@pizzamanilla: Yeah, I really should take out that apology. When I first made this comic, it could of been in color. Now I'm enjoying this minimalistic style of drawing.
I'm glad everyone is enjoying this comic so far. So I present the 5th page celebration! Why, because I like the number 5.
Easy solution. Get minecraft to work on the wii somehow (HA!) and profit.
Seriously, your never going to get through to him what a good game is. What you can do is simply play your games near him and let him be curious. Don't ask him about the game and if he speaks anything like "This is gay" you simply respond "What? I can't hear you over how much fun this is." or "What is with you and your limited vocabulary to describing things you dislike? As you can clearly see that this gaming device does not have a sexual orientation and can not be considered gay. I am amused that you would relate something organic to something that isn't breathing."
Also, just say that the Wii is gay and down right refuse to play with him. That will drive him nuts too.
Found a house. Dug about 5-6 blocks underneath. Stripped mined the entire space under the house. Added a water/sand floor trap. Added a pressure pad to the entrance and waited.
Need more processing power. I can't stress this enough that you need at least 2ghz to even think about running minecraft. It doesn't matter how much ram, how good your video card is. If your computer can't calculate the game, it can't run the game.
Whats your hard drive specs. I have a TB HD with 9800rpm and Minecraft runs just fine for me. I also have a quadcore 2.3 ghz + 4gb of ram and a 9800gt card.
Funny enough, I can run a server and minecraft without a problem.
I'm glad everyone is enjoying this comic so far. So I present the 5th page celebration! Why, because I like the number 5.
Seriously, your never going to get through to him what a good game is. What you can do is simply play your games near him and let him be curious. Don't ask him about the game and if he speaks anything like "This is gay" you simply respond "What? I can't hear you over how much fun this is." or "What is with you and your limited vocabulary to describing things you dislike? As you can clearly see that this gaming device does not have a sexual orientation and can not be considered gay. I am amused that you would relate something organic to something that isn't breathing."
Also, just say that the Wii is gay and down right refuse to play with him. That will drive him nuts too.
Seriously, if you think your the first one to find something "new" on minecraft. Chances are that 100 other people have already found it.
Now the guy is enjoying his new underground lair.
Oh yeah, new page.
Funny enough, I can run a server and minecraft without a problem.
1) Wrong forum
2) It's not hard to mod textures in minecraft. Which is why no one really cares.
And updated the OP.
http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/misc-t ... -400.3707/
Go nuts.