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    posted a message on Biome degrading/upgrading/ addiotion suggestion
    I personally think the old terrain generation(pre 1.8) should come back, with some modifications of course. The random patches of small desert should still be removed, and the biomes should still be bigger than pre 1.8, but the overall terrain generation used to generate new terrain. This current one just generates the same basic pattern over and over again...

    Also, trees on mountains. That is all.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on [1.8.1]Tale Of Kingdoms Ver 1.0.5
    Here's an idea(If posted previously, i'm sorry for not looking through 180 pages :tongue.gif:):
    Note: This only applies to the mod after it is completed.

    Whenever the mod is completed, like 100% complete for SSP, you should at least try to add multiplayer. It could be simple. Every player, selected by the admins or Op's or whoever is in charge, can become a king. Once they become a king, they make their town, no changes here. The only difference is that multiple people can become kings. A town can only be built about 200 blocks from the guild, but maybe 500 blocks from someone else's town. The town relations could depend entirely on player interactions. If one person attacks another, his soldiers follow his lead. They won't attack each other independently unless war is declared, though. This could be done through a special NPC, used entirely to set relations with other players. So the towns can team up against the darkness, or fight everybody.

    This is just my suggestion/idea, because I would love to have this mod on a server someday. :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on New Corovain
    Well.. this thread is going rather quickly so far... (Sarcasm)
    New update momentarily!
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on Home made in survival mode
    Awesome build! Some people here are clearly jerks...
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on New Corovain
    New Corovain's workforce works very slowly, yet they do not give up. Their previous tragedy has united the people of Coroavain. Since their arrival in this new, unexplored land, they have been building up the new city. Recognizing their hard work, Lord Kross orders of the construction of a new building, a tavern! When he tells his people of this, they rejoice at the concept of a place where they can let their troubles go for a few hours. Kross even spends much of his time builing alongside his people.

    The people are not suprised, as the Lord had built their original home with his bare hands. Still, this act of kindness goes a long way with the people.

    Only a few days after the tavern is completed, new settlers arrive. Arriving on a maerchant ship, a group of travelers seeks a new home in New Corovain. The people greet them openly, kindly helping them build new homes. Again, Lord Kross makes a point of physically helping with the construction. He wants these new faces to have a good impression of him.

    By nightfall, everyone is settled in. The old scars from the tragedy at Old Corovain run deep, but the wounds are healing and there is a universal sense of hope spreading.

    Early the next day, Lord Kross wants to make it easier for new travllers to find their way. A lighthouse is built in a few days. It is a beacon of Hope, a symbol of the peoples hope, shining through the darkness.

    While the town growth is very important, Lord Kross still recognizes the need for defense.

    Here, just below the castle, a portion of the docks becomes a drydock for building ships. Next to the drydock lies the home of the shipbuilders. From there, they can easily keep progress going on the main fleet. Lord Kross is, so far, pleased with the progress of his kingdom. He realizes how slow things are going, but is appreciative for the safety of his people.
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on The Port of Hambeck
    Quote from Varlingenn

    I cant speak for Lord Occam, But i think people should relax on the posts....till Occam actually posts again. Lots of stuff being posted....hard to keep up with the actual problems at hand. As i said i cant speak for him. But im just making a suggestion.
    Edit: And not the comments..more rather the "War" related posts and such to at least give Lord Occam time to respond to all the stuff.

    ^Yeah. Considering this thread started this craze of towns, we shouldn't do too much on this thread until we see how Lord Occam deals with everything. If other people want towns to continue going to battle while Occam isn't here, they should do so on their own threads for now.
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on Hardcore Mode and Ender Realm
    Quote from GGarbim

    Yeah, it's horribly boring, it actually ENDS your fun. I mean, random pillars and endermen, hurr durr

    Yeah, funny thing, those unfinished features...
    Them seem so, I don't know.. unfinished or something...
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Dragons in Minecraft?
    Quote from lubey

    This was the direction that minecraft was aimed towards the entire time, it's just that Notch couldn't put these things into the game until he'd already put everything that has come before it into the game.


    This. Notch wanted dragons almost from the beginning.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on "Not Enough Time" say Notch and Jens
    Quote from SuperZac

    Didn't you here? They will be making a new prerelease every week. Presumably it will contain this stuff. Hopefully.
    If not, oh well.

    I wish they would stop prereleases and just release at least SOME of the current 1.9 content.

    On Topic: I do believe they should not have set the release date so early...
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Hunger Bar is not optional.
    Quote from egesagin

    Minecraft is beautiful because it's full of possibilities and it gives us great freedom. If you begin taking that away, you begin killing minecraft slowly perhaps, but the end will be inevitable..

    Its not detracting from your freedom, its putting alot more "survival" in survival mode. Minecraft is still a sandox, and morso than ever.

    P.S. Don't complain about what you haven't tried, guys. We're BETA testers, and people forget that. The whole point is that we try out new features and find bugs to help maximize the overall experience at launch. If there was a feature that enough people hated, it would more than likely be removed in a later update.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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