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    posted a message on The Small Suggestions Thread: Electric Boogaloo

    Lava Lamps:

    Two versions, a powered and self lighting version.

    The powered version only glows and flows when a redstone signal is applied, made from a bucket of water, honeycomb for wax, a dye for the color and 6 glass panes.

    The self lighting version is always on and takes two lava buckets (a literal LAVA lamp), a dye and 2 glass panes.

    They produce swirling patterns and their light level softly goes up and down.

    Additionally all -illager versions could get mesmerized by it.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Powered Pistons

    Yea that was the idea that it acts more as a catapult. It could also work that like a piston it can launch multiple connected blocks, that way you could make a lot of movable platforms build and gates a lot easier.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Powered Pistons

    Basically Pistons that you can feed a comparator charge into, as a result they will catapult what it on them to the distance set by the incoming charge.

    For example if it is set to a charge of 5 and you stand on it when it thrusts upwards it will launch you exactly 5 blocks. Through combining input power it could have a maximum of 64 blocks to fit minecraft's stack theme.

    Additionally since they could also launch non physics blocks, not in an arc but simply casting them linear for their set power.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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