Seriously, **** off if your not going to add anything constructive to the post.
I can't say much about how that can happen. If you can some how replicate the results in a similar manner then we might have a big bug. However, it just might be they looked like they were sitting down, but they were not really sitting down. It's not really a big problem because their collars do show. Not the games fault if you put your dog out it's misery.
No, never. Minecraft is not little pet shop 2.0. Just because Mojang added a creature in the game, doesn't mean it should add every piece of crap in the game to pamper a dog. The dog needs to stay outside so it doesn't **** on the carpet anyways.
No. Never. Wood is supposed to burn. It was never made to last forever (just an unintentional bug). I rather the game to be stable than to have glitchy crap that lags out a server/game.
Users of this forum will also respect you more if you pay for it.
lol, free minecraft is free. Who cares what a bunch of anonymous users think when you got a free game. I don't even think half the users on this forum actually own the game.
I would use mods, but I have this fear that my minecraft saves will become corrupted with the next update. Also, I don't want to rely on the mods as the creator can stop support at any time or they might conflict with another mod I install on them. I'm going to wait for Notch to add Modding support before I get into them.
Even then, I didn't say I don't enjoy the game. I just felt like the game has this mental picture of being better than what it actually is. Its a very simple game at heart and I just don't see the game getting any more complicated any time soon. You could say "Well it's in beta" but seeing how the game has changed over the past year, the over all game hasn't changed much.
When I first played minecraft I had this impression that felt very similar to Legend of Zelda for the NES. Both games almost seem parallel in the fact that you start off with nothing. The area is littered with caves that contain monsters and treasures. As you play both games, you eventually gain new armors and weapons that make the game easier. Funny enough, what's left to be put in the game to be very similar to Zelda is the rouge like dungeons and boss creatures. Which Notch has already promised to put into the game before infdev was put into the game.
Yet it seems like this dream of being anything more seems to be fading. Notch has added plenty of blocks to the game, but only a hand full of hostile mobs. Notch hasn't really added anything that adds to the dungeons except for redstone and repeaters. We're getting wolves and achivements soon but I don't see them being any use. The AI is still the same from the early survival test. To top it off, Minecraft becomes extremely easy to play when your fully armored and a base fully built. There is no point to exploring anymore because you have all your resources within reach. Sure you can go build another base elsewhere, but you would already have everything in your near bottomless inventory.
Now I'm not here to complain that minecraft is too easy, but rather I find that I expected too much out of Minecraft. The game is great by itself. As I said before you start with nothing till you reach having everything. However this goal can be completed within a few hours of playing. After that, I just don't know what to do because I do have everything and there is nothing left for me to do except build mega objects (and that can get really boring).
Am I the only one who feels this way? That minecraft needs a little more something more to keep it fun (like actual dungeons)?
You need at least 2ghz processor and 2gb of ram to get the game running at a smooth frame rate. It doesn't matter how many programs or tweaks you do to your computer if the hardware is awful.
Seriously, **** off if your not going to add anything constructive to the post.
I can't say much about how that can happen. If you can some how replicate the results in a similar manner then we might have a big bug. However, it just might be they looked like they were sitting down, but they were not really sitting down. It's not really a big problem because their collars do show. Not the games fault if you put your dog out it's misery.
lol, free minecraft is free. Who cares what a bunch of anonymous users think when you got a free game. I don't even think half the users on this forum actually own the game.
Even then, I didn't say I don't enjoy the game. I just felt like the game has this mental picture of being better than what it actually is. Its a very simple game at heart and I just don't see the game getting any more complicated any time soon. You could say "Well it's in beta" but seeing how the game has changed over the past year, the over all game hasn't changed much.
Yet it seems like this dream of being anything more seems to be fading. Notch has added plenty of blocks to the game, but only a hand full of hostile mobs. Notch hasn't really added anything that adds to the dungeons except for redstone and repeaters. We're getting wolves and achivements soon but I don't see them being any use. The AI is still the same from the early survival test. To top it off, Minecraft becomes extremely easy to play when your fully armored and a base fully built. There is no point to exploring anymore because you have all your resources within reach. Sure you can go build another base elsewhere, but you would already have everything in your near bottomless inventory.
Now I'm not here to complain that minecraft is too easy, but rather I find that I expected too much out of Minecraft. The game is great by itself. As I said before you start with nothing till you reach having everything. However this goal can be completed within a few hours of playing. After that, I just don't know what to do because I do have everything and there is nothing left for me to do except build mega objects (and that can get really boring).
Am I the only one who feels this way? That minecraft needs a little more something more to keep it fun (like actual dungeons)?