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    posted a message on Minecraft + Mojang News: Teleportation & Spleef World Cup!
    Quote from YakatoriMc

    Yeah, I was more thinking along the lines of Cheats in Minecraft survival, But I think that it still makes things easier, which i do not like, but I can live with it.
    Then dont use it....duh.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on What era is minecraft in?
    Quote from CastleAlec

    How do we know that only earth has these things? For example, on some fictional plantets like Naboo, Endor, or the Middle-Earth planet have trees and stuff.
    Those were all filmed on earth :P
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Will the 1.2 update require a map reset?
    Quote from Whiplashr

    tada.. that is why people ask about it. It changed. So people want to know for sure.

    I love the way you basically say "Duh, just like EVERY update since alpha." and nearly immediately follow it up with a specific example where it was NOT the same as "every update since alpha".

    It is what I do. Its is a lost art... :SSSS:

    There are ways of getting jungles to generate in the old maps so there is a quick fix for that too... and the only reason it was different was because people whined about chunk border errors. As far as this official release is concerned, the fix isn't needed if your map gets converted to anvil


    so ultimately,yes the maps are still like they were before since alpha. The jungle discrepancy thing was durring a snapshot update and not an official one, So nope still right.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on is mojang intentionally teasing us? (regarding the new unused textures)
    It is a possibility, but then again Minecraft is still an unfinished and actively developed game. So partial content makes it into the game all the time. I wouldnt be surprised if the blocks those textures belong to are hidden somewhere in the code and in the current build Jeb has on his computer right now has them enabled.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Will the 1.2 update require a map reset?
    Quote from IronWill1991

    Yes, it will generate on the borders.

    Just like every version of Minecraft that has ever existed since alpha... I don't know why people still even ask this... the only exception was when jungles were added because people whined about chunk boarders from adding a new biome and then whined about how their maps didn't have jungles after Jeb added the generator version flag to map files to prevent just that...

    Maps will always get converted to the new format whenever there is a format change and maps will always generate new chunks where ones previously didn't exist. The real question has always been do you care about chunk border transitions? If not, then just keep playing your existing map.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on 1.2 snow blocks - player placed
    Quote from XMdead

    I am not in a snow biome. I will have to hike a long way to find snow and make blocks. Clearly all that work isn't worth it if the blocks will melt soon after I place them.

    So, since this is a forum that has some nice people in addition to the trolls, I know some of those nice people have already tried and will give the answer.

    Aren't you forgetting we have a creative mode you can easily test this with by spawning snowblocks?
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on New Sandstone like blocks! What do you think they mean?
    Quote from nosyrbllewe

    I think they are related to wells, maybe tombs?
    I have to agree this gives me an ancient ruin vibe... possibly more desert structures planned?
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Bukkit Officially Joins Mojang!
    Welp, this is the end of greifing...
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on Old Open Source Rumor
    minecraft still has plenty of life left in it... new features keep it alive. Besides none of the features have been fully completed yet.
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Seriously?
    Quote from bobri

    "To the McDonalds drive through" for single player
    "Into the Mcdonalds Store" For multiplayer

    hmm that is actually quite good!

    or maybe Single cheeseburger and Massive Multi burger.
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on No backward compatibility!!!
    Quote from Ovus

    The game is no longer in Beta. There is no reason why new updates shouldn't work in concert with older worlds. The OP is correct. Minecraft encourages large scale, long term projects, and this constant shuffling of terrain generation code often forces us to discard our most beloved projects in order to enjoy the new content.

    The new updates putting on a concert with the old worlds is just silly, what sort of music would they play on stage? I don't think they even have arms.

    lol nah just messing with you, I know it means to work in harmony or in agreement. Jeb has been trying to make the world format more update friendly, that is why he created Anvil. The whole map format was overhauled just for this reason. With biome data being part of the map and not the seed, it would been already generated chunks are unaffected.
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Too many mobs?
    Still not enough mobs, we need moar! Super Mario World had tons of mobs. It took them the entire credit sequence to show them all. More mobs equals more diversity.
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on No backward compatibility!!!
    Quote from deadscion

    Are you tired of seeing your projects get trashed from every single update?

    Then tell these guys at Mojang to do somthing about it!!!

    This kind of game encourages long term projects, which only get trashed or left unusable due to a mod or world breaking new update.

    Stay with the old version then and don't update? Yeah right, then you can't share what you have done with anyone, because they were asked to update.

    you realize the latest snapshot will convert old maps to the new format right? So sharing your creation is NOT an issue. The people in this thread are right...
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on I just stumbled upon an exploit in 12w08a...

    Never said they were cheaper... I have a $300 laptop(windows 7) that I play minecraft on. I'm not aware of how a Mac works, but I do know that there's no need to tell him to buy a whole new computer just so he can do something in Minecraft.

    I am aware of that, its just that you implied that in order to get a computer with highspeed to play Minecraft/games you need to "fork over a load of money" as justification for owning a Mac. Not being able to find a key on the keyboard is hardly the Mac's fault, it is a user error and I agree it wouldn't justify getting a PC.
    It is still a toaster...

    CVGX answered his question already by informing him that Fn+F5 is how you use the function key on a mac.

    Now back on topic: This feature could be useful for finding caves/stronghold but I'd much rather use an xray texture if I were going that route.
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on I just stumbled upon an exploit in 12w08a...
    Quote from toybott

    so how did this go from a topic of minecraft to fussing about a computer price?

    givingup couldn't figure out how to go into 3rd person mode on his mac. Then Wowfunny251 called it a toaster. At which point EvanderQuisling7737 attempted, poorly, to reason that Macs are cheaper than a high speed PC.
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
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