• 46

    posted a message on Risk By Darth377Apps [> FREE GIVEAWAY ON MY TWITTER <**{Giving away 10 free copies!}**] Available on the Google Play Store [$1]


    Every 10,000 ticks a Risk will happen.
    ·Your Health will be diminished to 2 (One full heart)
    ·One of two things will happen.


    You have a 50% chance of being teleported to a dungeon.
    If you are, a diamond chestplate will be added to your inventory.

    Hordes of Zombies, Spiders, and Zombie Pigman will then spawn in the dungeon (in seperate waves)

    After the waves are over, you will be teleported back where you last were.
    Everytime you enter the dungeon, the mobs will have +1 health.
    (eg: 40 times = +40 health)

    More Info:
    The waves are as written:

    2 zombies

    1 Zombie, 1 Zombie Pigman, 1 Spider

    2 Zombie Pigman, 1 Spider

    2 Zombies

    1 Zombie, 1 Zombie Pigman, 1 Spider

    2 Zombie Pigman, 1 Spider

    Warning: do not leave the game while in the dungeon- you wont be teleported back!

    Additional Rare dungeon Item:
    If you are teleported to a dungeon, you will have a rare chance to get a rare Risk Rod

    Risk Rods set the opponent on fire, and automatically kills it.

    It also sets a fire on the block you tap it with.

    It has 200 attack durability, and 150 fire durability.

    Golden Apple:
    You have a 50% chance to gain a risk apple during a Risk.

    The Risk Apple is a food item. It will restore most of your health.

    Risk Cookie
    When given a Risk Apple, you have a 30% chance to also gain a risk cookie.

    Risk cookies also heal most your health.

    Risk Armor
    Risk Armor gives 6 armor points when you have full pair. (hint. its actually chain)

    It will appear in the crafting table under the armor tab.
    Its fairly cheap to make!

    When you wear risk armor:

    ·Less chance of being sent dungeon
    ·When sent to dungeon, Health isnt decreased
    ·Raises chances to get: Risk Rod, Firey Gem, Risk Cookie
    ·Killing npc's drop 4 diamonds instead of 2

    ·Allows Herobrine, Sun, Moon, and NPC to drop their respective books

    its called Luck Armor, btw!

    has lots of durability!

    Every 4500 ticks Herobrine will spawn near you.

    He has 90 health- one tough opponent.

    Herobrine holds a fiery gem. His base attack damage is 2.5 hearts.

    Herobrine will always drop 2 tnt, unless another herobrine spawns before you kill him.

    Herobrine has a 10% chance of dropping a firey gem, an Item that will set your opponent on fire, and deal 2 hearts of damage, and occasionally shoot it up into the air.

    With luck armor equipped, Herobrine may drop a Book of Engraved Time

    More Info
    Currently Herobrine looks like a Zombie Pigman

    Once He spawns, he will spawn more rapidly.

    as of 0.4.0, herobrine is alot less common.

    NPC's will spawn every 14000 ticks, making them more rare then Risks itself.

    At first, NPC's are nice, and they dont attack you.
    But if you hurt them (with a sword), they get angry.

    when they are angry, they get a health boost, at 40 hearts. (double of your max)

    if you kill them then, they will drop 2 DIAMONDS.

    With luck Armor Equipped, NPCs will drop Books of Reverted Time AND a Book of Increased Health!

    More Info:
    NPC's spawn somewhat more random then Herobrine, making them hard to find

    NPC's originally have 30 health.

    NPC's Texture is screwy.

    NPC's SHOULD hold an Iron Pickaxe.

    God Creeper
    Rarely god creeper will spawn.

    it has 1 health,
    and if it dies, blows up with explode(x,y,z,50);

    Extremely Dangerous.

    Extremely Rare.

    However, if you kill one, you have a very small chance to get the most OP item in the game.

    The creeper star.

    ID: 498

    Sun and Moon Mob;
    The sun and moon mob will spawn commonly. They are passive in the day, but angry at night.

    if the player is wearing luck armor and kills them, they will drop a Book of Day or a Book of Night

    the moon also drops sponge.

    Menu GUI:
    tells all useful things such as:

    how long youve played risk
    when the next risk is
    how much boosted health you have


    Healing GUI:
    Up in the top left corner of your screen, You will see a button that says 'heal'.

    If you tap it, It will periodically heal you.
    Every 10 times it heals you, it will set your health to full.

    Rarely and Randomly, it will make you INVINCIBLE for 10 seconds.

    that is all.

    Sneaking GUI:
    Sneaking gui will appear in the top right portion of your device.

    when clicked will enable/ disable sneaking.

    sneaking is exactly like pc sneaking.

    Sprinting GUI:
    Sprinting GUI will appear in the bottom left portion of your device.

    when clicked will enable/ disable sprinting.

    sprinting is identicle to pc, and is from whytofus sprinting script.

    Reformatting GUI:
    Adds a button that, when clicked, will popup a text box. Enter a number and click 'apply' to change the GUI sizes.

    50 for Phones

    70 for Tablets

    75 or 80 for larger tablets.

    Fire GUI & Bows:
    This GUI will appear in the middle of the left side of your screen.

    If you are holding a bow, It will shoot one or two arrows depending, and eaxh with different power.

    This is Mo'BowsMod, a mod I released February 9th on my main topic.
    More info is found there.

    You get bows by killing skellies.

    Currentlu, dont shoot upwards or downwarss. slight bug. :)

    FIXED. :D

    Fire Bows will shoot flame arrows!

    Death GUI
    At the top of your screen, a death gui will appear.

    Everytime you die, the value will be increased by one

    Risk Shickaxe:
    The risk shickaxe is obtained by tapping a Firey Gem on a crafting table, followed by a Risk Rod.

    It is a combo of a shovel, a pick, and an axe.

    It mines faster than diamond tools.
    Can only mine up to iron ore for now.

    Afk Checker:
    if the player (you) stands completely still for 1200 ticks, (60 seconds) you will be marked as Afk

    afk stands for away from keyboard, and when you are afk, all modTick based variables will pause.

    If you are afk, just move, and a message popup saying that you are no longer afk!

    The commands are:

    /setVar heroTick [integer]

    /setVar riskTick [integer]

    /setVar npcTick [integer]

    (I recommend you do not use the above commands unless you know what you are doing)



    ·Repairs the risk rod (as it has a duribility)


    if you dont know much about the mod, some info ;)

    /shut up

    mutes modTick based clientMessage

    /un shut up

    un mutes it

    /close watch

    sends a message when an npc spawns

    /un close watch

    doesnt send messages

    /spawn OP creeper

    spawns a god creeper above you

    /cheat mode on

    enables cheat mode

    /easy mode on

    enables easy mode

    Custom Items:
    RiskRod with an ID of 369

    Risk Apple with an ID of 322

    Risk Cookie with an ID of 357

    FireyGem with an ID of 497

    Creeper Star with an ID of 498

    Weak bow, 503
    Ok bow, 504
    Super bow, 505
    Ultimate bow, 506

    Super Flame bow, 467
    Ultimite Flame BOw, 468

    Risk Shickaxe with 507

    Risk armor with ids:

    508: Risk Carrot

    510: Book of Engraved Time
    460: Book of Reverted time
    462: Book of Night
    461: Book of Day
    463: Book of Extended health
    464: Book of Delayed Risk (5000)
    465: Book of Delayed Risk (12500)
    464: Book of Delayed Risk (27000)

    Risk Books:
    510: Book of Engraved Time
    460: Book of Reverted time
    462: Book of Night
    461: Book of Day
    463: Book of Increased health
    464: Book of Delayed Risk (5000)
    465: Book of Delayed Risk (12500)
    464: Book of Delayed Risk (27000)
    473: Book of Reset Mobs

    when tapping the book of engraved time, a menu will appear. here you will be able to edit the tps. (ticks per second)

    be careful- the higher the number, the faster everything goes.

    Book of reverted time, when tapped, will set the tps back to 20

    Book of Night and Day will set the times.

    Book of Increased Health adds 20 health to the player, when tapped! It heal and adds a health boost!

    Books of Delayed Risk add that many ticks on to next Risk Cycle (legit way of doing it.)

    Book of Reset Mobs reset the conhincrease, or the continual health increase, of the risk dungeon mobs.

    Risk wand Mana, and bottles: [NEW]
    0.7.0 adds spells, mana and more.

    There are of spells to pick from. to acess the spell list, go to menu, then spells.
    select a spell from there.

    in order to cast a spell, you must first:
    1) Make a Risk Wand
    (crafting table)

    2) have enough mana to cast the spell.
    Every mob drops Raw Mana.
    If you put four TWO raw mana and a bottle (also crraftable) in the table, you will get a bottle of Mana.

    Simply tap that on something to get 1 mana.

    Youll get your bottle back.

    BTW, the spells are mostly projectiles.

    Risk Serpenine Boss:
    Risk 0.9.0 adds an all new OP risk boss! its name is the serpentine, now with a custom model!

    It shoots fire balls, launch spells, and hurting spells! it also explodes and can heal itself.

    Can you face this mad beast?

    He's tough!
    his spawn egg id is 474.

    Dont got much time... To get the teleporter to the risk "dimension" kill the serpentine. He drops it.

    Kill the boss, drops cool stuff. Tap again with the teleporter to return.

    Also, added hand spells for mana usage early game. They cost alot more, and there are only four spells.

    Added villager trading iwith over 100 items, added new currency crfatable from mana, and more!

    I added more but dont have enough time to type it.

    I polished all of it to the point of release.

    ·Added storyline


    There was a survival series on this channel:


    Seconds variable not saved- minor; Rare crash bug upon showing gui- looking into, minor



    ALL IDS:
    Type '/review'


    (What? Really?)

    I will be giving away 10 free copies of Risk's apk to 10 lucky Twitter users!

    You can enter in this giveaway by...

    STEP #1: Follow my Twitter page @Darth377Apps: https://twitter.com/Darth377Apps

    STEP #3: Wait for Sunday to see if you have won! :D

    Please, leave a comment, and maybe a +1!!

    Features section has all the info need on the mod!
    PLEASE NOTE: Only the latest Blocklauncher(s) will work with this version of Risk

    Credit to BeATz_UnKNoWN for use of his instamine code in his CarbonPE/ Droid code!

    Enjoy, And, Please comment!!

    RISK FORUM: http://riskforum.icyboards.net/


    Note: The forum hasn't been getting business.


    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on [0.10.5] BeATz-UnKNoWN's Addons Page! [Weaker Mobs, Addon Template]
    Quote from BeATz_UnKNoWN»
    Damn. People really want a tutorial. 10 votes in 18 hours....

    You even got me to vote.. The incognito veteran modder that I am. I honestly thought I would never post again on mc:pe mods, but PERHAPS addons will "Tikle my Fancy"
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
  • 1

    Being a modder can be tough. It took about 5 months of modding to get one of my mods highly recognised, and now it may dying. Modding is not always fun. You should stick to it, from what I saw, you have potential.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on Unlimited reach distance mod
    Dat title rage do :P

    Great Mod!
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
  • 1

    Quote from ninja_pinguin
    Fine I will continue as long as at least someone make a vid

    That sir, is not the right attitude. You should mod because it is fun, not for fame. You should choose to continue or not, and the decision should NOT be contingent on whether someone reviews it or not.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on Type the above username. With your elbows.
    Correct: YellowPie84

    Elbows: YllowPie,984

    Not bad for a mobile device.
    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 4


    Welcome to MarioCraft!
    Based on the game Super Mario Bros 1

    ...In a 3d Land

    [Important] GameModes

    Type /play to Enter

    Play levels you or somebody else created
    Interract with blocks, such as the Jump Block or Breakable Bricks!
    Cannot Break Blocks
    Can shoot Fireballs or throw Hammers
    Interact with ? blocks
    Can Place Blocks and Access Chests
    Access to 'Try Again' item.

    Type /build to Enter

    Access Every Block
    Access Side Control GUI with:
    *Fly Up
    *Fly Down
    *Fly Still
    *End Flight
    *Time set Day
    *Place Block on Feet
    *TMI Inventory Editor (id)
    Allows Infinite Health
    Perfect Way to Build Levels to Play and Share
    Access Instant Flagpole and Set Spawn items

    GamePlay Features:
    No Fall Damage
    4 Block Vertical Jump
    8 Block Horizontal Jump
    Classic In-Game Music

    Special Blocks:

    Jump Block:
    Step on it to fly ~15 blocks into the air!

    Breakable Brick:
    Hit it with your head and itll break!

    Coin Brick:
    Hit it with your head and it will turn into a used brick, and it will drop a coin!

    ? Block:
    Hit it with your head to receive a powerup

    Flag Block:
    Step on it to finish a level

    Block List:
    174- used block
    175- platform block
    176- coin brick
    177- grass platform
    178- plant
    179- pipe
    180- dirt platform
    181- jump block
    182- dark platform
    183- breakable brick
    184- item block
    185- Flag Block
    186- Underground Platform Block
    187- Underground ? Block
    188- Castle Coin Block
    189- Castle Breakable Brick
    190- Castle Platform Block
    191- Castle Walls
    192- Castle Stone Block
    193- Tree Trunk
    194- Leaves
    195- Underground Stone Block

    Item List:
    500- Fire Flower
    501- Coin
    502- Hammer
    503- Instant Flagpole
    504- Set Spawn
    505- Try Again

    User Created Levels/ Maps:

    Road to Bowser
    By Darth377
    Difficulty: Medium

    Jumper's Dream:
    By Darth377
    Difficulty: Easy

    Video Reviews:

    Read Me (Instructions):

    **************PLEASE NOTE***************

    1) Unzip the MarioCraft folder
    2) Move marioMusic folder to the root of your sd card
    3) Apply Texture
    4) Enable Mod

    ***************KEEP READING***********

    to enter build mode and
    to enter play mode
    You can, at max, jump 8 blocks far, and 4 blocks high.
    The Jump Block lets you jump ~15 blocks high.

    *************MAP UPLOAD POLICY************
    You can upload your maps whenever you want! If you want it featured in the topic, just pm me so


    Music, Mod & Texture:

    version 1: initial release
    version 2:
    Added powerups
    Added Set Spawn
    Added Flagpole Block
    (step on it to complete a level; it spawns in the instant flagpole structure)
    Added Throwing GUI
    Added Level Completion and Death Sounds
    Added New Textures
    Fixed bugs
    Version 2.1:
    Fixed Bugs
    Made no fall damage sensor more sensitive
    Added 'Try Again' drink (kills you)[/size][/center]
    [center][size=large]Version 3:[/size][/center]
    [center][size=large]Added Underground Blocks[/size][/center]
    [center][size=large]Added Castle Blocks[/size][/center]
    [center][size=large]Added Texture to Try Again Drink[/size][/center]
    [center][size=large]Added Abilities to new Blocks[/size][/center]
    [center][size=large]Changed Ladder Texture to Bean Stalk

    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on YOU MOD [Official Topic] [What the community wants!] [Drop an idea!] [LATEST: DRAGON MOD! SPAWN, TAME, AND RIDE YOUR NEW PET DRA

    Dragon Mod:
    Spawn, Tame, then Ride on your new dragon! Comes with a texture pack, gui, and a custom dragon model! Enjoy your new pet dragon!

    Upcoming Features:

    Please Suggest features for the YOU mod in the comments below! As you see, even tough ideas like the dragon mod get made, so feature spam away!

    Gun Pack
    Mob Transporting
    Statue Mod




    Texture Pack:

    Please Note: This is not a repost. This is simply the version of the you mod found in the mods section, and not the mod requests section. If you had posted an idea on the old thread, and it is not found in the upcoming features thread, please repost it here. Thank you.

    Ideas found in other mods will be ignored.

    Please leave a +1 for all the work pit into this modpack! A review would be much appreciated!
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on May PE ModJam 1 (cant apply for pe modjam 1 anymore only pe modjam 2 Date to be started at is May 24 end date is May 27) Website
    Quote from Darkserver

    :3 you know what yolo. Im in but can it be over a weekend or something? Im extremely busy with school, finals are next week.
    yea same
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Discussion
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