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    posted a message on Minecraft: How to make an automatic turret gun
    In this video, I demonstrate on how to create a turret gun.
    Its short, sweet, and simple.
    All you need is some redstone, a dispenser, some redstone torches, a lever/button, and your block of choice.
    Posted in: Other Videos
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    posted a message on If you could be any monster...
    I would be an enderman, I could teleport into peoples house and then fill them up with dirt.
    Or I would remove the block of dirt under a door or just take apart dirt block houses.
    The only downsides to being an enderman are:
    -Water hurts you (rain included)
    -People want to kill you for the pearls
    -Can't fit through 2 block high spaces.
    Moving blocks
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Does anyone have any easy ways to kill endermen?
    Go for the legs, they don't teleport away when you hit them there. (from what I've been told.)
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on I Need Help!
    Can you explain this a little better?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on How long did you stay in your 'first' world?
    In my first world in beta 1.6.6, I had a decent house on a mountain top. Now, I was new to the game, so I didn't know how lava really worked. What happened, is that i dug about 4-5 blocks down in my house and then filled the bottom layer with lava. Then, to keep me from falling in the hole, I surrounded it with wooden fence blocks. Apparently, the fence caught fire, the fire then had spread to my wooden house, burning off an entire chunk of it. (refer to picture)
    Soon after that, I decided to take my belongings and head out for new land.
    But... That didn't last long, I fell into a lava-fall, lost my stuff and then out of frustration I quit and deleted the world. (luckily I had made a backup world in case of something like this had happened.)
    In total, I only had that world for like, a week.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What would make minecraft more scarier?
    The game would be scarier if endermen actually dug out blocks and made tunnels to the players base.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Updates
    Alright everyone, I have a question, how well do you adjust to new updates?
    Do adjust well? Or do you not adjust well? I've seen so many people say that they're staying with an old version (such as 1.7.3) because of new biome/terrain generations or just some little survival things like hunger and what not. I personally think those people that stay back update wise, never get to try the new fun stuff because they don't like little changes suck as hunger or biome changes.
    I personally try my best to adjust to new updates.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Giant Enderman Statue
    So today, I decided to create a giant enderman holding a chunk of village.
    I made this completely myself, no mods or mc edit or any of that stuff.
    I made it purely from scratch.
    For the village part, I had to know where I was going to position him. But when I found this open spot, I had to choose it.
    Every time I put a villager on the chunk of land, they'd just run off of it. So thats why you don't see any villagers testficates on the island.
    And yes, I am aware that endermen can't pick up bedrock.
    Otherwise, I'm pretty happy with how my project turned out.
    Tell me what you think of it.

    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on Bloody creepers!
    Well what you can do is that you could make a ladder to your roof, and when the creepers come to your front door, hit them from above, it worked for me when I was first playing.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on gay animals?
    This is a game mainly about crafting and mining, do I don't think the developers really care about animal genders.
    And also from what I recall, same genders can't reproduce, so in my opinion, 1 animal is a girl and the other boy.
    Just my opinion.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on when your bored in minecraft
    I burn down villages in superflat.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Any help for a noob like me?
    Quote from Alexa0113

    Any tips/help for me and other new people who might be roaming this topic?
    I know how to play: build home, dig, kill monsters at night, etc. Im pretty new though, i have been watching youtube vids all day :biggrin.gif:

    Any tips/advice?

    dont ever dig straight down.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Unlucky Creeper moments
    I was going into a cave with my trusty wolf, then just 10 seconds in the cave, a creeper blows up and almost kills me and my wolf.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Minecrafts Evolution
    Who new that a simple game such as this:

    Ended up as this:

    Minecraft sure has gone a loooooong way, don't you agree?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on How will YOU Kill Endermen?
    Steal Aquire Fishing pole, go to the top of a tower, make it fall until it dies, then take loot.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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