Does it have to be saved to a hard drive? I have an old net book with an in a later hard drive and I was thinking of running some sort of live disk so I can use it for something
Wish I knew how to make mods without pc. I broke mine. I didn't actually break it the"computer fixer"did. He gave MA a hdd that used too much power for my old laptop psu.😳
No catch. All you have to do is fill in this form.
I check every weekend or earlier if I get bored.All my art is attached. If you want me to make a pick axe say #pickaxeftw, if not say #👎(or #no if you can't use emojis). Once I recive4 a net value of 10 yes I will work on a pickaxe.
Does it have to be saved to a hard drive? I have an old net book with an in a later hard drive and I was thinking of running some sort of live disk so I can use it for something
I'll try to do a full body style for this with the fish
please send me your skin file or ign
I'm relatively new also.
-diy: plug ear buds to microphne port.
-cheap: blue snowflake
-medium: blue snowball
-expensive: blue yeti
-so freaking expensive: razer siren
Screen recorder
-free: obs
-paid: I don't know
Editing software
-free: I don't know
-paid: Sony Vegas
- your current MCF icon
P.S. I subscribed. It would be nice if you checked out my website and maybee subscribed if you want.
What should colors for background be?
Can you explain what your skin is meant to be?
Also I'm in trestle in other skins
I could try to whip up a simple mod that could add the fire textures
I found the random text😄
Wish I knew how to make mods without pc. I broke mine. I didn't actually break it the"computer fixer"did. He gave MA a hdd that used too much power for my old laptop psu.😳
Go here for new post
Hi, I'm making free minecraft icons 100% FREE.
No catch. All you have to do is fill in this form.
I check every weekend or earlier if I get bored.All my art is attached. If you want me to make a pick axe say #pickaxeftw, if not say #👎(or #no if you can't use emojis). Once I recive4 a net value of 10 yes I will work on a pickaxe.
Here is the list of clients I have left to draw.
\/ QUE \/
Aby make the text electric blue because black blends in to the brown of the arr8w
Font seems good and epic😀