Then dont use it....duh.Quote from YakatoriMc
Yeah, I was more thinking along the lines of Cheats in Minecraft survival, But I think that it still makes things easier, which i do not like, but I can live with it.
- Cybertronic
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Member for 14 years, 3 months, and 5 days
Last active Sun, Sep, 16 2012 20:29:14
- 360 Total Posts
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Jun 24, 2012Cybertronic posted a message on Minecraft + Mojang News: Teleportation & Spleef World Cup!Posted in: News
Feb 28, 2012Cybertronic posted a message on Bukkit Officially Joins Mojang!Welp, this is the end of greifing...Posted in: News
Dec 9, 2011Cybertronic posted a message on Minecraft News - Jeb Steps Up, Minecraft Localization & MoreBackground music is Swedish House Mafia... "Your Name"Posted in: News
Dec 3, 2011Cybertronic posted a message on Notch Steps Down, Jeb Takes Lead Developer Position for MinecraftI like this decision.Posted in: News
Nov 23, 2011Cybertronic posted a message on Yogscast Responds To StatementHonestly the response is a little fishy and they misquoted what Notch said they did, but this really is as good as it is gonna get if they ever hope to save their reputations. They handled this rather smartly.Posted in: News
Oct 21, 2011Cybertronic posted a message on Mod Spotlight: Tale of KingdomsIt wouldn't take much to turn this mod into a First person Multiplayer RTS where Player controlled kingdoms wage war with each other.Posted in: News
Sep 9, 2011Cybertronic posted a message on Want to play 1.8 Early? Here's How!Posted in: News
You do realize that JAVA is a cross platform virtual environment, and is not dependent on which operating system you are running as long as you have Java run-time installed. This means that even a cellphone can run a Jar file such as this (provided it had a good enough graphics chip and a powerful enough cpu) -
Aug 18, 2011Cybertronic posted a message on What's Going On: Lawsuits, Creeper CarsPosted in: NewsQuote from Menolith
Turning the offer down isn't really an option, it's their game after all. Also, thousands of fans will be disappointed.
Actually Quake 3 was made by ID Soft and not Bethesda. -
Aug 5, 2011Cybertronic posted a message on Minecraft Passes the 3-Million Mark!Posted in: NewsQuote from BowtieBunni
Congrats on all the sales, but, you have no right to ask Bethesda to stop using a multi million dollar title just like that. If you dont want people confusing your title, dont make it called scrolls, make it something else. They made the title first, and if it is copyrighted, its theirs.
you realize Notch wasn't asking Bethesda to stop using the word scrolls... it was the other way around.... Bethesda was asking Notch to change his game title from "scrolls" to something else....
Reading comprehension isn't your strong point is it? -
Aug 5, 2011Cybertronic posted a message on Minecraft Passes the 3-Million Mark!tell Bethesda to take a hike, they didn't invent the term or the world "Scrolls". Scrolls have been around for thousands of years.Posted in: News
Jul 25, 2011Cybertronic posted a message on Digital Diamond: BashcraftI think they were using Minecraft GLSL shaders to make the plants wave, but it looks really good!Posted in: News
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It is what I do. Its is a lost art...
There are ways of getting jungles to generate in the old maps so there is a quick fix for that too... and the only reason it was different was because people whined about chunk border errors. As far as this official release is concerned, the fix isn't needed if your map gets converted to anvil
so ultimately,yes the maps are still like they were before since alpha. The jungle discrepancy thing was durring a snapshot update and not an official one, So nope still right.
Just like every version of Minecraft that has ever existed since alpha... I don't know why people still even ask this... the only exception was when jungles were added because people whined about chunk boarders from adding a new biome and then whined about how their maps didn't have jungles after Jeb added the generator version flag to map files to prevent just that...
Maps will always get converted to the new format whenever there is a format change and maps will always generate new chunks where ones previously didn't exist. The real question has always been do you care about chunk border transitions? If not, then just keep playing your existing map.
Aren't you forgetting we have a creative mode you can easily test this with by spawning snowblocks?
hmm that is actually quite good!
or maybe Single cheeseburger and Massive Multi burger.
The new updates putting on a concert with the old worlds is just silly, what sort of music would they play on stage? I don't think they even have arms.
lol nah just messing with you, I know it means to work in harmony or in agreement. Jeb has been trying to make the world format more update friendly, that is why he created Anvil. The whole map format was overhauled just for this reason. With biome data being part of the map and not the seed, it would been already generated chunks are unaffected.
you realize the latest snapshot will convert old maps to the new format right? So sharing your creation is NOT an issue. The people in this thread are right...
I am aware of that, its just that you implied that in order to get a computer with highspeed to play Minecraft/games you need to "fork over a load of money" as justification for owning a Mac. Not being able to find a key on the keyboard is hardly the Mac's fault, it is a user error and I agree it wouldn't justify getting a PC.
It is still a toaster...
CVGX answered his question already by informing him that Fn+F5 is how you use the function key on a mac.
Now back on topic: This feature could be useful for finding caves/stronghold but I'd much rather use an xray texture if I were going that route.
givingup couldn't figure out how to go into 3rd person mode on his mac. Then Wowfunny251 called it a toaster. At which point EvanderQuisling7737 attempted, poorly, to reason that Macs are cheaper than a high speed PC.