there is a simpler way to wire the red stone. Keep in mind that if you power one piston, it will power the one below it. with this in mind you can greatly reduce the structure down.
here's the deal when you bought the game, you bought it at a reduced price depending on which version you bought. So if you bough in Alpha, you have the game, same with Beta. You just got a discount for buying the game before it was released.
Second, when it comes to the free content, all players will get access to fixes for free. beta will get certain content for free and will have to buy certain content. Alpha players will get everything for free as that was the original agreement that was going on when Notch first started selling the game.
In all honesty though, it's more likely that there will be very little content that will need to be payed for as Notch is more likely to just add things just like he has been doing so far. I forget where he made mention to this, but he did state at some time that very few things will be considered expansion content, so worrying about paying for the game is kind of a mute point.
However, being an alpha tester, it is nice to know that i will get any of the few expansion content for free.
:ohmy.gif: I was unaware of that. I read somewhere u needed the face to be in contact.
I added an annotation, still make me sad that my machine is not perfect :sad.gif:
just add another row to each wall so that you can have it set up to be what you need. part of any contraption is iteration, with improvements along the way.
the last time I checked it, round was ahead by a few votes, then I cam e back many hours later to see that circle had won but that the vote was still going on. the huge leap now is all those late votes trying to get in after the fact.
I guess you didn't read the fine print where in they tell us that this is a work in progress and that the game is subject to changes. If it really upsets you that badly, be aware that the game will continue to change even after it goes gold (is in full release.) So you might either want to find you're self a version you like and never update again (which means you can't play on SMP.) or get over it. it's not that big of a deal.
People have reported that different mobs seem to be immune to different effects. Most notably, zombies and skeletons are immune to damage and poisons, and spiders are poison immune.
good find. that will be very helpful, maybe even a interesting way to sort out different mobs.
I remember someone said that in each world, the spells, once generated, are set though. So Random Name #1 will always do that one specific effect that was assigned to it, in that specific world.
So actually, it could help if you listed the random name, and what it does, if this is accurate. But again, it applies only to that one world.
thanks for that, I might have to test that one day.
I know that I made a harm poison II that killed a sheep in two hits. so i would think yes. but always best to set up test to verify then just assume. I'm still coming up with some cool designs.
does any one know if you can point the dispenser downwards?
has any one besides me tried this and what can you guys do with such systems? So far All I've tried was making toss-able harming II potions to test to see if they launch from dispensers. They do, and they activate like any other toss-able object. Now it's time to come up with ideas of what we can use this new feature for, and what are the most effective set ups.
So I've been trying to find a solid answer to this, but no place was clear enough. Can you use the Standard galactic Alphabet to translate what enchantment do, or is it completely random what you get? It would be cool if you could take the time to translate what each enchantment did so you had an idea of what you were buying into.
Okay the reason we have infinite water, is so that oceans would not become drained. The creation of infinite water pools, while an exploit of that system, is not game breaking. Therefore don't fix something that isn't broken.
If you really want finite liquids, then I would suggest the wonderfully done finite liquids mod. I normally wouldn't suggest using a mod, but in this case, it's probably the best solution for those that don't like the current water system. Just realize that a majority of players do like the current system, even with it's limitations, and that it fits in nicely with mine craft in general.
As for cauldrons, they do have one really big advantage over water sources. They can be used in the nether.
You can delete the folder the contains the info for the nether and then re-explore it, like it's the first time. I'm not completely sure how to do this, but I do know it does involve messing around with the save data of your game. Hope that helps
I think they should have just stuck with the baby animals. Food was always a limiting factor, though granted you could make some high yield farms, this took time and effort, and then you have to go make the animals eat and all that other effort.
baby animals slow it down enough that you are not going to make a high yield in one generation, as you would have to let the little ones grow up before using them. that makes spamming animals almost non issue as you would have to make sure that you still attended to you population.
the cool down timer is too much. I wouldn't mind 2/5 birth failure rate but the cool down makes it so that we have to spend much more effort getting food then it is worth. it also means that we will have to have 2x the population size of our desired yield, to make it worth the effort. I see massive complex animal farms for future breeding solutions, with a baby pin that is used for growing the meat before the slaughter. I will still make sure that they run through fire and die like I had them.
and no more nerfs. the idea of a nerf is to balance out a feature, not destroy it's usefulness. I and still find it hypocritical that people were complaining about it while testing it out on creative mode. calling for nerfs the moment they saw the system.
Second, when it comes to the free content, all players will get access to fixes for free. beta will get certain content for free and will have to buy certain content. Alpha players will get everything for free as that was the original agreement that was going on when Notch first started selling the game.
In all honesty though, it's more likely that there will be very little content that will need to be payed for as Notch is more likely to just add things just like he has been doing so far. I forget where he made mention to this, but he did state at some time that very few things will be considered expansion content, so worrying about paying for the game is kind of a mute point.
However, being an alpha tester, it is nice to know that i will get any of the few expansion content for free.
just add another row to each wall so that you can have it set up to be what you need. part of any contraption is iteration, with improvements along the way.
I guess you didn't read the fine print where in they tell us that this is a work in progress and that the game is subject to changes. If it really upsets you that badly, be aware that the game will continue to change even after it goes gold (is in full release.) So you might either want to find you're self a version you like and never update again (which means you can't play on SMP.) or get over it. it's not that big of a deal.
good find. that will be very helpful, maybe even a interesting way to sort out different mobs.
thanks for that, I might have to test that one day.
I know that I made a harm poison II that killed a sheep in two hits. so i would think yes. but always best to set up test to verify then just assume. I'm still coming up with some cool designs.
does any one know if you can point the dispenser downwards?
thought so, okay thanks.
thanks for the responses.
If you really want finite liquids, then I would suggest the wonderfully done finite liquids mod. I normally wouldn't suggest using a mod, but in this case, it's probably the best solution for those that don't like the current water system. Just realize that a majority of players do like the current system, even with it's limitations, and that it fits in nicely with mine craft in general.
As for cauldrons, they do have one really big advantage over water sources. They can be used in the nether.
baby animals slow it down enough that you are not going to make a high yield in one generation, as you would have to let the little ones grow up before using them. that makes spamming animals almost non issue as you would have to make sure that you still attended to you population.
the cool down timer is too much. I wouldn't mind 2/5 birth failure rate but the cool down makes it so that we have to spend much more effort getting food then it is worth. it also means that we will have to have 2x the population size of our desired yield, to make it worth the effort. I see massive complex animal farms for future breeding solutions, with a baby pin that is used for growing the meat before the slaughter. I will still make sure that they run through fire and die like I had them.
and no more nerfs. the idea of a nerf is to balance out a feature, not destroy it's usefulness. I and still find it hypocritical that people were complaining about it while testing it out on creative mode. calling for nerfs the moment they saw the system.