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    posted a message on Why did FNAF World get bad reviews?

    Well, good for me since I can compare what I like.

    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Why did FNAF World get bad reviews?

    I'm just saying what it should be like. Even an RPG with a small budget could have some of those mechanics. So calm down aight?

    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Why did FNAF World get bad reviews?
    Quote from pefan»

    your comparing a triple A game with a budget of millions of dollars and a full team to a game made by a single guy with a budget of what like 100 000$ or so. you can not compare them at all.....

    Doesn't matter because they're both RPGs.

    He could have always done a kickstarter...

    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on NITEMc

    Can't join server. I would love to review it since i'm one of those types of people who gives a first impression on stuff.

    EDIT... I just joined. I typed it in worng :3

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    Many issues: Too many storage has been taken up on your PS4 with games, photos, or videos. Might want to delete A LOT. And with all the storage space taken up, if you have the largest world setting, it's gonna lag/crash. This however, is no glitch. Usually storage space. Because, i've never gotten this before and neither have hundreds of people.

    Posted in: Legacy Console Support
  • 1

    posted a message on About world generator of my ps4

    You could be getting bad luck friend. This is in no way any glitch. Hey, if you want to try out a seed that may work type in your own. I used to get this problem but as soon as I did the seed '78492751263', Boom. A lot of villages. Besides, many people have this problem (mostly) due to all the new biomes and random structures. But don't worry, everything will be fine :D

    Posted in: Legacy Console Support
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    posted a message on Why did FNAF World get bad reviews?

    Well, older people can really tell what's going on and usually (Hopefully this doesn't offend and if it does I'm truly sorry but it's the truth) Kids love it because they don't get the elements or coding very well so that's why half of the good reviews are from kids to pre-teens.

    Like, I find the game OKAY but it was missing so many good features and concepts from RPGs. Let's take The Witcher 3 for example. had fun and non broken animations? Yes. FNAF World: No. See, a lot of things were just bad and it didn't grab my attention.

    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Awesome Pirate Ship!!

    This ship is for a server I am currently Admin on and I would like to show it to you all :) Pleas bare in mind the ship is done HOWEVER, the materials are temporary so don't judge them :3 Well anyways, hope you like the build and it's based off The Black Pearl!

    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on What was the biggest argument you had with your friend/friends?
    Quote from Dextrous»

    I don't like arguing. I can't remember any arguments I've had with friends.

    Wow... I'm very impressed xD.

    Quote from BC_Programming»

    I don't really remember any arguments that were huge. This was back in 2001-2004 or so, I might add.

    One that I do remember- probably because looking back it is confirmation that I was the only oblivious one- was not really an argument between me and a friend, but rather between me and a group of friends. It was sort of a strange "backwards" argument, where they argue something positive about you. around Grade 10, if I remember. One of my friends had forgotten I was there and complained that I was popular, and he wasn't. and I said "I'm popular? This is news to me..." And then the argument was the rest of my friends convincing me that yes I was.

    "You wished one of the most popular girls in school a happy birthday and she said 'thank you BC_Programming' She already knew your name!"

    "Uh... I was just returning the favour since she said the same to me on my birthday a few weeks ago. Just like none of you guys, I might add."

    "SEE? That's what we mean. She wouldn't wish any of us a happy birthday"

    "Well, yeah, she probably doesn't know your birthdays. "

    "You aren't helping your case here..."

    "Look guys we just know each other from Math"

    "She talks to you there then? Not helping your case still"

    "No, she just asks me about the math problems. Which is weird, she has an A and I have a C."

    "Christ man you are so naive. It's worse than we even thought"

    "Jeez guys I don't see why this is a big deal"

    I kind of wish they had told me what was obvious because I was and continued to be an oblivious idiot. One of those situations where you look back and go "STUPID. STUPID. STUPID" and bang your head against a wall. The above was forgivable, but girls don't ask you if you are going to the Prom with anyone to make idle chat... and they sure as heck don't follow up a "No" with "I would, but I have nobody to go with *sigh*"... Stupid oblivious younger self...

    I think I should point out that most of the friends you know up through high school, you won't really see anymore afterwards. School friends develop out of convenience because you all go the same building every weekday for a long time. But they are sort of like work friendships in that- with a few exceptions- they tend to just "go away" once the thing that puts you in the same room stops being a thing. I graduated in 2005 and I don't think I could tell you where any of my friends from high school are now.

    Popularity problems I see?? *Sigh* At least those days are gone for you!!
    Quote from Nanozone»

    I try not to heatedly argue with friends. We usually just debate calmly. c:

    Although, once or twice, I had some lively arguments about World War 2 with my friends in 2nd grade. We didn't know much about it, so most of the facts were wrong. =P

    Eh it's 2nd grade what can you expect XD.....
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on What was the biggest argument you had with your friend/friends?
    Quote from TLOSpyrogirl»

    Whether white had every colour in it or was the absence of colour. I don't remember why. I think we were both crying by the end. xD

    This is why I don't take art XD Great story!
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on What was the biggest argument you had with your friend/friends?
    Quote from ChaoticPhantom»

    Was probably the stupidest argument me and my friends have had, other than the typical Xbox 1 vs PC argument. ;)

    Oh god..... xD come on it has to be PC master race...... Minus windows 10 bugs XD
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on What was the biggest argument you had with your friend/friends?
    Quote from TeamWoofel»

    A very aggressive debate/argument on what the real problems are in the United States and why our favorite candidates would fix it properly. That got ugly after the first half hour, and lasted for almost four.

    Gotta love dem fights about candidates xD.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Port Forwarding

    Thanks for the understanding killbob1222 :) Have a great night/day!!

    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on What was the biggest argument you had with your friend/friends?
    Quote from ChaoticPhantom»

    The difference between 4 wheel drive and 2 wheel drive.

    Haha omg that's too funny ;)
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on What was the biggest argument you had with your friend/friends?

    I'm just curious since I had wayy too many arguments when I was growing up haha. I hope to find some crazy stories down below :D

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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