What version is the server running? When I'm on 1.4.6, it says the server is outdated, but when I downgrade to 1.4.5, it says the client is outdated. Are you guys running snapshots?
Been playing since the very end of Infdev, love the server aspect of Minecraft. Work well in groups, can build extremely well. I've been known to take charge, but I know my limits. Hoping to join you guys soon! Minecraft Experience •
Really, really great server. Perfect amount of people, and a really good map in terms of biomes near spawn. Some really cool little towns popping up, perfect time to join!
(Please do, a third person in my town would be sweet. A fourth would be even better. Please?)
A farmer by trade would suit me utmost, yet I am good with a bow and arrow. I like cabins :>
I am a well rounded sire. I please myself that I am a decent builder and miner. I've been playing since AT 121 (alpha 1.2.1) so I know my way around the game.
I hope to find a small server with a nice, tight community that works well together. Maybe form a town with a couple others.
I'm not into these huge PvP and raiding servers that are popular now; I'm more of a builder myself, so this server seems pretty darn like a calling to me.
People are allowed to steal.
The further damage has probably been done by Creepers.
I personally am not liking the whole 'stealing' thing. You say the goal is 'a friendly community,' but I don't think a friendly community would steal from each other. Plus, I had most of my alchemy set stolen from me. I know you're going to tell me to hide it, but what purpose does that serve? We're supposed to exemplify our roles/occupations, but with the possibility of being stolen from, you're basically telling me to practice my job in the corner of my basement and hide my chest in some unlit cavern. We should AT LEAST have Lockette and have a set amount of locks, maybe 2 or so? Maybe act as two combination locks in RP terms?
I just find it unfair that we can be openly stolen from in 'a friendly community.'
P.S. I hope to be reimbursed for some other's incompetence of decency.
Do you accept the Rules and Requirements and do you understand these can change at any moment?: Yessir.
What is the difference between IC and OOC?: IC = playing as the character you portray in game while OOC is completely random gibberish having nothing to do with the game at hand, usually denounced with ((...)) around the text.
What does MG stand for? Explain: Metagaming, and it basically is simple roleplay, mixing both OOC and IC talk with out many planned events.
What does PG stand for? Explain:Powergaming, which is strict roleplay, with planned events that players react to. ((Atleast that's what I know it as, I know there are other variants))
Is it allowed to build a hovering penis?: Obviously! (not.) :biggrin.gif:
What era are we roleplaying? 16th century, cerca 1564.
Why do you want to join and what do you expect from this server(minimum 5 clear phrases)?: This is the server I've been looking for since the beginning of my Minecraft journey, around Alpha 1.1. I've always wanted to join a nice RP community but didn't want 800 people in 20 different towns at the same time. This small little survival, yet RP community seems awesome and is what I've really been looking for.
IC Aspects
Preferred RP Name: Tylor
What do you want to RP as (job/role)(minimum 5 clear phrases)?: Alchemist. I've always felt that potions and the act of Alchemy can really add another layer to any roleplay situation, and with my vast knowledge of potions and their effects, this layer can be really accomplished well if I'm the 'town' alchemist. ((I know how to make all available potions with out needing to see outside sources while brewing. The only detriment to this role is the fact of the hard to reach materials. Up to you (admins) if I can have them spawned or not.))
Thanks for the shot! Hoping I'm accepted, this seems top-Notch awesome! (Get it? :biggrin.gif:)
1: In Game Name (IGN): DGH94
2: (optional) Age : 17
3: (optional) Gender : Male
4: How did you find us (if you were referred by a player please list their name): Just browsing :smile.gif:
5: Is there anything else you would like to add to your application? : Looking for a new main server as my old one just went under. Maybe you guys can be it. :smile.gif:
6: Did you vote for the server? : Took forever (Safari didn't like MineStatus), but just did.
(Please do, a third person in my town would be sweet. A fourth would be even better. Please?)
Skype Name : None.
Why do you want to join the server? : Because I finally got back on to the Minecraft scene after a break, and I want a quiet, small server to join.
What can you bring to the server? : A sense of humor, some pretty decent building skills, and moderation/authority if necessary/wanted.
Age? : 17
Daily playing time? : Roughly an hour or two, maybe more.
Weekly playing time? : Depends on coursework/job, but usually in the vicinity of 15-20 hours.
Do you record YouTube videos? : No.
I hope to find a small server with a nice, tight community that works well together. Maybe form a town with a couple others.
I'm not into these huge PvP and raiding servers that are popular now; I'm more of a builder myself, so this server seems pretty darn like a calling to me.
Myself as well. DGH94
I personally am not liking the whole 'stealing' thing. You say the goal is 'a friendly community,' but I don't think a friendly community would steal from each other. Plus, I had most of my alchemy set stolen from me. I know you're going to tell me to hide it, but what purpose does that serve? We're supposed to exemplify our roles/occupations, but with the possibility of being stolen from, you're basically telling me to practice my job in the corner of my basement and hide my chest in some unlit cavern. We should AT LEAST have Lockette and have a set amount of locks, maybe 2 or so? Maybe act as two combination locks in RP terms?
I just find it unfair that we can be openly stolen from in 'a friendly community.'
P.S. I hope to be reimbursed for some other's incompetence of decency.
Age: 17
Location + Timezone: NJ, EST
Do you accept the Rules and Requirements and do you understand these can change at any moment?: Yessir.
What is the difference between IC and OOC?: IC = playing as the character you portray in game while OOC is completely random gibberish having nothing to do with the game at hand, usually denounced with ((...)) around the text.
What does MG stand for? Explain: Metagaming, and it basically is simple roleplay, mixing both OOC and IC talk with out many planned events.
What does PG stand for? Explain:Powergaming, which is strict roleplay, with planned events that players react to. ((Atleast that's what I know it as, I know there are other variants))
Is it allowed to build a hovering penis?: Obviously! (not.) :biggrin.gif:
What era are we roleplaying? 16th century, cerca 1564.
Why do you want to join and what do you expect from this server(minimum 5 clear phrases)?: This is the server I've been looking for since the beginning of my Minecraft journey, around Alpha 1.1. I've always wanted to join a nice RP community but didn't want 800 people in 20 different towns at the same time. This small little survival, yet RP community seems awesome and is what I've really been looking for.
IC Aspects
Preferred RP Name: Tylor
What do you want to RP as (job/role)(minimum 5 clear phrases)?: Alchemist. I've always felt that potions and the act of Alchemy can really add another layer to any roleplay situation, and with my vast knowledge of potions and their effects, this layer can be really accomplished well if I'm the 'town' alchemist. ((I know how to make all available potions with out needing to see outside sources while brewing. The only detriment to this role is the fact of the hard to reach materials. Up to you (admins) if I can have them spawned or not.))
Thanks for the shot! Hoping I'm accepted, this seems top-Notch awesome! (Get it? :biggrin.gif:)
2: (optional) Age : 17
3: (optional) Gender : Male
4: How did you find us (if you were referred by a player please list their name): Just browsing :smile.gif:
5: Is there anything else you would like to add to your application? : Looking for a new main server as my old one just went under. Maybe you guys can be it. :smile.gif:
6: Did you vote for the server? : Took forever (Safari didn't like MineStatus), but just did.