As almost anyone who has ever used a texture pack will know, Minecraft's graphics for blocks are all in one image file. This file is called Terrain.png. I want Terrain.png and its counterpart for items, Items.png, done away with.
When I say I want them removed, however, I don't mean that Minecraft shouldn't have any textures for anything. I simply mean that the different textures should be split up in to different files. For example, dirt would have its own image file, stone would have its own image file, and so on.
This would make creating and using texture packs a bit simpler than it currently is.
Firstly, as it currently is, when an update that adds new blocks comes out, you either have to wait for your texture pack to be updated by it author or you have to edit in the new blocks yourself. However, if each block had its own file, new blocks wouldn't be replaced with blank pink blocks. Instead, they would simply use the default minecraft texture for them.
Secondly, this would allow different items and blocks to be different resolutions. If for some reason you want to have your dirt texture to be 8x8 while your stone texture is 256x256, you would be able to do so.
Firstly, I don't think you know your ages very well. Secondly, Minecraft isn't really meant to take place in any particular age. Sure, weapon and tool wise it's pretty basic, but it also has things like rails, TNT, and records. I think that a simple musket could fit pretty easily in to Minecraft's current style. However, I definitely wouldn't want any extremely modern weaponry or technology in it.
The bottoms are good for sandstone ceilings. The regular sandstone bottoms were ugly as ****. And maybe they didn't want to have the new planks used for different color wood recipes.
I'm not saying that the bottoms should be replaced with normal sandstone's bottoms.
Also, I don't see why they wouldn't want to give the new wood colors matching wood stairs, halfblocks, and fences.
While I love having new decorative blocks to play with, they're missing a few things.
Firstly, the smooth sandstone/hieroglyphic sandstone with normal sandstone's top texture for their top and bottom looks a bit out of place. Perhaps they should get their own top/bottom textures? Also, Smooth sandstone half blocks/stairs would be awesome.
Secondly, I would love the new wood planks even more if we could make fences, stairs, and half blocks with their textures.
Not quite true. I don't know if it's still in the game, but I remember seeing a script in Beta that made a person with the username "Notch" drop an apple upon dying. Of course, this was only intended for the real Notch, but could probably also be done with a cracked Minecraft client.
This along with some Biomes Terrain Mod-esque sliders for changing how the world generates would be awesome. Stuff like how high/low sea level is, how flat the world is, how rare ores are, how large biomes are, etc.
I set the world type to 'generator.custom' and click done. Nothing happens. I click to create a new world, hoping that will bring up the word editing menu.. nothing. Why? I'm using a fresh install with modloader and this mod.
And here's the code:
{"coordinateScale":592.45074,"heightScale":1733.1056,"lowerLimitScale":845.90137,"upperLimitScale":810.6972,"depthNoiseScaleX":200.0,"depthNoiseScaleZ":240.31691,"depthNoiseScaleExponent":1.5585212,"mainNoiseScaleX":423.45068,"mainNoiseScaleY":317.838,"mainNoiseScaleZ":423.45068,"baseSize":9.112676,"stretchY":11.627395,"biomeDepthWeight":1.0,"biomeDepthOffset":0.0,"biomeScaleWeight":1.0,"biomeScaleOffset":0.0,"seaLevel":4,"useCaves":true,"useDungeons":true,"dungeonChance":21,"useStrongholds":true,"useVillages":true,"useMineShafts":false,"useTemples":true,"useRavines":true,"useWaterLakes":true,"waterLakeChance":98,"useLavaLakes":true,"lavaLakeChance":16,"useLavaOceans":false,"fixedBiome":0,"biomeSize":4,"riverSize":4,"dirtSize":33,"dirtCount":10,"dirtMinHeight":0,"dirtMaxHeight":256,"gravelSize":33,"gravelCount":8,"gravelMinHeight":0,"gravelMaxHeight":256,"graniteSize":33,"graniteCount":10,"graniteMinHeight":0,"graniteMaxHeight":80,"dioriteSize":33,"dioriteCount":10,"dioriteMinHeight":0,"dioriteMaxHeight":80,"andesiteSize":33,"andesiteCount":10,"andesiteMinHeight":0,"andesiteMaxHeight":80,"coalSize":17,"coalCount":20,"coalMinHeight":0,"coalMaxHeight":128,"ironSize":9,"ironCount":20,"ironMinHeight":0,"ironMaxHeight":64,"goldSize":9,"goldCount":2,"goldMinHeight":0,"goldMaxHeight":32,"redstoneSize":8,"redstoneCount":8,"redstoneMinHeight":0,"redstoneMaxHeight":16,"diamondSize":8,"diamondCount":1,"diamondMinHeight":0,"diamondMaxHeight":16,"la ize":7,"lapisCount":1,"lapisCenterHeight":16,"la pread":16}
When I say I want them removed, however, I don't mean that Minecraft shouldn't have any textures for anything. I simply mean that the different textures should be split up in to different files. For example, dirt would have its own image file, stone would have its own image file, and so on.
This would make creating and using texture packs a bit simpler than it currently is.
Firstly, as it currently is, when an update that adds new blocks comes out, you either have to wait for your texture pack to be updated by it author or you have to edit in the new blocks yourself. However, if each block had its own file, new blocks wouldn't be replaced with blank pink blocks. Instead, they would simply use the default minecraft texture for them.
Secondly, this would allow different items and blocks to be different resolutions. If for some reason you want to have your dirt texture to be 8x8 while your stone texture is 256x256, you would be able to do so.
Would anyone else appreciate this change?
Firstly, I don't think you know your ages very well. Secondly, Minecraft isn't really meant to take place in any particular age. Sure, weapon and tool wise it's pretty basic, but it also has things like rails, TNT, and records. I think that a simple musket could fit pretty easily in to Minecraft's current style. However, I definitely wouldn't want any extremely modern weaponry or technology in it.
In his defense, most people put their texture pack together before they hit the "Post" button on said texture pack's thread.
I'm not saying that the bottoms should be replaced with normal sandstone's bottoms.
Also, I don't see why they wouldn't want to give the new wood colors matching wood stairs, halfblocks, and fences.
Firstly, the smooth sandstone/hieroglyphic sandstone with normal sandstone's top texture for their top and bottom looks a bit out of place. Perhaps they should get their own top/bottom textures? Also, Smooth sandstone half blocks/stairs would be awesome.
Secondly, I would love the new wood planks even more if we could make fences, stairs, and half blocks with their textures.
Does anyone agree with this?
Not quite true. I don't know if it's still in the game, but I remember seeing a script in Beta that made a person with the username "Notch" drop an apple upon dying. Of course, this was only intended for the real Notch, but could probably also be done with a cracked Minecraft client.
BLASPHEMY! Minecraft has only existed for two days, when the almighty Jeb created it!