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    Still Looking For More Keep The Applications Coming!

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    Thanks For Applying, Keep In Touch On The Website phoenixn.enjin.com

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    Still Looking For Staff!

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Builders Needed For a Prison Server

    Hi I Am Not Applying But If Your Owner is there please ask him this

    Would you like to partner with us to make a huge network

    we currently have factions and creative

    and we are looking for a prison server so.

    Btw i can build mines for you :P
    If you partner with us...

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on [PhoenixNetwork] [24/7] Any Servers Want To Join?

    We Are Still Looking --------------->For Servers

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Phoenix Network Looking For Reliable Staff

    Still Looking For Staff!

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Phoenix Network Looking For Reliable Staff
    Quote from chuck657»

    What rank are you applying for:I am applying for admin

    Minecraft Name:chuck1thegame

    Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server? *
    If so, why? No I havent

    Do you speak another language?
    If yes, what is it?: I dont speak any other languages other than english

    Do not lie in this, age won't change your chance of getting the rank. Maturity is the answer.

    I am 15 years old

    How long are you able to be on for (Weekdays): If you are including school holidays, then 2-4-6 hours but if not 2-4 hours

    How long are you able to be on for (Weekends):2-4-6 hours

    Or a way we can contact you:contact me through my email. I will pm you it if I get accepted

    Do you have any past experience? If yes please mention them:Yes I have on a server for 1 month but was never released :(

    Why do you think you should be staff?:I think I should be staff because I am very kind and helpful and I ban people who dare to break the rules of the server

    If somebody is spamming you, what will you do?: I will give them a warning. If the still do it I will kick them and if they still do it I will ban them

    If the server was getting attacked by spam bots, what will be your first action?;I will tell one of the owners. If the owners are not on I will ipban the ip that they bots are coming from

    Who are the server owners?:Gregkicks, XDoomsDanX, Netsick and Consiring

    Add More Info Please
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Phoenix Network Looking For Reliable Staff

    What rank are you applying for *

    Minecraft Name * DemonicSlayer56

    Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server? *
    If so, why? Yes, Cant remember.

    Do you speak another language? * No
    If yes, what is it?

    Age * 15

    Do not lie in this, age won't change your chance of getting the rank. Maturity is the answer.

    How long are you able to be on for (Weekdays) *
    1-2 hours
    3-4 hours
    5-6 hours
    7+ hours
    Other: Times May Vary

    How long are you able to be on for (Weekends) *
    1-2 hours
    3-4 hours
    5-6 hours
    7+ hours
    Other: Times May Vary

    Skype CalebClement10
    Or a way we can contact you

    What server are you most active on

    Do you have any past experience? If yes please mention them * QueerCraft Mod for about 6months, Several of my own servers.
    If you don't have any past experience, you still have a chance of getting staff

    Why do you think you should be staff? *I love helping people and making people's lives easier and I also like to watch communities grow.
    Out of everyone else, what makes you staff worthy.

    If somebody is spamming you, what will you do? * Tell them to stop, if they continue then kick.

    If the server was getting attacked by spam bots, what will be your first action? * Not too sure :/

    Who are the server owners? * Consiring, XDoomsDanX, Gregkicks, Netsick.

    Any other comments? I Love helping people <3 and I could make a website

    Need mores info sorry

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Phoenix Network Looking For Reliable Staff
    Quote from I_amyourdad»

    Rank- moderator

    Minecraft name-I_Amyourdad



    Age-11, doesn't seem like much but i am mature

    hours online (weekdays) around 1-3 hours

    Hours online (Weekends) 2-4hours

    Skype: Josh Donner

    Server most active on: can you explain that more? I don't understand the question

    I have been moderator on one other server, it went down

    I should be part of staff because if i see anyone who is hacking or spamming in chat i would do something about it.

    if someone was spamming, i would chat ban them for 30 mins

    If the server was attacked by spambots, I would contact and admin or owner.

    the owners are Gregkicks, XDoomsDanX, Netsick, and Consiring.

    No other comments

    Denied Sorry Add More Info
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Phoenix Network Looking For Reliable Staff

    Hello Everybody,
    We Are Phoenix Network!

    Who Owns It: Gregkicks, XDoomsDanX, Netsick, Consiring.

    Why We Need Staff: We need staff because we don't have that many i think we only have around 7 At the moment and we need a few more.

    What You Can Apply For: Developer, Moderator, Admin, Helper, Builder.

    What Games Do We Have: Creative 1, Creative 2, Factions. Still Setting Up Portals

    IP: We Can Not Exactly give you the IP because we are in beta.

    Website: Oh I Forgot We Need A Website Designer!

    What rank are you applying for *

    Minecraft Name *

    Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server? *
    If so, why?

    Do you speak another language? *
    If yes, what is it?

    Age *

    Do not lie in this, age won't change your chance of getting the rank. Maturity is the answer.

    How long are you able to be on for (Week days) *
    1-2 hours
    3-4 hours
    5-6 hours
    7+ hours

    How long are you able to be on for (Weekends) *
    1-2 hours
    3-4 hours
    5-6 hours
    7+ hours

    Or a way we can contact you

    What server are you most active on

    Do you have any past experience? If yes please mention them *
    If you don't have any past experience, you still have a chance of getting staff

    Why do you think you should be staff? *
    Out of everyone else, what makes you staff worthy.

    If somebody is spamming you, what will you do? *

    If the server was getting attacked by spam bots, what will be your first action? *

    Who are the server owners? *

    Any other comments?

    Staff Application Above ^

    IGN: (Minecraft Name)


    Link to channel:

    Subscribers: (Must have at least 200)

    Will you do daily uploads or weekly:

    Youtuber Application Above ^

    We Will MSG you the ip if accepted

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on [PureDumbMC] Creative Server Need Players And Staff.
    Quote from RTBOSMAN»

    Application Template

    What rank are you applying for: Moderator/Admin

    Minecraft Name: Rybo101

    Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server?
    If so, why? N/A

    Do you speak another language? *
    If yes, what is it?
    Dutch [Fluent]

    German [Beginner]

    Age *

    Do not lie in this, age won't change your chance of getting the rank. Maturity is the answer.

    How long are you able to be on for (Week days) *
    Other: I do not want to lie about how long i could be on, I of course would try to be as active as i can but due to school and social life i do not wish to give you a number i might not keep to. I of course would go online for a minimum of one hour each day, higher is what i will do if i have the available time.

    How long are you able to be on for (Weekends) *
    Other: Again i cannot guarantee the time i can be online. During the weekends i do have more time of which i can be online and i will devote more time the more the server grows.

    Or a way we can contact you: If accepted please contact me at [email protected] and we can continue talks there.

    Do you have any past experience? If yes please mention them *
    If you don't have any past experience, you still have a chance of getting staff: I have been a moderator on numerous small servers which have all had a downfall. I keep searching for a server which is fair to their players which listens to their ideas and takes them in consideration.

    Why do you think you should be staff? *
    Out of everyone else, what makes you staff worthy: The things i find important as a member of a server's staff team is that they must stay calm in any situation that they are put in. Next a member of staff must always be fair listening to both sides of the story and possibly run it alongside another staff member before deciding on a course of action. Staff must also be knowledged on how the server is run and know background to it. Although i do not know much of the server yet i am willing to listen to the story behind it.

    If somebody is spamming you, what will you do? If someone is spamming the server chat i would first mute him so that he does not cause further trouble with the other players. Then i would look into what he is writing and ask him his motive for his action. If he has no valid reason i would set his mute to continue for a set amount of time and give him a verbal warning. If he has a motive to ruin other players experiences i would decide together with another staff member that he had a motive to ruin others and i would decide to temporarily ban him for his action. But if it is only alight offence with no motive it would be a light punishment but if he wanted to do it on purpose i would decide on a heavier punishment.

    If the server was getting attacked by spam bots, what will be your first action? Altough i have no experience with spam bots i would start with informing the owner and all staff. I have also quickly searched the internet and would suggest that this plugin could possibly help solve the problem. http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/easy-anti-join-bot-proxie/

    Any other comments? I hope to join the staff team and am very interested in discussing ideas with you. I personally work well with the community and have done previous work as a forum moderator, possibly i would like to assist you with community help and possibly help with whatever i can. If i do not know something i am always willing to learn and search around to find the answer.

    ACCEPTED As Moderator We Might Promote You If You Work Really Hard
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on [PureDumbMC] Creative Server Need Players And Staff.
    Quote from hmooz»

    What rank are you applying for *

    admin or mod

    Minecraft Name *


    Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server? *
    If so, why?


    Do you speak another language? *
    If yes, what is it?


    Age *


    How long are you able to be on for (Week days) *
    1-2 hours

    How long are you able to be on for (Weekends) *

    3-4 hours

    Or a way we can contact you

    [email protected]

    Do you have any past experience?


    Why do you think you should be staff? *

    I love helping servers get huge and popular

    If somebody is spamming you, what will you do?

    help him

    If the server was getting attacked by spam bots, what will be your first action? *

    call the owner

    DENIED Very Little Information And Wrong Answers
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on [BlockyInferno] Looking for staff! (Builders and more needed)

    Minecraft IGN: Netsick

    First Name: Hudson

    Types of Mini-Games You Like to Play: The Hunger Games, Block Party, Spleef, Walls, Dragons, Dragon Run, And heaps more...

    Who is your favorite Minecraft Youtuber and why? TheBajanCanadian He is so funny he cheers me up when I've had a rough day.

    Which block is your favorite to build with? Wood- I think it is wood cause you can build anything out of it such as houses, cars, pixel art, and such more

    If you could add one block into the game, what would it be? T.V - Why?- I think they should add a T.V as a block because then you can chill out with players and friends and watch some videos on the T.V

    Which mob is your favorite and why?

    Cat- I Love cats i have 3 of them at my home, and they look so cute in minecraft you can take them on walks and play with them (:

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Dumb Survival Needs Trustworthy Staff

    Press Spoiler

    Copy And Post To


    And Apply

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Dumb Survival Needs Trustworthy Staff

    OMG forgot ip


    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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