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    posted a message on [Alpha] The Aether II: Genesis of the Void (The Festive Update! Presents, new companions, and more!)

    Has this mod changed much at all in the last 3 years? It's been about that long since I played it.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [FORGE] FreddyCraft: Adds things from FNaF 1-4 into Minecraft! [CANCELLED]

    Does this mod do anything other than just add mobs?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Minecraft Mini Figures

    Why is it that so little about these things exists on the internet? They're a mattel product and information about them is scarce at best about them on mattel's product pages.

    Basically what im trying to get at is that recently series 5, or the ice series, of the mini figures was released and i can't find anything about their respective 3-packs on the internet and every store around me has absolutely nothing relating to them. Only my local walmart in town actually had the blind boxes. Not to mention trying to find any series 1 or 2 packs is basically impossible now unless you want to pay upwards of $10 for a single figure. Which for me sucks because theirs still 10 or so figures from series 1 and 2 i never got because i didnt know about the stamp codes trick until after series 3 came out, by which time all the series 1 and 2 products ceased to exist in my area.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on How to summon Enderdragon (15w44a)?

    Since when has Minecraft followed any form of logic? Lol

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on How to summon Enderdragon (15w44a)?

    You haven't read the latest snapshot changelog have you? Snapshot log reports a new means of resummoning the dragon. It also mentions a new item called the end crystal. I presume the end crystal is used but I'm not sure how.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Increased the amount of strongholds.

    Make it easier to get to the end. In worlds with 3 strongholds, its all too easy to end up with a world where the chunk generator screws up the only portal room in the entire world potentially losing one or more of the essential portal frame blocks. I've seen it happen and it is more than just frustrating.

    In my very first world I had held on to when they first added strongholds I was nervous about trying to find a stronghold because I knew there was the scary possibility that I may have already ruined any chance of still finding one there. Luckily one location of strongholds in my world had yet to be generated. But once I got there and found the portal room, one corner of the room had been completely torn through by a cave system, missing two of the portal blocks and forcing me to cheat in two of the blocks. Sure it worked, but it was frustrating that it was needed.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on 1.9 shields are great but...

    I love how amazing shields are for blocking damage. Absolutely phenomenal at stopping creeper explosions from ruining your day. But we need diamond shields. Not for the purpose of damage reduction, because really I don't think they need to be any better at that. They just need a much larger chunk of durability. I don't like that on a single mining excavation trip I blow through more than two shields and almost a third one. Any thoughts on this? And for that matter does anyone disagree?

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Do you guys enjoy the way Microsoft is labelling patches/updates?

    EEEHHHHH!!!!!! Wrong. Mojang is not owned by Microsoft. The intellectual property that is Minecraft is owned my Microsoft. Microsoft has no ownership over Cobalt, Scrolls, and any other patents carried by Mojang. Markus Persson left the ownership of Mojang in Jens' hands.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Do you guys enjoy the way Microsoft is labelling patches/updates?

    @DanAllen117, I understand, but I've slowly started loosing my faith in humanity when 1) a 10 year old tried telling me that the sinking of the Titanic was just a movie, it never really happened. 2) A girl asked me after I showed her the giant book I was reading, (JRR Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings" yes it had all the books, abridged notations and excerpts form unfinished novels) and said "They made a book out of the movie?!" 3) a 13 year old tried arguing with me that the United States' Independence Day was our celebration of independence from France. Something is odd when two decades of age difference, these things are happening.

    However, that is off topic. I really do try my best when it comes to these things not to generalize, but an overwhelming majority of kids who are growing up in the world today have unrealistic expectations and don't bother looking into something before spouting off about it.

    I also am very well aware that Microsoft and Mojang have both repeated over and over again that Microsoft will NOT be influencing Mojang in any way, except to cut any funding when Minecraft stops being popular and selling.

    I think I also woke up on the wrong side of the coffin this morning ;-)

    Well luckily for me. My precise age group, (those born in '92 and '93, narrowly sidestepped the generation of ignorance and lack of overall common knowledge. So I can't blame you too much, or maybe I just surrounded myself with a slightly smarter crowd during my school years. The world may never know. But I do think it's safe to say that because of how minecraft has become popular in the unique manner that it has, it still hasn't quite hit its peak in popularity. For all intents and purposes, it is practically the single longest living game in pop culture since Battle Toads, Pong, and 007 Goldeneye (not in that order).

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on The Aether and New Nether: Now with Fluids!
    Quote from GerbilCrab475»

    Horses kinda show they don't care.

    On the contrary, mojang collaborated with the Mo' Creatures Mod creator when adding horses, they wouldn't have used the same texture had he not allowed it.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Do you guys enjoy the way Microsoft is labelling patches/updates?

    The one thing that concerns me, the OP seems more interested in additional features than glaring security holes. Not to mention the bugs. I don't think we'll ever really see a fully optimized game.

    I've noticed a big disconnect between generations in understanding software version releases, difference between developer and publisher, need for security and bug-free programming. Kind of sad.

    To answer your question about my opinion, HellsTheNetha; there is absolutely nothing happening now that hasn't happened with Minecraft since 2010-ish. There isn't anything different happening here since the 80's with programming. Your musings are not productive and discoveries of thought would be better spent on other topics.

    "Big disconnect between generations" is a hefty generalization. But more on the point. All Microsoft did when they bought minecraft was put a big fat "we're making money off this" label on it. Other than that, Microsoft doesn't really make much input on the game or how it's developed/updated.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on [Alpha] The Aether II: Genesis of the Void (The Festive Update! Presents, new companions, and more!)

    Wait what?... This is the first time I've even so much as looked at this thread in about a year. And yet they still haven't released the mutation update? Do they even really work on this mod much anymore? Now I remember why I stopped playing this mod.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on A new, easier skin-changing option

    Well now that you've clarified it, this whole suggestion just sounds redundant. It's basically the same as the current skin system except backwards, with the exception of the quick swapping system, which even then doesn't make it much easier.

    current system:

    1. Make skin

    2. Log into minecraft.net

    3. Go to profile editor

    4. Upload skin

    your system:

    1. Make skin

    2. Go to minecraft skin folder

    3. Replace or add skin file

    4. Re log your minecraft launcher

    i'm not trying to bash your idea because it actually is a good one, but it doesn't really simplify much of anything except giving you the option of working it like a resource pack (except requiring a re log of your profile)

    edit: and to add a bit, although the idea of simply changing skins at will sounds good, there's a slight chance that if you change your skin from the list you already have uploaded, then try to log into a server without first relogging you game, it may cause an internal error because of conflicted data, although the chance is only slight with something like skins, you can't rule out all the possibilities. I guess the long story short response to all of this is that although your idea is actually a good one, I feel like there could be so much hassle on mojang's part trying to make this work, that they may not bother. And we all know that Notch was the one who was all for the out-of-game features. Things haven't changed much from that perspective since he sold the company.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on A new, easier skin-changing option

    Main issue with this, this would make player skins client side instead of server side, ergo if you log into someone else's game server, everyone in the server is going to have the stock Steve? texture except you... And whats the point of having a custom skin if everyone looks at you and all the see is stock texture? I don't support this

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on 1.9 Arrow type switch

    Should be in the 1.9 pinned discussion topic in the update section. Also maybe it's just me but I feel as though it's rude when people put the words "no support" in big bold letters. It's like someone is trying to start an argument. Just my two cents.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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