, towny ,pixelmon and we are looking for moderators,Helpers and Gym leaders
Here are the applications
we are one of the few pixelmon servers that actually have pixelmon
this server is an anti grief, towny ,pixelmon and we are looking for moderators,Helpers and Gym leaders
Here are the applications
and answer smart!
I am looking for moderators just leave some info on stuff that would interest me
O and I am looking for 3 moderators one of them need to be a girl
now in recent times we have not done good with towny or factions so Me and the other admin are pushing
for a new pixelmon/towny/faction server where people can play towny or factions on one server.
now I am looking for 2 moderators.
now we are looking for people who aren't idiots obviously they have done their job before and who is kind of into metal.
we actually are looking for 1 girl to be a moderator one around the age of 15 to 17
so please leave your app here and I will get back to you
App for Moderator
what staff position have you been before?
What do you do if there is a fight?
my birthday is on july 30th I will be turning 18
I have been working on a friends server for several months as a Co-Owner, I have legitiment proof I am still Co-Owner. I am looking for something to do since well everything is really finished. I know how to setup towny,PermissionEx, multiverse/portal,chestshop, mcbans, enjinminecraft plugin, McMMO, and some other good stuff
just add me on skype
so player can occasionally go to creative to take a break now
I was wondering if there is a plugin to keep users from using /home /return and other commands to teleport back to survival with items
and I wanted to know if there is a different way to get rid of inventory items when they teleport from the creative world to the survival world
and to keep players from taking items from survival world to the creative world
can anyone give me advice on this?