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[0.8.1] Item Transport Mod! Block Placers & Breakers [Easy Automation!] Make Automatic Farms and Cobble Generators! More! [With >>
by Darth377
14 8,259
PEAkit PE! the mcpe hexxit~like modPack! >>
by Darth377
17 33,872
Add one word to the story >>
by Darth377
163 2,554
Darth377's DirectTest kik betatester room! Want to be a beta tester for my mods? join the group! Beta testers get FIRST COPY mod >>
by Darth377
12 1,727
[Discussion] What has happened to modding? Who is still here? Where have you grown since you began as a modder? Contributions? >>
by Darth377
2 815
Risk By Darth377Apps [> FREE GIVEAWAY ON MY TWITTER <**{Giving away 10 free copies!}**] Available on the Google Play Store [$1] >>
by Darth377
291 50,247
[NEW] [I'M BACK] Mob Rush! By Darth377Apps. New Thrilling MCPE Minigame ModScript! >>
by Darth377
1 725
Survival Overhaul v5nobug [34 new items] [42 new crafting recipes] [Take The Challenge!] [New Textures] [New Expansion Tree] [!H >>
by Darth377
37 4,830
Minecraft's speed halved when I upgraded my operating system from Windows 7 32 bit to 64 bit... help? >>
by Darth377
3 509
[HOT] Darth377's ADVANCED MODS: LATEST: Nightmare MiniMod! Can YOU survive in this harsh environment? >>
by Darth377
267 100,754
ModMaker by Darth377 [Make Mods in Game with No Coding Experience] LATEST: Attack Hook added! Added clear button! [Build Mods in >>
by Darth377
28 4,966
Darth377's (Expert) ModPE challenge! Can YOU create a mod that adds a NEW biome in UNDER 50 LINES? Apply Within. [Its POSSIBLE! >>
by Darth377
33 4,639
MCPE 0.9.0 Mesa and Savannah seed with dungeon? >>
by Darth377
6 5,140
[Please Help!] [Urgent for new mod of mine] [Android help!] Help with .delete(); not working >>
by Darth377
0 484
Java Help Arrays >>
by Darth377
2 215
YOU Mod [What the community wants] [Add features! Just say in the comments!] [What you want, smashed into one single mod!] [Drop >>
by Darth377
20 1,164
by Darth377
24 4,782
Risk Update Version 1 IDEA thread [POST AN IDEA HERE TO BE ADDED TO RISK VERSION 1] [Make it the Best update Ever!] Every idea c >>
by Darth377
7 388
Perseverance by Darth377. [Mini Game] [Hunger Games- like gameplay] [Spawning Chests] [Survival] [Waves] [Get the highest score! >>
by Darth377
18 3,109
Please Help Experienced andoid programmer! (Well, more than me at least)! Need help with making EditText on different lines, ins >>
by Darth377
4 445