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    posted a message on [Adv] Stranded- An adventure map made by SShinystars
    C:/Documents and Settings\Musicrockz\Desktop\picture1
    Thats a file thats in YOUR computer. In other words, i cant get to your pictures on my computer! Furthermore, no pics no clicks.
    Posted in: Maps
  • 2

    posted a message on Crazy Couple
    Steal the shirt the boy wears the most, wear a ski mask and beat the living sh*t out of the girl. Something's bound to happen after that.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Crazy Couple
    Can you explain it a bit more or word it better, im not really sure what youre saying
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Should My Computer Be Lagging on Minecraft?
    I dont think you should just be blaming your graphics drivers, you should also take into account your low processer speed and memory; and yes, your computer will lag when you play minecraft.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Need Help Getting A Good Computer
    BestBuy (the store) works. And don't start every word with a captial letter, its annoying and makes me thing every word is starting a new sentence.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on New Player Looking for Advice
    You shoudnt spend youre money on a private server, especially when you can just get a server.jar for free via http://www.minecraft.net/ and not advertise the fact that the server exists, or add a whitelist. As for a server, i co-own a faction server;
    the ip is: digital-anarchy.no-ip.org:25619
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Computer Specs
    Quote from SunBurntIcarus

    For this Christmas my family received a HP Pavilion G7 notebook PC, and I was just wondering if this laptop would be able to handle Minecraft. Would it be able to play minecraft on normal fog?
    I know it's a laptop and everything, and that laptops don't handle games very well but any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.

    unless you have an ultrabook like mine (:tongue.gif:) it probably wont work too well. Would help if you gave us actual specs though >.>
    Edit- thought you said netbook instead of notebook
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Loaded new mods, now MC crashes
    Quote from Coreystang

    He is using buildcraft though, hes linked me to all the mods needed to play on his server.But his files worked when I needed modloader to install properly and his files had it and buildcraft already, so I just copy'ed and pasted. And it worked just fine.

    Also, I was getting the same error even when I wasn't using his files.

    Where are you copy and pasting the .zips to, and what redstone mod are you trying to install?
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Loaded new mods, now MC crashes
    Quote from Coreystang

    He uses windows. But a week or so ago, I couldn't install ModLoader (even though I followed the directions on this site) and he sent me his files like he did this time and it worked.
    But why would his files work on his computer but not work on mine?

    Theres your problem. His files wont work on your computer because his minecraft.jar is built for windows, while you have a mac. lso what thae previous guy said ^^^^
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Loaded new mods, now MC crashes
    Looks like an incompatibility, even though you have forge. What OS does you're friend use?
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Amazing computer, low fps, why?
    With super powerful computers like yours, minecraft doesnt like to run fast. As long as you get around 60 fps, it shouldnt really matter, you're eyes won't be able to see the difference between that and 100-ish fps. Same goes with 150 fps and 300 fps, your eyes wont notice a change.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Digital-Anarchy [MC 1.0] [Factions] [PvP] [iConomy]
    Keep all the new people coming :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Digital-Anarchy [MC 1.0] [Factions] [PvP] [iConomy]
    We are a Faction server, with Griefing, Stealing, PvP and RAIDING allowed! Fire spread is turned off, TNT and Creeper explosions are temporarily turned off. We have no chest locking (except for faction protection). We have many activities such as Spleef, Pig Racing, Team Deathmatch/CTF, and others. We have iConomy, but no server shops, you can sell/buy items from other players directly through commands, Donors have the option of many physical shops near the spawning area.

    We have a friendly staff that will help you with your problems. We are a new server, so expect a fresh new 1.0 world with lots of free land. Our world is completely legit, all factions got their items by hard work, even our staff, who can't spawn items. We have many plugins to stop mods, x-rays, hacks, etc. We have no whitelist so you can come on and play without the hassle of applying and waiting for a server you may not even like! We have 24 slotscurrently, it will be upgraded once we have more players than we can handle, and we are up 24/7.

    Join our website if you like our server
    If you have any questions, just ask our staff on the server, or any player currently on, most of them will be glad to help.

    Additional Details
    A faction server where griefing, stealing, pvp and raiding are allowed.
    Game Version: Minecraft 1.0



    crislabarca-less important owner, second in command


    Wqater7-The Lone Administrator...


    stevennapalm-fourth/fifth in command
    ccjbscooby-fourth/fifth in command
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Changing Email Address
    To keep hackers from stealing your account.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on HELP!!!
    You dont need to delete the META-INF folder unless its an hd texture pack, texture packs arent mods. If it is an hd pack, then you need to download and install OptiFine or MCPatcher
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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