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    posted a message on Minecraft Nations [PvP] [Large Scale Warfare] [Teamspeak Reccomended] [Active Community & Responsible]
    Did you register at our website (MANDATORY)?: I did but i need to validate
    In Game Name(CaSe-SENsitIVE): CriticalImpact
    Age: 19
    Location/Time Zone: PST
    Choose Your Nation: Order of the Ancients
    How could you contribute to the community?: I'm an assassin, point me at my target
    What real life skills to do you have? Your profession?: A lot, drawing, writing stories. I work at starbucks.
    What other servers have you played on?: DoTD (Dawn of the Dead)
    How often can you play?: whenever im not busy with college or work
    Do you have a mic/teamspeak? If not, are you able to get them?: yes but teamspeak hates me and dces a lot but i can try
    Any extra info you want to give us: im good with people and good at leading, also nice and courteous
    Do you understand that this server is community run and is completely 100% funded by players like you?: Aye (yes)
    Please vote for us on minestatus! VOTE HERE! done
    Did you vote? Please vote for us every 24 hours too!: i'll try XD
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on ██►The Kingdoms: New Dawn◄██ - Open to the public again!
    IGN: CriticalImpact

    Age: 19

    Character Description: Zero is a silent killer, trained by his blood line to kill those who have been marked with the Black Sand. Although quiet, he takes his job seriously, killing anyone who interfers with his work. Capable of combating many foes, he is both proficient at long range and melee combat. a friend of Strance, he has worked many jobs with him and sometimes is seen following him due to a mark on his head, however, after Strance had saved him, he will not pursue the mark that is on his head. Silent but wise, many listen to him as he speaks, for it is rare he speaks at all...

    Name: Zero Kurukashi
    Age: 19
    Appearence: Looks like Ryu from ninja Gaiden (thats my skin)
    Job: Assassin

    I did and i wont build mindless crap or grief
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Moved to new thread, please lock!
    IGN: CriticalImpact
    Age and Location: 19, Lincoln, California
    Why Do You Want To Join? (2 Sent. Min.): i love roleplay and working as a group. I like to kill stuff and try to beat the odds against things such as zombies. It seems really well set up and if i get money i might be willing to donate if its worth my time.
    Have you Ever Been Banned? (Be Honest, If We Find Out You Lied, You'll Be Banned Here Too.): No...I don't believe i have. if i have it was without me knowing and i have no clue why.
    Why Should We Accept You?: I'm nice, i work well with people, im a natural leader so i could be thrown with a group of noobs, or experienced people and lead them to safety. Im also good at following through with orders.
    Do You Have a Referral? (Optional): Nope, so sorry DX
    Are You Going To Be Freelance or Join a Team?: Team. However, if my group is rude or rash in anyway ill request a team switch or i will start to freelance.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Renatus - Aurora Reborn | 99.9% Vanilla | 24/7 | Mature |
    The Server is currently experiencing lag. It down for the moment so any new comers please wait a while till i update
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Renatus - Aurora Reborn | 99.9% Vanilla | 24/7 | Mature |
    IGN : CriticalImpact
    Age : 17
    Why you should join : Cause I'm a good tactician, I'm good at spotting hackers and other peices of **** that I hate in games. I play legit, no bull crap. I will help people build and I build. I will help anyone who asks me as long as i have time and if they wish for an item, I will propose a trade off. Coal for prehaps a pickaxe. To make it fair. I am VERY VERY VEEEEEEEERY organized. If i build something, signs shall be posted to direct the person to the rightful spot. I also merchant off things if i have excess.
    How long have you played Minecraft? : Online? Not much. Single Player, I've logged quite a few days in total hour time. However i was playing on my friends account. I'm quite new, I refer to the wiki for combinations but in general I have more then enough experience to not be considered a total noob

    ***I have read the rules and I swear to follow any and all rule set and orders told to me by an Admin or a Moderator. Thank you for your time
    Posted in: PC Servers
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